mauldms Training Log

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Re: mauldms Training Log

Post by mauldms »

BB Week 0
Actually got up off my ass and worked out this morning. Am going to start BB Strength-Focus next week but felt the need to do something/anything.

After warmup sets did:
Squat: 3x5 @ 142.5 (~75% E1RM). Squats felt good and I am glad I am taking it light and re-dialing in my form. It could have been first workout in a long time adrenaline or I could just be way off with my E1RM but this felt more like a warm-up weight. I guess we shall see when we actually start moving to 80% and 90%

Bench: 3x5 @ 140 (~75% E1RM). Man, squats felt great, bench felt super weak. I guess that is to be expected but man I really felt weak putting up those weights. I maintained good form but definitely felt like I was grinding a little bit on the last few reps on the last set. Not cool bro.

Pull-ups: 4x5 @ BW. Started running out of time to do DLs so I'll have to hit them tonight after work. Instead I knocked out some pull-ups. Not hard but also not strong. I've probably atrophied a little more than I realized in my upper body.

Deadlifts: 3x5 @225 (~75% E1RM). Ooof, not fun. I've definitely lost a LOT more strength than I realized. I'm going to have to work on my grip strength because even 225 was rough on maintaining my grip. Gotta start somewhere though

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Re: mauldms Training Log

Post by mauldms »

BB Week 1 Day 1 (attempt #2 or maybe 3)

3/28: Squat: 4x5 @75% - form was on point, strength was there and felt really good.

Bench: 4x5 @75% - oh yeah, I have lost a shit ton of upper body strength. Like, I struggled mightily on that last set. I think me E1RM may be off so I'm going to adjust fire and actually use a 90% TM instead of the E1RM for the rest of the block. Better to build slow than overdue it right off the bat.

Deadlifts: 3x5 @75% - fuck that sucked! Just like bench, I have lost a lot of strength. I was struggling with 225 when I use to knock out 300+ with relative ease. I think I'm going to adjust this to a 90% TM as well since I was really struggling with keeping my hook grip. Build up slowly.... again.
Last edited by mauldms on Wed Mar 30, 2022 7:04 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: mauldms Training Log

Post by mauldms »

BB Week 1 Day 2

3/29: E LSS for 30:00; ran 31:39, 2.91mi, 10:51 pace, 150avg bpm, 170max bpm. Could've gone longer but figured I'd stick with the intention of the program. Did have to work to lower my heartrate a bit after a long downhill section. Felt good though. I am finding that I actually am enjoying running a little bit more than I thought I would.

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Re: mauldms Training Log

Post by mauldms »

BB Week 1 Day 3 & 4

3/30: Rest

3/31: E LSS for 30:00; ran 32:41, 3.04mi, 10:43 pace, 153bpm avg, 171bpm max

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Re: mauldms Training Log

Post by mauldms »

4/3: E LSS for 35-120min; ran 50:02, 4.59mi, 10:51 pace, 157bpm avg, 178bpm max - longest I've run in a looooong time. Didn't feel bad. Worst part was trying to keep my heart rate down while fighting the wind (40+mph tonight) and the hills. Made it work but would like to not spend as much time as I did above 150bpm.

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Re: mauldms Training Log

Post by mauldms »

UPDATE: Well, it's been about 8 months since I last posted anything on my training log so I guess I am due for a short update.

Long story short, I failed at TB and strength training in general, but I found a joy in running which was surprising. I signed myself up for my first marathon and started training for it last June. After many hours and many miles of pretty consistent training I culminated with finishing my first marathon last Sunday. It wasn't pretty and I was bummed that I developed an injury in the last six miles (was on pace for a sub-4:30 but it took me almost two hours to walk most of the last 6 miles so I ended up finishing in 5:33) but I finished and that was the goal!

All that said, it's time to try again and to get back into some basebuilding and add some strength training into my running program. So, after a little more active recovery from the marathon, I'll be getting back into TB at the start of the new year while also training for a half-marathon in April. Basebuilding and the first 6 week block of Operator are in my training app so now it's time to get back into it.

Cheers to everyone and hope everyone has a happy holiday season.

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Re: mauldms Training Log

Post by Adski »

All the best for the holidays to you too mate.

It could be worth checking out, (if you haven’t already) the green protocol book, as it may be useful for your running and your strength work.

Again, all the best into the new year!

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Re: mauldms Training Log

Post by mauldms »

First, thanks Adski for the recommendation. I got the book (a little late) and started Capacity last night. Definitely good stuff although I haven't read through it all yet! I probably should've slowed down a bit and really thought through the programming before starting and figured out my 1RM but I blame the New Year motivation on just hopping on the bandwagon and getting going.

2JAN23 (W1D1):
BP: 5x5 @ 70% - Wasn't really comfortable using RPE as a judge since I'm not a super mature/experienced lifter so I went with standard OP for the primary lift and OP/PRO for the supplementals. Felt pretty good knocking these out. I'm definitely not as strong as I use to be (made the probably unwise decision to use old 1RMs/TMs from when I was lifting at least fairly regularly) so I'll see how it feels when I add weight.

SQ: 5x10 @ 65% - These were NOT pretty at all. Ended up having to drop weight and sets so ended up doing more like 3x8 @ 50%. I will probably have to adjust my TM for these.

DL: 5x10 @ 65% - Also not as pretty but they did make me feel like I was actually working out. The TM seemed pretty spot on but I did lower the sets to 3x10 and will probably continue doing that.

PU: 3x8 - I was so sweaty and just not feeling it so I ended up scratching the pullups. I will have to knock out at least a few of them today after I get back from my LSS.

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Re: mauldms Training Log

Post by mauldms »

4JAN23 (W1D3)
Lowered my TMs on all lifts by 10lbs based upon being so miserable on D1. Gotta remember this is going to be a long process and I won't have all my gains super fast. Slow and steady progress is what I am reminding myself.

Updated TMs:

SQ: 5x5 @ 70%
BP: 3x10 @ 65%
DL: 3x10 @ 65%
PU: 2x8 -> had to pull out the bands to finish. Definitely some work to do.

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Re: mauldms Training Log

Post by mauldms »

Just feel like a lazy fat ass right now. I know it's 100% mental but I just have zero motivation to do anything physical in nature. Forced myself to at least do something today which is better than nothing. Hopefully it helps me get out of this funk and back to more consistent training.

BP: 5x5
SQ: 3x8
RDL: 3x12

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