Likes TB log

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Re: Likes TB log

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Thur - HIC
Fobbit intervals
20 min, 32kg swings, 16kg snatches

Right hip has been a bit achy lately on squats. Last set of swings made it hurt persistently. I'll probably switch to front squats rest of the cycle.
I hope it's not related to switching to sumo, else I'm buying a trapbar.

Weight loss has plateaued a bit, stuck on 93.7 for the last few days but I'm seeing difference in the mirror. Vertical separation between my upper abs is starting to show.
Bad news is I won't be able to blaim being fat for my bad E/Conditioning

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Re: Likes TB log

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Fri - Strength

F.Squat 3x5x75kg
Bench 3x5x85kg
SUmo 5x5x125kg
Hip was still hurting this morning but didn't hurt during training. Felt even better afterwards

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Re: Likes TB log

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Sat - Rest

Sun - E
LSS run 1h20m

Hip is better. Broke through my weight-loss plateau, down to 92.4kg sso over halfway.

Used the navy method to calculate my BF%: 17%. I guesstimated being between 15&20% so it could be right.

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Re: Likes TB log

Post by Likes »

Mon - Strength

F.Sq 5/5/5/3 x 80kg
Bench 5/2 x 95kg
WPU 5x5 BW+20kg

HAd some upper back DOMS this weekend an didn't know what caused it.
Front squatting quickly made it obvious what caused it. Upper back started cramping up bad. So bad during the 4 set that I had to stop.
It bothered me the rest of training and it's still cramping up now (10+ hours later).

Either the back cramp or the weigth cut affected my bench and made me fail the 2nd set

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Re: Likes TB log

Post by Likes »

Tues - HIC

Planned to do ME2 but could hardly pick up the KB, let alone swing it.
Tried a few things to get rid of the soreness but wasn't very succesful.

Wed - Strength
Back still sore - painfull starting to think I might have a small strain, tear, whatever.

I usually warm-up with KB swings, still couldn't swing the 32kg bell I normally use.

Front squatted the empty bar, went ok but it was clear loading it wouldn't work. Decided to skip the rest of training to to make thing worse.

Did try some other things to get rid of the soreness. single handed presses helped a bit

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Re: Likes TB log

Post by Likes »

Skipped HIC yesterday

Back soreness is gone, but it still hurts when I put weight on it. I'm now convinced it's and injury and not just bad DOMS. It's a very specific spot that hurts. Squatting is still out of the question. It might be healed enough next week to DL, but it wasn't happening today.

I'll probably be doing bulgarian split squats and/or GHR instead. Managed to improvise a GHR with my bench today. Did controlled negatives and got back up with a push today.

Messed around a bit today, did some neck work, hanging knee raises, dips, curls,...

Since i'll be replacing squats I'm considering switching to another pressing motion next week. EIther seated press (ceiling too low to stand) or weigthed dips

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Re: Likes TB log

Post by Likes »

Sat - E
60min LSS run

Sun - Rest

Mon - Strength
Split squats 5kg 4x5 both legs
GHR/Nordic leg curls 4x5
Bench 85kg 4x5
WPU +10kg 4x5

Tues - Hic
GC 1 50/38/22/30
Did a full round then another 2min set. I want to work towards 2 full rounds

Wed - Strength
Same as monday

Back is feeling good. Tried front squats with an empty bar, didn't feel anything.

Weigth is still dropping, down to 91.5kg. Second row of abs is starting to show (but only when the lighting is very very good).
It's becoming apparent that I'm not as muscled as I thought. Walking around +100kg most of my adult life I thought I was pretty muscled but it wasn't showing because of the fatlayer. Guess I was wrong

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Re: Likes TB log

Post by Likes »

Thur - Rest
No time

Fri - Strength
Bulgarian squat 4x5x20kg
Bench 4x5x85kg
Sumo 2/0 x140kg Weight wouldn't budge and technique felt bad

With the injuries and bad strength sessions I'm feeling like I'm in a training rut. The weight cut probably isn't helping.
Back didn't hurt during DL so I'll be trying squats monday.

I'll probably go for a significant deload and then use LP for a few weeks to get up to speed again

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Re: Likes TB log

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Mon - Strength
Squat 3x5x100kg
Press 3x5x40kg
Pull-ups 3x5

Squats felt hard, hamstring were a bit sore

Tues - HIC
600m resets x4

Had some leg DOMS but the run when't good.

Posts: 402
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Re: Likes TB log

Post by Likes »

Wed - Strength
Sq 3x5x102.5kg
>Bench 5x5x80kg
Sumo DL 3x5x120kg

Down to 100.6kg. Almost there

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