80kg 4x4
42kg 3x3
25kg 3x3
Sandbag Carry
10 mins
Note: no issues with the hernia so that’s a confidence builder, otherwise all lifts were good, last rep on the last set of WPU was slow but at the same time I am noticing I’m a bit stronger at the top end of the pull ups, which I can mainly put down to the band resisted work. Sandbag carry is more challenging since I tightened it up a bit so the bags can’t move around as much, it’s made the bag a bit wider as well which has added to the challenge, I like that a lot. Good session.
Workout Log
Workout Log
Just over an hour
Ramp Rollouts
5th notch 3x5
2 Hand Thin Pinch Block Hold
40kg 3x3
Band Neck Raises
All directions 3x10
Wrist Pronation/Supination Device
6.25kg 3x6 p/s
Note: still no issue with the hernia, so far the doctor is right, looks like I’ll be able to keep things as normal up until the eventual surgery. Anyway, good session in the morning, so good to get the boots on, grip, core and neck work all good this afternoon. Burger night this evening.
Just over an hour
Ramp Rollouts
5th notch 3x5
2 Hand Thin Pinch Block Hold
40kg 3x3
Band Neck Raises
All directions 3x10
Wrist Pronation/Supination Device
6.25kg 3x6 p/s
Note: still no issue with the hernia, so far the doctor is right, looks like I’ll be able to keep things as normal up until the eventual surgery. Anyway, good session in the morning, so good to get the boots on, grip, core and neck work all good this afternoon. Burger night this evening.
Workout Log
Rest Day
Note: Family time, recovery work, boxing and UFC on for today!
Rest Day
Note: Family time, recovery work, boxing and UFC on for today!
Workout Log
85kg 3x3
BTB Clap Push-ups
2x5 1x8
Band Resisted PU
2x5 1x6
Note: just got it in today, got some not so great news, working through it.
85kg 3x3
BTB Clap Push-ups
2x5 1x8
Band Resisted PU
2x5 1x6
Note: just got it in today, got some not so great news, working through it.
Workout Log
10 Burpees
2 mins Heavy Bag
1 min rest
Note: a little reflex ball work before hand to warm up. A bit tired today. It’ll be all good though. Hernia hasn’t played up at all, so that’s another bonus. Not a bad session today at all.
10 Burpees
2 mins Heavy Bag
1 min rest
Note: a little reflex ball work before hand to warm up. A bit tired today. It’ll be all good though. Hernia hasn’t played up at all, so that’s another bonus. Not a bad session today at all.
Workout Log
Rest Day
Note: strongly considering a detour to an “II” setup, something I’ve wanted to do for a while, just hadn’t pulled the trigger on.
Rest Day
Note: strongly considering a detour to an “II” setup, something I’ve wanted to do for a while, just hadn’t pulled the trigger on.
Workout Log
Rest Day
Note: I think a number of outside things going on for a bit of time have been catching up to me a bit, so I’m taking the extra rest as I am feeling that it is needed. Hopefully I’m back on tomorrow.
Rest Day
Note: I think a number of outside things going on for a bit of time have been catching up to me a bit, so I’m taking the extra rest as I am feeling that it is needed. Hopefully I’m back on tomorrow.
Workout Log
OA DB Clean and Press
25kg 4x3 p/a
OA DB Snatch
30kg 4x4 p/s
A.1 OL Squat
10kg 3x5 p/s
20kg 3x4
B.2 Weighted Push Ups
20kg 3x15
Orange Band 3x5
100 Sledgehammer Swings
Note: and here we go. Felt good afterwards, main goals are to improve GHR, Rollouts, while Maintaining pull up and clap push up ability. Will be interesting to see how this detour trip back in time goes.
OA DB Clean and Press
25kg 4x3 p/a
OA DB Snatch
30kg 4x4 p/s
A.1 OL Squat
10kg 3x5 p/s
20kg 3x4
B.2 Weighted Push Ups
20kg 3x15
Orange Band 3x5
100 Sledgehammer Swings
Note: and here we go. Felt good afterwards, main goals are to improve GHR, Rollouts, while Maintaining pull up and clap push up ability. Will be interesting to see how this detour trip back in time goes.
Workout Log
About an hour
Light ledge work
Later that day
Ramp Rollouts
5th notch 3x5
30 seconds burpees
30 seconds jumping jacks
30 seconds high knee dumbbell press
30 seconds shadow box
Repeat and continue for 10 minutes
Note: pretty refreshing session, not too taxing. So my set up will look a little like this, depending on recovery/life schedule:
Day 1 strength
Day 2 GPP/lighter boxing session/skate (depending on the day)
Day 3 Warrior Challege/HIC
Day 4 rest/light day (light jump rope work etc) or intervals
Day 5 strength (explosive and strength work) or rest day (if needed)
Day 6 Intervals (hill sprints or on the track, Airbike etc) or lighter day if intervals were completed on day 4.
Core, neck and grip work will be in there on given days as well, skating and boxing work whenever the opportunity is there to get it in. Main Goals are still to improve the GHR and Rollouts, with a few things in maintenance while keeping myself fresher for skating/boxing.
Should be a good detour block.
About an hour
Light ledge work
Later that day
Ramp Rollouts
5th notch 3x5
30 seconds burpees
30 seconds jumping jacks
30 seconds high knee dumbbell press
30 seconds shadow box
Repeat and continue for 10 minutes
Note: pretty refreshing session, not too taxing. So my set up will look a little like this, depending on recovery/life schedule:
Day 1 strength
Day 2 GPP/lighter boxing session/skate (depending on the day)
Day 3 Warrior Challege/HIC
Day 4 rest/light day (light jump rope work etc) or intervals
Day 5 strength (explosive and strength work) or rest day (if needed)
Day 6 Intervals (hill sprints or on the track, Airbike etc) or lighter day if intervals were completed on day 4.
Core, neck and grip work will be in there on given days as well, skating and boxing work whenever the opportunity is there to get it in. Main Goals are still to improve the GHR and Rollouts, with a few things in maintenance while keeping myself fresher for skating/boxing.
Should be a good detour block.
Workout Log
Magic 50
5 DB snatches per arm 20kg
5 DB swings per arm 20kg
10 burpees
Rest 1 min
Fat Grip to Regular Grip Farmers Carry
30kg DBs 3 sets
Neck Raises
20kg 2x8 1x10
Note: not a bad day, feeling fresher as they day went on. Metabolism definitely on the rise lol, can’t stop eating already.
Magic 50
5 DB snatches per arm 20kg
5 DB swings per arm 20kg
10 burpees
Rest 1 min
Fat Grip to Regular Grip Farmers Carry
30kg DBs 3 sets
Neck Raises
20kg 2x8 1x10
Note: not a bad day, feeling fresher as they day went on. Metabolism definitely on the rise lol, can’t stop eating already.