Integrating KB getups

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Integrating KB getups

Post by TheCookieMonster »

I am doing Operator on the Black conditioning protocol. My cluster is Clean, Bench, Overhead Squat. I am doing KB swings (as in Ageless Athlete) Monday and Friday. On Wednesdays I have been skipping overhead squats and instead doing a deadlift or farmer carry circuit. This is either 5X 200LB farmer carry and burpees, or a ladder of deadlift @205LB (a little under my body weight) and pushups (1/2, 2/4, 3/6 etc. up to 8/16, then back down). I would like to integrate KB get-ups into my routine, but I need some advice on how to make that happen. I was considering doing them instead of 5x5 bench on Wednesdays. This would make Monday/Friday into normal cluster 5x5 days +KB swings, and Wednesdays into Power clean, KB getup, and deadlift/pushup circuit day. Good idea or bad idea? Alternate ideas? Thanks in advance.

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Re: Integrating KB getups

Post by TheCookieMonster »

Useful background info.

Age/sex 42 y/o male
Training Goal: Run and gun/centerfire biathlon type competitions such as Tactical Games, The Gun Run, etc.
Strength Template: Operator
Conditioning Protocol: Black
Lift numbers: Bench 215, Power Clean 205, overhead squat, 140
SE/Bodyweight numbers: 100X kettlebell swings @62LB in 5 minutes, can do 100 @54LB non-stop. 70-80 something burpees in 10 minutes.
Run Times: Haven't run for time for a while, but should be able to maintain about a 13:30/mile-ish with 55lb ruck dry
Diet - dietary restrictions i.e. like low carb or keto: IF

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Re: Integrating KB getups

Post by TBPenguin »

Don't turn this into a split routine to fit in everything you want. If you are going to do Operator, do it the way it has been proven to work. Even before trying to shoehorn in getups, you've got a fair bit of redundancy at the expense of the benefit of Operator. All this mishmash is going to reduce the MS gains that Op should give you. I'd suggest you restore to Operator, finish the block (they don't last that long), and then consider a block of Zulu or Fighter Bangkok.

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Re: Integrating KB getups

Post by Barkadion »

Base building is a great time for any KB work. I remember doing Pavel's S&S and pullup ladder for SE part of it at some point. Just my 2c.
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