Maximizing the workout time and TB blasphemy

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Re: Maximizing the workout time and TB blasphemy

Post by mikhou »

grouchyjarhead wrote:The main problem you'll be running into is that they can actually effect each other's performance. For example, the main target in your bench press is your pectorals, which also acts as a synergist (an assisting muscle) in chin-ups. Work them both hard, and you might see your lifts begin to stagnate or even regress. That's why KB is so intent on giving yourself time to recover and keeping the setup minimal - this allows you to give each exercise a laser focus and allow nothing else to get in the way of the goal, which is Max Strength.

What's your typical warm-up, ramp-up sets, and cluster look like? 90 minutes seems like a long time if you're sticking with the TB protocols. I would frequently warm up, press, front squat, pull-ups, and be out the door headed to work in about 45 minutes.
Hey, grouchy. My typical workout is like this. First, I'll foam roll and than do some dynamic warm-ups and stretching. This takes about 10 minutes. Then I'll do warmup sets of 5, 3, and 2 reps for the first exercise while ramping up the weight. Then I'll usually do 4-5 working sets. Then I'll do the same for the second and third exercises. (I'm considering dropping the warm-up sets for the 3rd exercise to only 1 warm-up set since my body wouldn't be cold, but I'd like to at least do the movement at a lighter weight. Then after the 3rd exercise, I'll tack on either 100 KB swings or 2 rounds of 100 yard Farmer's walks. I honestly don't know where the time goes. Oh well. It's not that big of a deal as I have a fairly flexible schedule. I'll likely continue doing what I am doing.

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