Pr3inar’s Log

Posts: 394
Joined: Sun Dec 15, 2019 6:04 pm

Re: Pr3inar’s Log

Post by Pr3inar »

28/02-21 - MS, 90%
1: BSS, 3x3, 80 kg
2: Pullup, 3x3, 25 kg
3: Bench: 3x3, 115 kg

Posts: 394
Joined: Sun Dec 15, 2019 6:04 pm

Re: Pr3inar’s Log

Post by Pr3inar »

01/03-21 - Conditioning
15-20 min jump rope

02/03-21 - MS, 90%
1: BSS: 3x3
2: Pullup: 3x3
3: Bench: 3x3

My left shoulder is starting to hurt a bit during/after bench. It is a pinching on the outside of the shoulder, peobably some sort of inpingement, and something almost blocking the scapula along the medial border, making it difficult to pull the shoulders down and back during benching...

Posts: 394
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Re: Pr3inar’s Log

Post by Pr3inar »

25/03-21 - MS, 90%
1: BSS: 3x3
2: Bench: 3x3
3: Pullup: 3x3
4: Kroc rows: 20 x 30 kg pr arm

Rearranged my work out a bit, did bench before pullup to see if benching without beeing tired from tge pullups would help on the stiff shoulder/scapula. It feels like it did. I also did one high rep set of OA DB-rows after, just to get things moving. I can’t train again until monday, so it shouldn’t be to hard on restitution.

Posts: 394
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Re: Pr3inar’s Log

Post by Pr3inar »

08/03-21 - MS, 75%
1: BSS: 3x5
2: Bench: 3x5
3: Pullups: 3x5

95 kg on the bench. Didn’t exactly feel pin during ligting, but when I got home I felt soreness/aching and pricking along the scapula. I was planning on doing either Fighter/Green or BB after this round, but I think I will be smart, take a week off lifting and start BB 2 weeks early next week..

Posts: 394
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Re: Pr3inar’s Log

Post by Pr3inar »

Something happened, and I need to focus on running speed for a selection in 12 weeks. Fighter/Op it is, same maxes for strength

15/03-21 - MS, 75%
Bss: 3x5
Bench: 3x5
Pullup: 4x5

Evening: 30 min ski, easy

16/03-21, HIC, 4x4
4 min run, 13 km/h, 2 min rest, 4 rounds

17/03-21, E
6k jog

18/03-21, MS 75%
Bss: 3x5
Bench: 3x5
Pullup: 3x5

Posts: 394
Joined: Sun Dec 15, 2019 6:04 pm

Re: Pr3inar’s Log

Post by Pr3inar »

19/03-21 - HIC
Hill sprints, 5x40-45 sec, 4 min rest

Lactid acid through the roof
Last edited by Pr3inar on Sat Mar 27, 2021 2:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 394
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Re: Pr3inar’s Log

Post by Pr3inar »

Last edited by Pr3inar on Sat Mar 20, 2021 3:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 394
Joined: Sun Dec 15, 2019 6:04 pm

Re: Pr3inar’s Log

Post by Pr3inar »

20/03-21 - E/SE
1: 3k recovery run/18 min

2: SE Bravo week 1
Pullups per «SE Options»-article
2 min between rounds, 0 between exercises

Posts: 394
Joined: Sun Dec 15, 2019 6:04 pm

Re: Pr3inar’s Log

Post by Pr3inar »

22/3-21 - MS, 80
1: BSS: 3x5
2: Bench: 4x5
3: Pullup: 4x5
4: Kroc rows: 18 x 32 kg

23/3-21 - HIC, Interval
1: 45 sec run/15 sec rest x 4 rounds, 1 min rest between round. Increased speed with 0.2 km/h each 45 sec run. Started at 13 km/h.

3-4 min rest

2: 4x45/15, 16 km/h

Posts: 394
Joined: Sun Dec 15, 2019 6:04 pm

Re: Pr3inar’s Log

Post by Pr3inar »

24/3-21 - SE
Bravo week 2
Pullups, situps, squats, pushups.

No rest between exercises, 2 min rest between rounds. Had to take a couple of breathers on the last set of sit ups, sit ups are my Achilles heel..

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