Using incline bench instead of flat bench

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Using incline bench instead of flat bench

Post by 03rockeater »

Has anybody ever ran a block with incline bench press instead of traditional flat bench press?

I think this could be an interesting approach for those torn between flat bench and OHP.... although there is only a small amount of overlap between the two exercises.

The idea came to me today when I was bench pressing and felt some discomfort in my shoulder. Nothing huge, but I felt it. I then thought about how I've almost NEVER done incline bench in my life and how I've probably created some type of an imbalance in my chest shoulders. I know I wouldn't be able to handle as much weight but why continue to grow strength in one area while another area is disproportionately weaker?

Any thoughts?

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Re: Using incline bench instead of flat bench

Post by jzt »

From a purely athletic standpoint, I would say flat bench press is very low on the priority.

In terms of ''pushing'' movements, I'd probably rate it as follow (YMVR): Press > Dips > Incline > Flat.

I think a good way to progress could be to cycle through it, say your Flat 1 RM is 300, then you would do one six weeks block based on that. The next six weeks you keep the same 1RM, but use the lowest incline. The 3rd six weeks block you keep the same 1RM, but move the incline by 1. Then you retest your flat 1RM. Rinse and repeat.

Posts: 43
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Re: Using incline bench instead of flat bench

Post by 03rockeater »

jzt wrote:From a purely athletic standpoint, I would say flat bench press is very low on the priority.

In terms of ''pushing'' movements, I'd probably rate it as follow (YMVR): Press > Dips > Incline > Flat.

I think a good way to progress could be to cycle through it, say your Flat 1 RM is 300, then you would do one six weeks block based on that. The next six weeks you keep the same 1RM, but use the lowest incline. The 3rd six weeks block you keep the same 1RM, but move the incline by 1. Then you retest your flat 1RM. Rinse and repeat.
That is a very interesting approach, thanks for the input. After thinking about what I will be running in about a week (after BB) I've decided to go with I'll just go with flat bench for now and then do some incline work during my "M" and "S" work.

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