Bench and overhead press

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Bench and overhead press

Post by ectional »

So I'm thinking of switching to OHP as my main pressing movement since it seems to have more carryover to everyday strength. I mean, how often do we find ourselves from positions where we need to press and we have our backs against the floor or something. Unless you're a powerlifter of course, which I am not.

That said, my plan was to do 2 strength training blocks with OHP and then 1 with bench. Now I've read that if your overhead pressing will go up, so will your bench, as overhead pressing is usually harder for people. And of course there are those who say that overhead pressing won't have any carryover to benching. How much carryover should be expected? Have you guys had any experience with it?

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Re: Bench and overhead press

Post by nickgoldma »

That's what I'm about to be doing. Using OHP instead of BP for a block or two. Mainly because it's my weakest lift but also the same reason you laid out, functionality.
Get after it!

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