Finishing up Base Building

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Finishing up Base Building

Post by Beausutton93 »

I'm coming to the end of my Base Building but I still cannot jog without my heartrate going higher than 150bpm. Do I need to continue basebuilding or do I need to move on to HIC and not concern myself with it?

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Re: Finishing up Base Building

Post by godjira1 »

Did u do all your E sessions walking? It depends on your baseline and priorities. I would argue that another block of BB will be useful if you wish to have a decent aerobic engine.
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Re: Finishing up Base Building

Post by Beausutton93 »

I have done a run-walk for all of them. I will have done 12 weeks of pure base building.

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Re: Finishing up Base Building

Post by VenomousCoffee »

A few questions, for clarity.

How far above 150? A little or a lot? And were you jogging slow enough?

Any chance it's a medical condition?

Did you do BB as written? Miss days?

Edit: and what's your bodyweight?

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Re: Finishing up Base Building

Post by Beausutton93 »

1. I was getting up to 160, i feel like I was jogging pretty slowly. I suppose I could try to slow down even more to see what happens. As far as I know there is no underlying medical condition. My Resting HR is around 55-60bpm.

The first month I had a few weeks when I only got in 2 30 min sessions per week but for the last 5 weeks it's definitely been 3 E sessions with 1-2 SE sessions. I did miss one week due to the Flu.

BW is 202 lbs at 5'7, trying to get down to 180 lbs.

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Re: Finishing up Base Building

Post by VenomousCoffee »

KB has said .... somewhere that the 120-150 is a guideline, not a hard rule, and 5-10 beats more or fewer isn't a biggie. My two cents is that maybe your heart just gets a few beats too fast and/or you need to come down just a bit on your speed.

Two recommendations.

1) If your running ability is a major concern for you, maybe run a few blocks of Fighter Green. Lots of chances to improve but gets you past BB.

2) Do what I did. I came into TB as a 250 lb 42 year old who had basically been acting like a powerlifter for several years, with the cardio to prove it, lol. I did BB, which brought my aerobic level from shit to suck, as they say. Then I did about 4 months of Operator in slightly different configs. Now I'm in week 5 of my second BB and I'm much, much improved for it. I did this second BB "too soon" by TB standards, considering I'm totally recreational with this stuff, but it's gotten me to a good place, given my background and so on.

You can check my training log for what I'm talking about.

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Re: Finishing up Base Building

Post by K.B. »

I don't recall writing you should repeat Base if you can't hit a particular heartrate. Stick to the program. Move on to Continuation.

ALL of the Continuation protocols train the aerobic system. Base just hits it from one specific and limited angle, generally speaking. If all you do is HR controlled LSS, your overall conditioning will start to deteriorate because you're neglecting other pathways that improve it from all the other angles. Also one block of anything is meaningless in the big picture- take a longer view on assessing your progress.

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