Likes TB log

Posts: 402
Joined: Mon Sep 17, 2018 8:22 am

Re: Likes TB log

Post by Likes »

Week 1 Mass
Mon - Strength
Sq 97.5kg
Bench 72.5
Pullups BW

Posts: 402
Joined: Mon Sep 17, 2018 8:22 am

Re: Likes TB log

Post by Likes »

Tue - E
30 min run

Wed - >>Strength
Same as monday

Nutrition is definitely the most interesting/hardest part, it's the first time being strict about it.
Getting enough carbs is alot easier then I thought beforehand, avvoiding to much is actually harder.

Getting enough protein is a challenge and especially to distribute it during the day. I've had to stuff my face in the evening the last two days to meet the protein goal

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Re: Likes TB log

Post by Likes »

Thur - Rest
No time for E

Same as Mon and Wed


HAven't had any DOMS, did expect some. I've been hitting my macros every day

Posts: 402
Joined: Mon Sep 17, 2018 8:22 am

Re: Likes TB log

Post by Likes »

Mon - Mass
Sq 112.5kg
Bench 82.5kg
WPU +10kg
Gained 0.5kg according to the scale, but I'm sceptical about that

Tue - E
30min lss run

Wed - Mass
Same as monday

Still consistently hitting my macros

Posts: 402
Joined: Mon Sep 17, 2018 8:22 am

Re: Likes TB log

Post by Likes »

Thur - rest

Fri - Mass
Same as Mon

Sat - Mass
DL at 120kg

Sun - Rest

Mon - Mass
Sq 120kg
Bench 87.5kg
WPU +15kg
Realised aftwerwards I forgot AMRAP or peak sets

Posts: 402
Joined: Mon Sep 17, 2018 8:22 am

Re: Likes TB log

Post by Likes »

Finished my Mass cycle but didn't log the rest.

Short summary: liked it, but training started getting repetitive towards the end. Gained about 2.5kg, thighs are bigger for sure but they weren't ever a problem. Don't notice much other difference.
Conditioning suffered alot, I struggled with the 30min LSS runs.

I liked the nutrition the most and will try and follow it further but lower the total calories a bit in hope of recomping.

Started a new Operator + Black cycle today:

Mon - Strength
Sq 5x5x110kg
Bench 5x5x80kg
WPU +5kg 5x5

Posts: 402
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Re: Likes TB log

Post by Likes »

Tues - HIC
KB Drill with 24kg KB

Underestimated this one. Smoked my forearms

Posts: 402
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Re: Likes TB log

Post by Likes »

Wed - Strength
Some soreness from HIC yesterday that faded after warm-up

Sq 5x5x110kg
Bench 5x5x80kg
WPU +5kg 5x5

Made a sandbag yesterday that I'll have alot of fun with. Did mess up the shape a bit

Posts: 402
Joined: Mon Sep 17, 2018 8:22 am

Re: Likes TB log

Post by Likes »

Thur - HIC
GC 1

Posts: 402
Joined: Mon Sep 17, 2018 8:22 am

Re: Likes TB log

Post by Likes »

Fri - Strength
Sq 3x5x110kg
Bench 3x5x80kg
DL 5x5x115kg

felt a bit fatigued

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