TaurusAir16 Log

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Re: TaurusAir16 Log

Post by VenomousCoffee »

Best of luck on the Covid exposure

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Re: TaurusAir16 Log

Post by close_fox »

TaurusAir16 wrote:Block 1/Base Building

SE 3x50
This was exactly the disaster I thought it’d be. I suppose the pushups went a little better than expected. But everything else was bad or worse.

Bad enough to consider regularly revisiting SE in either weekly GC HIC or SE circuits as part of my continuation.
Perhaps someone has had that experience and documented it, before I go spouting off a new topic.
Drive on brother. If you got the reps in, you are a go for the 3x50 evolution. Doesn't matter how ugly it was; you won. Take mental (or written) notes for the next time you do BB. If you need to lower the weight, change the cluster, etc. Maintain that knowledge to make your next BB even more productive.
"You oughta know not to stand by the window. Somebody see you up there." Talking Heads. "Life During Wartime." Fear of Music, Sire, 1979.

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Re: TaurusAir16 Log

Post by TaurusAir16 »

Finally getting back on the train. Dealt with some Achilles and elbow tendinitis around the time I stopped logging. Haven’t been totally absent in terms of training, visiting both Simple and Sinister and Starting Strength again, but instead of hopping around I hope to be back to TB normalcy.

Plan to run a Fighter block for 6-12 weeks. The minimum effective dose of BP, SQ, Chins.
Also sprinkling in some LSS throughout the week. Walking at first, then running. I mentioned many logs ago that my Achilles was bothering me and I’ve finally taken some ownership and been on PT for about two months. I’ve made it past “crawl”, and I’m in the late stage of “walk” in which I will work in some running, culminating with “run”; entailing another go at BB in preparation for a PFA in the October timeframe.

Current TMs:
225 BP (goal 275+)
275 SQ (goal 315-335+)
10 chins (goal 15-20; 5 weighted with 50 lb)
50 push-ups (goal 75+)
40 min pain free brisk walk (goal 60 min, then start running again; 1.5 mi in 10:30 by October)

“The goal is to keep the goal, the goal.”

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Re: TaurusAir16 Log

Post by TaurusAir16 »

Wednesday 6/23

Fighter Session
SQ 3x5@75% (205)
BP 3x5@75% (170)
Chins 3x6 @ BW, rest pause in sets 2,3

Minimal sets and minimal rest. Had to be a quick session since I did this on lunch break.

Some elbow soreness in between sets of chins. I think the answer to that for now is to keep them in the workout and ramp up gradually. Might need even less volume than this.

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Re: TaurusAir16 Log

Post by TaurusAir16 »

Sat 6/23

Fighter 3x5
SQ 205
BP 170
3x6 Chins

Did this e-a-r-l-y AM before departing on a three leg cross country flight. Had the gym to myself so rotated through SQ-BP-Chins every 2 min. Pleased with the power I was able to generate through all reps.

Sun 6/24

Between walking around town, and to and from FBOs, I’ll keep the activity level up. Also went to Topgolf with some IPs and students and goofed around a little trying to hit a top club speed and distance. Think my best drive of the day was around 240. Kinda neat.

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Re: TaurusAir16 Log

Post by TaurusAir16 »

Wed 6/30

Fighter 3x5 @80%
SQ 220
BP 180
Chins 3x7 (some rest pause on final set)

Conversely compared to my previous Saturday session, this one was burning the (almost) midnight oil following a return from said flight that ended with a two day weather divert to Santa Fe.

Little weaker on squats tonight, and left with a tight/tweaky lower back. Felt a little better after some stretching, we’ll see if/how it persists.

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Re: TaurusAir16 Log

Post by TaurusAir16 »

Sat 7/3

Fighter session
5x5 BP, minimum rest
3x5 SQ, 3 min rest
5x3 chins, 1 min rest

Felt some extra juice on the bench today, so decided to go for the full 5 sets. Glad I did so.
With my lower back thing the other day I didn’t want to load up the volume on squats, but felt I could push the RIs a bit. The back has felt better the past few days, and although I feel it a little bit after the session, it’s not as bad as Wednesday.
Decided to try a little something different for chins and build the volume up on a minimum rest interval. I’ll try 5x4 next time, then 5x5, then back down to 5x4 with weight, and so on. I feel that’s a gentler ramp up to volume than straight in to 3x6,7,8.

Posts: 23
Joined: Sun Sep 27, 2020 10:05 pm

Re: TaurusAir16 Log

Post by TaurusAir16 »

Sat 7/10

Out this week with some back pain/not trying hard enough.

Debating trying to swing the W3D1 later today/tomorrow and rolling a modified schedule until I ucan return to W/Sa, or if I just take a mulligan and start back with W2D1 this coming Wednesday.

Either way, stay the course. More to follow.

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