Liftrunwrite's log -- POG gone wild

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Liftrunwrite's log -- POG gone wild

Post by Liftrunwrite »

Hey, all. Gonna keep a digital log here as a back up for my analog ones. Should update once or twice a week in chunks. I turn 24 this year, and also hit my 6 year mark in the military. Got pretty strong(1305 total at 211BW), but didn't keep up with my conditioning like I should have. Then life hit me, and I got depressed, got injured, and hit the bottle. Got out of that, hit conditioning too hard, and injured myself. Well, re-injured. Point being I'm starting from the ground up. I just got done running 2 blocks of Operator while on a running plan by Pftizinger. Current stats--
6" 1', 200 pounds, 14% body fat(caliper and tape come out the same)
Current PRs(god, this hurts to type out)
Best 5k(this hurts): 25:44
Best 10k: 59:13
Mile time while maintaining Zone 2 HR: ~11:00(live in a super hilly area so this is hard to judge accurately)
LT Pace: ~8:30
Mile PR: 7:16
Front Squat: 245 x 5
OHP: 145 x 6
Pullups: +90 x 5 / 23
Power Clean: 225 x 1
Deadlift(This one really, really hurts): 405 x 1

Right now I'm doing an Alpha SE block for three weeks and then tapering for a half marathon on April 28th. Then I'm taking an easy week. At the end of that week I'll test my lifts and my Lactate Threshold, and then I'm going to transition into an 18-week base building phase. Yes, 18 weeks, my goal is to run an ultramarathon in November. Why? I dunno, I like pain. During those 8 weeks I'll be doing Operator with my cluster as FSQ/OHP/CU/DL. I wanted to include power cleans because I love them, but they have a tendency to fuck up my first rib's mobility, so I'm losing them for at least a cycle. Deadlifts have always come easy to me, so during the first 6 weeks I'll probably do them just like all the other lifts and then switch to 1x a week for the remainder of the base building, and probably no deadlifting during the 6 week race-specific program I'm going to run.

Goals I want to hit during base building:

BW: <190
BF: ~11%
Zone 2 Pace: 9:00/mile
LT Pace: 7:00/mile
Mile time: 5:30
Front squat: 300
OHP: 200
Deadlift: 425
Chin up: +135
Side goals: Close Captain of Crush #2 for 5, 30 or more GHRs(return to an old standard of mine), and 50 or more BW pullups(last time I made a run at this I got to 48)

Schedule(I want to preface this with I have a royal fuckton of free time at this unit):

M- Operator, SE, Core/Grip, Optional HIC if I'm feeling feisty

Tu- E Run(Start with 7, progress to 21 miles)

W- Operator, LT Run or Intervals

Th- Recovery Run

F- E Run(7-21)

Sa- Operator + Fun Day(Speed work, power work, HIC, BJJ class, whatever the fuck I feel like adding to training within reason)

Su- L Run(14-30)

Mileage at the end of the program will be around 90/week, I've planned it out to progress 10% a week for 2 weeks, hold steady for a week, and then progress again if I feel good. The goal right now is building a massive endurance base. I'm aware this has extreme potential to cut into my lifting, and that's fine. The plan is to yank the extra stuff first if recovery isn't making it, and then cut down to 2 strength sessions a week if need be. But right now I've been handling 30mpw + Operator without getting broken down, so I feel confident that as long as I'm not an idiot about recovery, I'll be able to handle this. Thanks for reading this wall of text if you did, hope you enjoy following my pain for the next half a year.
"The woods are lovely dark and deep
But I have promises I must keep
And many miles to go before I sleep
And many miles to go before I sleep."

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Re: Liftrunwrite's log -- POG gone wild

Post by Liftrunwrite »

Week of April 1-

M- SE Session + Core

Tu- Ran 8.5 Miles @ Zone 2. Avg Pace: 11:29. Hit a lot of hills today and had to slow down to keep from spiking into Zone 3. On the flat parts I was hitting about 10:30-10:45.
"The woods are lovely dark and deep
But I have promises I must keep
And many miles to go before I sleep
And many miles to go before I sleep."

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Re: Liftrunwrite's log -- POG gone wild

Post by Barkadion »

Welcome and good luck!
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Re: Liftrunwrite's log -- POG gone wild

Post by godjira1 »

Your lifting goals + a 5:30 mile = serious badassness. Go for it!

I reckon you are at the age where you have great recovery abilities but you also have tested those limits at least twice already... so watch the red-lining heh heh.
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Re: Liftrunwrite's log -- POG gone wild

Post by Liftrunwrite »

godjira1 wrote:Your lifting goals + a 5:30 mile = serious badassness. Go for it!

I reckon you are at the age where you have great recovery abilities but you also have tested those limits at least twice already... so watch the red-lining heh heh.
That's why I do so much zone 2 work now. Back when I ran sub 17 5ks, I did all LT and VO2 Max work. There was none of that LSD running strength stuff. As a result, my ankle gave out on me because every running workout was a high intensity one. I'd love to get back down to that time again, but if injury is the cost, I'll settle for a bit slower and a whole lot longer.
"The woods are lovely dark and deep
But I have promises I must keep
And many miles to go before I sleep
And many miles to go before I sleep."

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Re: Liftrunwrite's log -- POG gone wild

Post by Liftrunwrite »

W- SE Session + Core

SE is definitely now a weak point for me, like so many things that used to be strong points. Hopefully this 3 week cycle will shore that hole up before the half at the end of this month, then I can take SE a lot more seriously over the course of the following 4 months of base building.

Also, if you want to be humbled, try this little fucker from MTI--

20x Squats
20x Lunges
20x Jump lunges
10x Jump squats
Repeat until you die

Right now I can get through three of those. A little side goal of mine is to do 10 in kit, but that's tangential to my main goals.
"The woods are lovely dark and deep
But I have promises I must keep
And many miles to go before I sleep
And many miles to go before I sleep."

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Re: Liftrunwrite's log -- POG gone wild

Post by Liftrunwrite »

Th- 3/2/1 @ +LT Pace with 5 minute recovery jogs, 1.5M Zone 2 Jog home

Well, I accidentally PR'd my 5k and 10k, 25 and 55 respectively. Which is wild to me because I was walking/jogging during those five minute recoveries, which I guesstimate added somewhere around 10 minutes to my time, though I was going probably about 30, maybe even 45 seconds faster than my LT Pace per mile... 8:15 is about where I felt as good as one can when pushing it. Maybe 8:30. My area is super hilly so it's hard to judge. Either way, this was a strong effort and felt good despite the growing levels of pollen and humidity. My right calf cramped a little on the way back, guess it's time to bump the water and sodium intake a little higher.
"The woods are lovely dark and deep
But I have promises I must keep
And many miles to go before I sleep
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Re: Liftrunwrite's log -- POG gone wild

Post by Barkadion »

Liftrunwrite wrote:Th- 3/2/1 @ +LT Pace with 5 minute recovery jogs, 1.5M Zone 2 Jog home

Well, I accidentally PR'd my 5k and 10k, 25 and 55 respectively. Which is wild to me because I was walking/jogging during those five minute recoveries, which I guesstimate added somewhere around 10 minutes to my time, though I was going probably about 30, maybe even 45 seconds faster than my LT Pace per mile... 8:15 is about where I felt as good as one can when pushing it. Maybe 8:30. My area is super hilly so it's hard to judge. Either way, this was a strong effort and felt good despite the growing levels of pollen and humidity. My right calf cramped a little on the way back, guess it's time to bump the water and sodium intake a little higher.
So, you dig Frost, mate? ;)
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Re: Liftrunwrite's log -- POG gone wild

Post by Liftrunwrite »

Barkadion wrote:
So, you dig Frost, mate? ;)
Not hugely... that poem is a favorite of an old mentor of mine, particularly that quote from it. He helped me through a real rough patch in my career where I was dealing with depression and alcoholism. I probably wouldn't be here without him.
"The woods are lovely dark and deep
But I have promises I must keep
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Re: Liftrunwrite's log -- POG gone wild

Post by Barkadion »

Liftrunwrite wrote:
Barkadion wrote:
So, you dig Frost, mate? ;)
Not hugely... that poem is a favorite of an old mentor of mine, particularly that quote from it. He helped me through a real rough patch in my career where I was dealing with depression and alcoholism. I probably wouldn't be here without him.
I see.. We all have to deal with our demons.
"Man is what he reads." - Joseph Brodsky

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