close_fox TB Log

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Re: close_fox TB Log

Post by close_fox »

Block 12
Strength-First Base Build
Week 3 review

90% week. Weights felt fine. Runs are getting longer, with no issues. I mistakenly shorted the first run this week by 10 minutes. Should have checked the text before I headed out.

Gradual, boring progress. Just what I'm looking for.
"You oughta know not to stand by the window. Somebody see you up there." Talking Heads. "Life During Wartime." Fear of Music, Sire, 1979.

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Re: close_fox TB Log

Post by close_fox »

Block 12
Strength-First Base Build
Week 4 review

75% weights, 60min runs. Nothing much to report. Another week down. More progress made.
"You oughta know not to stand by the window. Somebody see you up there." Talking Heads. "Life During Wartime." Fear of Music, Sire, 1979.

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Re: close_fox TB Log

Post by close_fox »

Block 12
Strength-First Base Build
Week 5 review

80% weights, 45/45/60min runs. New running shoes feel good. Waited too long to replace them. This is the end of the MS/LSS phase. Ready for some SE/HIC work during weeks 6/7/8. Need to decide on a SE cluster in the next couple days. Will be some combo of KB/TRX. If anyone has a cluster suggestion, I'm all ears. I want to keep it to four exercises max. Right now, I'm leaning towards:

TRX row
KB squat
TRX chest press
KB swing
"You oughta know not to stand by the window. Somebody see you up there." Talking Heads. "Life During Wartime." Fear of Music, Sire, 1979.

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Re: close_fox TB Log

Post by close_fox »

Block 12
Strength-First Base Building

Weeks 1-5 (MS + LSS)

I kind of wish this phase had a sixth week. It would have allowed me to finish a full block of Fighter. Could have just added it. But I was itching to get to through base building and on to continuation.

I don't think I made any real MS gains, probably because I used a very conservative TM (185 for BP and FSQ; BW PU). I look forward to making some MS progress with Operator during Block 13.

I enjoyed the LSS, but I was ready for HIC sessions when I reached Week 6.

Overall, smooth and easy progress.

Weeks 6-8 (SE + HIC/E)

I was out and seriously sick all of Week 6. Only managed one workout: SE session (10 reps).

I was determined to start Continuation in the first week of the New Year. I usually don't care about artificial deadlines, but I want to do it this time.

That gave me two weeks to spend on the SE/HIC phase of BB. I spent those two weeks as follows:

10 reps per exercise


20min tempo run. Got a good hard 10min, then bonked out. Got about six more minutes of hard running during minutes 11-20.

20 reps per exercise

40min easy running. Headphones died halfway through, sucks when that happens.


20min tempo run. Much better than day 3. Went hard for 13min. Floated for 4min. Pushed hard again for the last 3min.

If I train MS or SE the same day as running, I almost always do running last. It’s a personal preference, but also somewhat relates to the PFT (running is the last event for me).

I ran first today because I was trying to sneak in my run during a break in the rain (success!). It’s always nice to finish a run just as it starts to rain.

20 reps per exercise. Second session of the day. No issues.

60:120x6. Good speed on all reps.


20 reps per exercise. Swimming w/ the family. Got out of the pool, knocked out the session in about 12min, back in the pool. Great session.

E2 (45min)
Run felt great. Wanted to go 60min, but I missed the secondary loop that would have taken me the extra 15min. I was back at my house at the 45min mark, so I stopped.


Decided to call the block done and test 1RMs for Block 13



I was overdue for Basebuilding and some MS work, so Strength First BB fit my needs this time. All things being equal, I will probably do traditional BB in the future. But it's good to have the strength first option in the toolbox.

I am not please with how the block ended. I missed Week 6 due to illness, and I never fully caught back up (left some SE and HIC work on the table when the Block ended). I'm not going to sweat it too much. Block 13 conditioning will be Black Pro and I will get some SE work at work. So in the grand scheme of things it's not a huge deal.

MS notes
I tested 1RMs in preparation for Block 13:
BP 250
FSQ 250
WPU 300 (230 bodyweight + 70)

I probably had 275 for BP and FSQ. But my wife was "spotting" me, so I didn't want to push it and get hurt.

During BB, I was working with a notional and very conservative TM of 185 for BP and FSQ. I did basically no MS work for three months prior to BB. My resulting numbers aren't impressive, but I'd say they show the strength first BB template worked pretty well. More importantly, I feel primed to make MS progress with Operator during Block 13.

E notes
My E runs felt good. Really got in the groove, light feet, etc. I will probably run at least one Green block this calendar year.

HIC notes
I saw some good progress here. Before this BB, I was getting that "desperate" feeling during HIC type runs. As I would approach max effort, I would get tight in the neck/chest, wanting it to be over, etc. When HIC returned during BB, I noticed much more room to work within the effort. I could throttle up, float, and throttle up again, without feeling like I had nowhere to go. It's nice to feel that reserve/depth while working hard. Shows the power of LSS running, building the gas tank.

SE notes
I enjoyed my TRX and KB cluster. I hate that I lost 1/3 of the SE training volume during BB.

Overall note
I have to do a better job of marking SE and HIC/E metrics. PFTs are part of my life, and I owe it to myself to note how TB works as preparation. I get a fair bit of SE during my daily life, so it's always just there when I need it. But I am committing to tracking this dimension more diligently.

Finally indoctrinated my wife into TB!!!

I am also pleased to note that my wife completed base building as well. Same schedule as me (strength first). I have been encouraging her to try TB for a while, and she finally felt like doing it.

MS cluster: BP, SQ, PU (band assisted), and RDL (1x/week).

LSS: walking

HICs: fast walking and sandbag clean & press (50 fast reps).

Here's her "training profile":

Occupational fitness needs: N/A

Sports history: Track and tennis, both a long time ago

Injuries: Substantial lower body injury history (including joint replacement)

Likes: Hard & fast "cardio" via KBs, burpees, rowing. The bulk of her recent fitness has been group classes like spinning and "body pump" type workouts. She likes lifting heavy weights, but she has never had the confidence to follow a lifting program on her own at the gym. Having a home gym has solved that problem.

Dislikes: Running. She is medically cleared to run, but she doesn't trust it due to her injury history. And she hates running anyway. Kind of sucks, because she used to be really good at it.

Goals: "Be strong and look strong." (her words)

MS progress made during BB. Spoiler alert: she did great! And these numbers are after no MS work during the last three weeks of BB.

BP: 79 - 90
Pretest was a very shaky 5RM. Post test was a strong, confident 1RM. I think she had 95, but she wanted to stop.

SQ: 95 - 155
Pretest was conservative 5RM. First time she had squatted with a barbell in a while. I estimate her true starting 1RM was around 115. Which would still be a 40lb jump!

PU (band assisted): 165 - 100
This one is huge. Pretest sucked...she basically psyched herself out and didn't want to do it. Huge mental block with PU. It's unfortunately common for some females to think they can't do pull-ups. Not true. Anyway, 65 pounds of progress! And she is now motivated to get her first unassisted pull-up.

She can definitely get to 135, 185, and one unassisted pull-up. Probably far beyond, especially on SQ.

As far as HIC, SE, and E go, she noticed progress during the block. She doesn't have PFT metrics (and doesn't run), so it's difficult to gauge her progress in those areas. But again she says she feels much more "in shape".

For continuation, she decided on Operator + Black. She is happy with SWAT cluster. Going to do KB swings also during her Block 2. She loves RDLs. Guessing she will go back to RDLs in the future.

I'm guessing some of the Mass Protocol templates would be perfect for her goals. Will check it out if it comes out on ebook.

Equipment update

Finally got into my TRX and kettlebells during the 2nd phase of base building. Just adds another dimension to how pleased I am with having a home gym.

One annoyance: I can't do TRX exercises by simply attaching the straps to the pull-up bar. It tips the squat stand over. Adjusting the straps shorter/longer doesn't help so far. I had to rig another solution. I will keep playing with it.
Last edited by close_fox on Sat Jan 19, 2019 2:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"You oughta know not to stand by the window. Somebody see you up there." Talking Heads. "Life During Wartime." Fear of Music, Sire, 1979.

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Re: close_fox TB Log

Post by Barkadion »

close_fox wrote: Equipment update

Finally got into my TRX and kettlebells during the 2nd phase of base building. Just adds another dimension to how pleased I am with having a home gym.

One annoyance: I can't do TRX exercises by simply attaching the straps to the pull-up bar. It tips the squat stand over. Adjusting the straps shorter/longer doesn't help so far. I had to rig another solution. I will keep playing with it.
This is one of the reasons that I have upgraded to half rack at some point.. ... ersion-kit
"Man is what he reads." - Joseph Brodsky

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Re: close_fox TB Log

Post by close_fox »

Barkadion wrote:
This is one of the reasons that I have upgraded to half rack at some point.. ... ersion-kit
I hear you. The half rack conversion is on my list of "nice to have" items. It would almost double what I paid for my squat stand (conversion kit plus I'm guessing four plate storage post pairs). And I would need to sell my plate tree. I don't see me doing it any time soon.

There are several things higher on my list. Including bumpers. Because it turns out my wife "would love to do deadlifts." Information that would have been nice to have BEFORE I pulled the trigger on steel plates!!!
"You oughta know not to stand by the window. Somebody see you up there." Talking Heads. "Life During Wartime." Fear of Music, Sire, 1979.

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Re: close_fox TB Log

Post by close_fox »

Block 13
Operator + Black Pro
Week 1 Review

I am running Operator + Black Pro for this block.

Cluster: BP/FSQ/WPU (3 sets)
HICs: Fast 5 (20min cap) & 60:120 repeats
E: Run

Keeping lifting volume down at three sets, because I plan on doing one of the following brief finishers after each MS session:

KB swings
SE alpha circuits (push-ups & sit-ups)

Gonna start light with these finishers and see what happens. I don't want them impeding the main events of the block: MS and running.

Not reproducing my MS sets/reps/%s here. I don't want my log to be used by someone to get content without buying the books. I am running Operator by the book.

Lifts felt sticky. Maxed the day before yesterday, so that explains it. For WPU, today's % resulted in doing bodyweight pull-ups. In previous blocks, I have added weight even when the % said do BW. Doing it by the book this time.

Finisher: KB swings 3x10@35lbs

Shoulder dislocates 2x10

Good long stretch

Fast 5 (20min cap)
Pretty good run. 2nd half was slightly uphill, so I was working harder even if turnover slowed a little.

Bonus 2nd session at work. 20 solid minutes of smashing decom IT gear with a sledgehammer. Best HIC session ever. Wish I could have filmed it.

All weights felt fine

Finisher SE Alpha Circuit 3x10


Legs felt heavy.


Plank 1:01.59

60min run

Realized after a while I didn't start my watch. Based on my the podcast I was listening to, I went around 60min. Speed was up and down (mostly down). Not a great run, but got it in.

End of week notes
Feeling a little run down. Gonna get plenty of rest tomorrow. Not really looking forward to 80% weights next week. That is historically the toughest week for me.
"You oughta know not to stand by the window. Somebody see you up there." Talking Heads. "Life During Wartime." Fear of Music, Sire, 1979.

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Re: close_fox TB Log

Post by close_fox »

Block 13
Operator + Black Pro
Weeks 2 & 3 review

As expected for 80% week, weights felt heavy.

KB swing 4x10@35lbs

Shoulder dislocates 2x10

Total body stretch

Fast 5 (20min cap)
Good run. Ran harder 2nd half. Finished strong.

More of the same. Got it done.

Finisher: SE Alpha Circuit 3x20 (Push-up & Sit-up)


Due to time constraints, I interspersed my pull-ups before/after BP and FSQ. Without violating the RI golden rule. I think I mentioned this "trick" in a previous post.
WPU (BW) set 1
BP sets
WPU (BW) set 2
FSQ sets
WPU (BW) set 3

Was supposed to be Plank but forgot.

There is a bunch of moving going on at work. I spent almost all day pitching in to move stuff out/in buildings and on/off trucks. I can legitimately call it an extended E session, even though it was not running like I planned.

Repeat of 2.6. Not rest. Counting this as a extra E session. Nothing else I can do.

Weights felt heavy. Plenty of residual fatigue after days 2.6 and 2.7. Additionally, I was fasted for this session. Not by choice...I am never “fasted” by choice. Between fatigue and no food, the weights felt heavy but good. 1st set of FSQ sucked. I bumped the J hook twice coming up.

KB swing 3x10@53lbs


Fast 5 (15min cap - easy week)

BP and FSQ felt better than 3.1. Enjoyable. This week the percentage calculation finally tells me to add some weight for WPU. Not very much though. Completely different effort than BP and FSQ. Feels very unbalanced.

Finisher: Plank 1:07

(60:120 repeats)

No time. I had probably six legitimate HIC sessions this week loading gear on trucks. Truck’s here, everybody pitch in and load it right now, then get back to work. Worked hard for about 15min each time, and it happened at least six times. So I am trying not to sweat missing this session. Especially because this is an easy week (week 3) for conditioning.

Fasted (again not by choice). 5min RI for everything. BP and FSQ were really heavy. WPU is still really light in comparison. Did not have a chance to eat or really sleep before this session due to work stuff. Basically sleep walked thru the session. But I got it done.

Finisher CANX
(SE Alpha circuits 3x30 push-ups & sit-ups)
No time. Will try to get it in tomorrow before or after my E session.

Woke up feeling really run down. I'm gonna cash in my extra E from 2.7 and call it even.

Recap notes
Work has been really challenging in an annoying admin way the past two weeks. We moved to a new facility, and that came with plenty of unscheduled manual labor for my unit. I did more than I probably had to (leading from the front and so on :lol:). The good part is the work was hard/fast some days and long/slow on other days. So I got plenty of HIC & E training stimulus (probably too much). It just wasn't all running like I wanted. I'm not happy about missing my Week 3 SE finisher. But I can still make easy progress through Alpha and into Bravo by the end of the Block. Overall, I'm very glad to have finished the past two weeks with a "net" of no missed sessions. Week 4's 75% MS weights will let me really push running (HIC and E). I look forward to that.
"You oughta know not to stand by the window. Somebody see you up there." Talking Heads. "Life During Wartime." Fear of Music, Sire, 1979.

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Re: close_fox TB Log

Post by close_fox »

Block 13
Operator + Black Pro
Weeks 4 review

4.1, 4.3, 4.5

Nothing much to add here. I did the lifting and finishers.

Warm-up was 20min brisk walk (my wife's HIC session for today). Great session. Cut it at 4 reps because I wanted to stay in HIC mode.

Fast 5 (20min cap)
Good hard run. Out 11min, back in 9.

45min run. Glad I got this one in at all. I was falling asleep on my feet, but forced myself out the door.
"You oughta know not to stand by the window. Somebody see you up there." Talking Heads. "Life During Wartime." Fear of Music, Sire, 1979.

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Re: close_fox TB Log

Post by close_fox »

Block 13
Operator + Black Pro
Week 5

First day of this block where FSQ felt lighter than BP.

WPU was supposed to be bodyweight. That would have made this week's 85% (BW 3x3) "lighter" than week 2's 80% (BW 3x5). I therefore added 7.5lbs. Seemed like the right amount. Felt like nothing. Not sure how much difference it made.

KB swings 5x10@53lbs

Fast 5 (20min cap)
Good run

Missed due to unscheduled all nighter at work

Have to make up 5.3 MS and not lose 5.4 HIC. Here is the solution I found:


50 sand bag clean + press for time
Light sandbag, continuous effort. Kind of like HIC. Longer than a finisher.

Planned to put E here, but CANX due to work again. Means I have one day left this week to get both E and MS.

Session 1
E (early AM)
Run 35min
Easy run. Faster than LSS, but not much. Stopped at 35min because I have to get MS in tonight. Felt the run during the day. I shouldn't be feeling an easy 35min run. Hope I'm not getting sick.

Session 2
MS (evening)
Weights were a little heavy, as expected for a second session of the day. But then set 3 of FSQ was really good, best of the block so far. Great depth and stretch. WPU was really light compared to BP and FSQ (like always). I'm would like the effort to be more balanced.

Week notes: 5.4 was a "sort of" double. The sandbag finisher/HIC was better than nothing. 5.6 was a legit double. Not ideal. But bottom line, I'm glad to have gotten all the work done during a tough week at work. Hoping for no interruptions next week so I can finish out the block the right way. It's funny how HQ type assignments can be more stressful and annoying than being deployed.
Last edited by close_fox on Sun Feb 10, 2019 11:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
"You oughta know not to stand by the window. Somebody see you up there." Talking Heads. "Life During Wartime." Fear of Music, Sire, 1979.

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