Share your favourite stretching routine (post E/SE/Max Strength workout)

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Re: Share your favourite stretching routine (post E/SE/Max Strength workout)

Post by Caleddin »

mikhou wrote:What helped the most was the foam rolling and opening up my hips. I literally had tears in my eyes the first time that I foam rolled and used a lacrosse ball. It hurt that much.and that's how many knots I had in my lower body.
This seems as good a place as any to ask: have people had a lot of good experiences with foam rolling? I've always been...skeptical. I rehabbed an IT band problem without ever foam rolling because the few times I tried it, it never seemed to help and mostly just hurt - I'm not against inflicting pain for constructive reasons, but I read a few conflicting articles stating that if part of your problem is your IT band, mashing it further into the muscles underneath it isn't going to help too much. So I just let it go. I kind of figured it was just one of those fads.

But if people have had some good success with it, I may grab a cheap roller (or just a lacrosse ball) and see what I can do to myself. Certainly it may depend on what you need to roll or what type of rolling you do. Maybe I just didn't do it consistently/long enough to reap the benefits?

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Re: Share your favourite stretching routine (post E/SE/Max Strength workout)

Post by grouchyjarhead »

Tyr0331 wrote:For the guys recommending ROMWOD are you familiar with KSTSAR mobility wod pro? I followed it for a year and eventually gave it up after seeing most the exercises, but just wanted to ask how it compares to it. I've been looking for a good mobility routine but KSTAR tends to use a lot of the tools he sells.
Never used mobility wod pro but I've used Kelly Starrett's methods in the past. I mostly use that for prefab/rehab now and the ROMWOD for general purposes. Kelly always had great suggestions but it was never very clear on how to implement it other than the recommendations to do it and a small bit of guidance. There's almost too much which makes it confusing for some people. For me personally ROMWOD just takes a lot of the guesswork out of the equation and makes it easy for me.

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Re: Share your favourite stretching routine (post E/SE/Max Strength workout)

Post by Barkadion »

Caleddin wrote:
mikhou wrote:What helped the most was the foam rolling and opening up my hips. I literally had tears in my eyes the first time that I foam rolled and used a lacrosse ball. It hurt that much.and that's how many knots I had in my lower body.
This seems as good a place as any to ask: have people had a lot of good experiences with foam rolling? I've always been...skeptical. I rehabbed an IT band problem without ever foam rolling because the few times I tried it, it never seemed to help and mostly just hurt - I'm not against inflicting pain for constructive reasons, but I read a few conflicting articles stating that if part of your problem is your IT band, mashing it further into the muscles underneath it isn't going to help too much. So I just let it go. I kind of figured it was just one of those fads.

But if people have had some good success with it, I may grab a cheap roller (or just a lacrosse ball) and see what I can do to myself. Certainly it may depend on what you need to roll or what type of rolling you do. Maybe I just didn't do it consistently/long enough to reap the benefits?
The problem with foam rolling is that people overdo it. All you really need is few min. Video below is less than 4 min. I am doing even less sometimes. All my training sessions start with foam roll following by some mobility drills. And I'd foam roll for "cool down" if some tight areas need to be addressed (hamstrings lately). Also, I am in my basement gym aroud 5-5:30 AM. I won't be able to wake up without foam rolling :lol:
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Re: Share your favourite stretching routine (post E/SE/Max Strength workout)

Post by mikhou »

Barkadion wrote:
Caleddin wrote:
mikhou wrote:What helped the most was the foam rolling and opening up my hips. I literally had tears in my eyes the first time that I foam rolled and used a lacrosse ball. It hurt that much.and that's how many knots I had in my lower body.
This seems as good a place as any to ask: have people had a lot of good experiences with foam rolling? I've always been...skeptical. I rehabbed an IT band problem without ever foam rolling because the few times I tried it, it never seemed to help and mostly just hurt - I'm not against inflicting pain for constructive reasons, but I read a few conflicting articles stating that if part of your problem is your IT band, mashing it further into the muscles underneath it isn't going to help too much. So I just let it go. I kind of figured it was just one of those fads.

But if people have had some good success with it, I may grab a cheap roller (or just a lacrosse ball) and see what I can do to myself. Certainly it may depend on what you need to roll or what type of rolling you do. Maybe I just didn't do it consistently/long enough to reap the benefits?
The problem with foam rolling is that people overdo it. All you really need is few min. Video below is less than 4 min. I am doing even less sometimes. All my training sessions start with foam roll following by some mobility drills. And I'd foam roll for "cool down" if some tight areas need to be addressed (hamstrings lately). Also, I am in my basement gym aroud 5-5:30 AM. I won't be able to wake up without foam rolling :lol:
I agree with this. My foam rolling is basically the 3 exercises included in the Agile 8 routine. I roll the outside of my leg between my knee and hip (IT band), the inside between my knee and hip (adductors), and piriformis on a tennis ball. Takes maybe 4 minutes as Bark said when I have been doing it consistently. Since I started this, I took a one-month break from foam rollling (due to travel) and when I came back it took a few sessions to work out the kinks again.
Last edited by mikhou on Tue Nov 01, 2016 12:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Share your favourite stretching routine (post E/SE/Max Strength workout)

Post by lennarn »

I do some Yoga movements after my strength sessions. They consist of downward dogs, seal stretch, pigeon stretch, pigeon leaning forward. Then I do some straddle stretches and finish with holding a deep horse riding stance. I use isometric tension-relaxation stretching where the last tension is held for ~30 seconds.

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Re: Share your favourite stretching routine (post E/SE/Max Strength workout)

Post by Caleddin »

I really love pigeon for the hips/thighs. I think it was integral in helping me rehab after a running injury.

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Re: Share your favourite stretching routine (post E/SE/Max Strength workout)

Post by taaland »

I've been using this, and doing it every night and I have seen a big improvement in how I feel, and injury prevention. Its fairly simple, and I make sure I do it cold (not before workout, not too soon after).

Before a workout I like to warmup, then do some dynamic stretching on different parts that are prone to injury for me, just to make sure I am loose as well.

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Re: Share your favourite stretching routine (post E/SE/Max Strength workout)

Post by Maxrip13 »

Tyr0331 wrote:For the guys recommending ROMWOD are you familiar with KSTSAR mobility wod pro? I followed it for a year and eventually gave it up after seeing most the exercises, but just wanted to ask how it compares to it. I've been looking for a good mobility routine but KSTAR tends to use a lot of the tools he sells.
I would say it's very similar but ROMWOD is effectively a plug and play type program. You put a 20 min video on and they tell you what to do and do all the timing of stretches and take any guesswork out for you. This appeals to some people and doesn't to others.

It worked well for me because I hate doing recovery and rehab type exercises when I could be doing things like squats, pullups and sprints.
It sort of forces you to take that time and takes any of the mental planning out for you.

I own supple leopard and have found I don't really use to much from it. I will use specific stretches I know work for me to fix areas I know can be issues, but I do this mostly in a reactive way( couch stretch and lower back/hip pain). I have to put the effort in and pick the movements I will use.

I think of ROMWOD more as a general preventative type program and all I have to do is be consistent and I get results. I have not been using it for a couple months now and I am really noticing the difference in mytraining recovery and even ability to deal with stress. That 20 min guided stretch was also my time to zone out and take the time to look after myself.

I will be signing back up for it in the next week or so as my schedule clears up and allows me to hit that second training session each day.

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Re: Share your favourite stretching routine (post E/SE/Max Strength workout)

Post by Tyr0331 »

Maxrip13 wrote:
Tyr0331 wrote:For the guys recommending ROMWOD are you familiar with KSTSAR mobility wod pro? I followed it for a year and eventually gave it up after seeing most the exercises, but just wanted to ask how it compares to it. I've been looking for a good mobility routine but KSTAR tends to use a lot of the tools he sells.
I would say it's very similar but ROMWOD is effectively a plug and play type program. You put a 20 min video on and they tell you what to do and do all the timing of stretches and take any guesswork out for you. This appeals to some people and doesn't to others.

It worked well for me because I hate doing recovery and rehab type exercises when I could be doing things like squats, pullups and sprints.
It sort of forces you to take that time and takes any of the mental planning out for you.

I own supple leopard and have found I don't really use to much from it. I will use specific stretches I know work for me to fix areas I know can be issues, but I do this mostly in a reactive way( couch stretch and lower back/hip pain). I have to put the effort in and pick the movements I will use.

I think of ROMWOD more as a general preventative type program and all I have to do is be consistent and I get results. I have not been using it for a couple months now and I am really noticing the difference in mytraining recovery and even ability to deal with stress. That 20 min guided stretch was also my time to zone out and take the time to look after myself.

I will be signing back up for it in the next week or so as my schedule clears up and allows me to hit that second training session each day.
I think I will try ROMWOD out. I can find 20 minutes a day. Thanks for the info

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Re: Share your favourite stretching routine (post E/SE/Max Strength workout)

Post by Moz69 »

Maxrip13 wrote:
Tyr0331 wrote: I think of ROMWOD more as a general preventative type program and all I have to do is be consistent and I get results. I have not been using it for a couple months now and I am really noticing the difference in mytraining recovery and even ability to deal with stress. That 20 min guided stretch was also my time to zone out and take the time to look after myself.
Pretty much the same, i've only been doing it a few weeks and felt a difference within the first few introductory sessions, since then the knee pain from walking upstairs has nearly gone, hip pain on its way out the annoying click in the l shoulder has gone as well as improved range of motion all over, especially the front squat.

I agree with the stress bit, I find this more mindfull than when I practiced yoga, i think mainly due to the long periods in positions sinking in and relaxing, some daily routines are 15 mins long and easy to fit in if the plans if the day fall apart and training flies out the window. Also slowly moving towards 47 I feel working on coordination and mobility need to have more of a focus than when i was younger and some days that can take more time than my strength session.
An old Scottish friend once said to me "A queer bird the fish" I never bloody knew what he meant.

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