Week 6 BB

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Week 6 BB

Post by C.B. »

I am starting Week 6 of Base Building. So, for my max strength sessions, what am I supposed to use as my 1RM? Take a guess?

Also, am I supposed to pick the same HIC for every HIC session (like I was supposed to use the same SE for Weeks 1-5)?


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Re: Week 6 BB

Post by KayBee »

You're essentially 1 week ahead of me. In the situation you describe you could use the MS percentages as RPE ratings out of 10. So for a 70% you would ask yourself "for this exercise I am about to do what would I rate as a 7/10 weight given the sets and reps I'll be doing?".

The MS portion is only 3 weeks, in the big scheme of things it won't matter too much if you have it wrong. You can correct it come continuation time. I'm saying that I'd rather err on the side of too light than too heavy.

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Re: Week 6 BB

Post by KayBee »

For the HIC unless you have a specific need to be met I'd just mix and match .

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Re: Week 6 BB

Post by Maxrip13 »

C.B. wrote:I am starting Week 6 of Base Building. So, for my max strength sessions, what am I supposed to use as my 1RM? Take a guess?

Also, am I supposed to pick the same HIC for every HIC session (like I was supposed to use the same SE for Weeks 1-5)?

If you know your usual 1RM, use a conservative version of that. The idea is to transition from SE work back into MS. It is basically 3 weeks to regroove your body to the movements and then retest. If you have a good back ground in MS then pick some easy numbers you know you could hit any day of the week. You can test if you want( From memory the books say this), but I personally wouldn't bother. If you don't have much of a MS background just pick an easy set of 5 for week 1 and add 5-10 kg(poundage equivalent) to that for each week.

For example:
I backsquat around 120kg as my conservative max after time away from MS work. I use 60kg, 80kg, 100kg post base building.
I am straight back up to 140kg+ following this 3 week stint to regroove the movement. That means week 1 is 50% of my conservative max and so on. This 3 week period isn't the time to break records. It is the time to prepare for your next continuation protocol.
Hopefully that makes some sense.

Conditioning wise,The template straight from the TB2 book is a great option to start with. The idea is to stick with the longer distance based HICs as you transition out of LSS work. The 2min + interval sessions are also a good option. You want to take advantage of all that LSS work and again transiton into the HIC intervals over that 3 week period.

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