Mike D's training log

Mike D
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Mike D's training log

Post by Mike D »

Just started on my first BB going for an 8 week cycle and then most likely operator+ black. A little background. just retired from PD, 57 years old, 5'7" and this morning 251 lbs. OK I have the build of a hobbit. I haven't ran since the academy. 23 years ago. I have had a bad case of fuck-around-itis, jumping from program to program and waiting for the next shiny wrapped program to be released. My training history is a dab at powerlifting and a dabble in crossfit, nothing fancy and after some medical issues with my shoulder and an cerebral aneurysm, I haven't really done shit in about three years. Three days ago I bought the TB 3rd edition, TB2 and ageless athlete. I read all three in one sitting. So I decided that the TB program just makes sense. So today i started day one of BB. As per the book it was SE 3x20 and the cluster that I used was:
KB snatch
Goblet squat
KB clean and press

I used a 15 lb KB for all exercises. RI between exercises was 1 min and 2 min after each cycle. interesting result was I really worked up a sweat but after it was all said and done I felt like I should do more work. But in keeping with the program as outlined in the book I took my happy ass home. It was kind of weird leaving the gym and not feeling like Chuck Liddell just whooped my ass. So i showed up and did the first days work. I call that a success. The LSS runs will be interesting to see how they turn out.

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Re: Mike D's training log

Post by Barkadion »

Good luck with BB!
"Man is what he reads." - Joseph Brodsky

Mike D
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Re: Mike D's training log

Post by Mike D »

Thank you Barkadion! Not really looking forward to tomorrow's LSS run, will be a walk run combo. But I'll just show up and start so then I'm stuck with no excuses to not do it.

Mike D
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Re: Mike D's training log

Post by Mike D »

Today was my first LSS, got started a little late because of appointments, by the time I was ready to go for the run it was 111* outside so too hot to run , I went to LA Fitness and just hit the treadmill for 30 min. Used the random program which cycles through inline of 15* to 0, average speed was 2.5, max HR was 146 and average was 138. I did not think that the 3x20's of goblet squats would have made my legs so sore but they were screaming at me today, tomorrow is another day of LSS. Hopefully get started earlier and get some outside time before it gets too hot.

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Re: Mike D's training log

Post by Aiwacht »

Nice work! I am pre-base building (walk & jog a bit) but will be starting it for real the 2nd week of July after vacation.

Mike D
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Re: Mike D's training log

Post by Mike D »

Sounds Awesome Aiwacht! Best of luck to ya!!

Today was 2nd day of LSS got outside before the heat made it unbearable. Planned a run peppered with walking as needed, ended up being a walk peppered with some running. My quads are still sore from the high rep goblet squats. I was using an old Fitbit to try and monitor HR but reliability is questionable at best at one point my HR was 135 and 10 min later it was "28", I felt like I died out there but if that was my true HR I probably did and my ghost is keeping this log now. I have a question on LSS modalities but I'll start a new post to the group so hopefully more views and responses.

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Re: Mike D's training log

Post by godjira1 »

hi Mike,

a few thoughts:
a) fitbit HR is frankly not very accurate but wear it somewhat tighter and it should serve its purpose.
b) your max HR during your LSS run should be approx 180-age... so makes it 123. If you are de-conditioned it will mean probably 120 max to start with. You mentioned you were walking for the majority of the "run". That is NORMAL. you will get better as you plug away at it. Put another way, if you feel like you cannot catch your breath, you are going too fast.
*do not do the random up/down hills stuff on the treadmills. those would be fun-run type things, not LSS.
It ain't what you don’t know that gets you into trouble.
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Mike D
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Re: Mike D's training log

Post by Mike D »

godjira1 wrote:hi Mike,

a few thoughts:
a) fitbit HR is frankly not very accurate but wear it somewhat tighter and it should serve its purpose.
b) your max HR during your LSS run should be approx 180-age... so makes it 123. If you are de-conditioned it will mean probably 120 max to start with. You mentioned you were walking for the majority of the "run". That is NORMAL. you will get better as you plug away at it. Put another way, if you feel like you cannot catch your breath, you are going too fast.
*do not do the random up/down hills stuff on the treadmills. those would be fun-run type things, not LSS.
Thank you Godjira1 for your input.
Yeah I did not think the Fitbit was very accurate, hopefully if I can save my Peso's I will end up, getting one of the Polar's with a chest strap.
Yes I am de-conditioned and overweight (fat), so your saying that I should use 120 as my max HR?wow that seems low I should be able to hit that with very little effort. Not sure how long I could stay there but I'll found out soon.
The hills/random setting or the treadmill will be gone for now until fun run time, seems like a oxymoron to me right now "fun run" at this point in time there is no fun in running!!!
Thank you sir for your input!!

Thank you

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Re: Mike D's training log

Post by Seabassius »

I can speak as someone who has struggled with running and have not done it consistently if at all since I got out of the military almost 20 years ago. I was doing lots more walking than running (lots more) when I first started and now find I can run almost the first 20 min without having to walk and then the walking become more frequent. I credit this to going through a couple of base builds last year and being more consistent than I have in the past. It's not coming quick but it's about the long term. I think I ran a few seconds over 12 minutes on my 2 mile run test when I went into the army and it took me longer to run 1 mile this morning at a pace that keeps me under 135bpm. I got passed by several people and my pride still hurts when I stop to walk and see other people running in the opposite direction. I just suck it up, swallow my pride and keep grinding.

Good luck in BB. It's worth the grind.

Mike D
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Re: Mike D's training log

Post by Mike D »

Seabassius wrote:I can speak as someone who has struggled with running and have not done it consistently if at all since I got out of the military almost 20 years ago. I was doing lots more walking than running (lots more) when I first started and now find I can run almost the first 20 min without having to walk and then the walking become more frequent. I credit this to going through a couple of base builds last year and being more consistent than I have in the past. It's not coming quick but it's about the long term. I think I ran a few seconds over 12 minutes on my 2 mile run test when I went into the army and it took me longer to run 1 mile this morning at a pace that keeps me under 135bpm. I got passed by several people and my pride still hurts when I stop to walk and see other people running in the opposite direction. I just suck it up, swallow my pride and keep grinding.

Good luck in BB. It's worth the grind.

Thank you sir for your input! I look forward to the improvement.

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