Pr3inar’s Log

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Re: Pr3inar’s Log

Post by Likes »

Pr3inar wrote:05/04-20 - Hic, Meat eater 2
As written, with 24 kg KB, 10 rounds.

Everything unbroken, max 2 breaths «rest» between burpees and swings. When I feel I have «used up» the 24,I’ll switch to Enamaits «Magic 50(-100)», but time will tell
No rest between rounds? That's impressive, keep up the hard work

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Re: Pr3inar’s Log

Post by Pr3inar »

Likes wrote:
Pr3inar wrote:05/04-20 - Hic, Meat eater 2
As written, with 24 kg KB, 10 rounds.

Everything unbroken, max 2 breaths «rest» between burpees and swings. When I feel I have «used up» the 24,I’ll switch to Enamaits «Magic 50(-100)», but time will tell
No rest between rounds? That's impressive, keep up the hard work
Nono, as written, it says 1 min between rounds in the the book. So swings and brupees with no rest, then 60 sec rest and so on

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Re: Pr3inar’s Log

Post by Pr3inar »

8/9-20 - E, triple
15 min threadmill run, 15 min row, 15 min jump rope

I hate threadmills

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Re: Pr3inar’s Log

Post by Pr3inar »

10/09-20 - ME
1: BSS: 3x3
2: Pullups: 4x3
3: bench: 3x3
4: rollouts: 5x3

11/09-20 - HIC, 600m reset
4x600 m, 4 min rest. 2:13, 2:08, 2:07, 2:07

Did minimums yesterday and today, have felt tired and worn down the last few days, doesn’t quite get that spark to go train. It could be that I have cut to much calories, or that I’m tired since it’s the last week of BB or both. Looking forward to rest week!

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Re: Pr3inar’s Log

Post by Pr3inar »

12/9-20 - HIC, Fobbit
1a: Threadmill jog x 2 min
1b: DB one arm clean and pushpress x 5 x 30 kg pr arm

23:10 min, started and ended with jogging

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Re: Pr3inar’s Log

Post by Pr3inar »

Finished with BB. Missed one LSS in week 3, besides that I did it all.

- Greatly improved my long distance running, I can easily run for an hour now without getting a migraine lter on the evening..
- Improved my time on one of my 5k trails with over 1 min without even trying (during an LSS work out I noticed that I had beat my old record significantly, without trying to run it fast)
- I actually enjoy running distances now. Never happened before
- Lost 9 kg, I’m starting to see my abs
- Pullups are easier
- Push up max number has probably not increased. Maybe because I hadn’t touched a barbell the lst 4 months before starting BB, so the strength foundation was missing.

Next week will be an easy week. Some off days, testing 1-5 RM’s in bulgarian split squat, pullup and bench, and then start Fighter/Black Pro the week after that

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Re: Pr3inar’s Log

Post by Pr3inar »

18/9/-20 test day
BSS: 3x75 kg, est 1 rm: 82,5 kg. TM = 75 kg

Pullups, para grip: 3x35 kg, est 1 rm: 38,5 kg. TM: 125 kg, thats included a BW of 90 kg. I’m a bit lighter noe, but I eill be hovering around 90 kg, so will stick to that for the purpose of pull ups..

Bench: 1x125 kg, TM 112,5 kg

A bit disappointed about the pullups, since I lost 8 kg of BW I figured I could lift more here. After all this running, and not much real strength training for the legs, the result on the split squat didn’t shock me. Bench press was a big surprise, it was light and «easy», and the only reason I stopped at 125 kg was that I didn’t have a spotter.

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Re: Pr3inar’s Log

Post by Pr3inar »

21/09-20 MS, 75 %
1: BSS: 3x5
2: Pullups: 5x5
3: Bench: 5x5
4: Rollouts, susp. trainer: 5x5
2 min rest

Posts: 394
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Re: Pr3inar’s Log

Post by Pr3inar »

22/09-20 - HIC, Hill sprints
5 x 30-45 sec runs. It’s a looong hill, so i ran 50 steps each foot, stopped, 2 min rest, and start againg. Since it varies in steepness each run wasn’t the same length, but tried to keep the intensity the same

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Re: Pr3inar’s Log

Post by Pr3inar »

23/09-20 E
8,8 km run, 51:59 min, 5:52 min pr km. PR

Last run on same trail, 13/8-20:
8,8 km, 53:11 min, 6:02 min/km

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