Barkadion TB Logs

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Re: Barkadion TB Logs

Post by Barkadion »

Shoulder is getting better. Slowly.

I think I will be doing some variations on OHP for the next few blocks until I am ready to bench again. Landmine will be my close friend for a while. I am thinking about Viking Landmine Press variation. It should be safe for my shoulder (|| grip) and doable with my low ceiling in the basement.

So... The set up would be something like that. Thank you to BWTG for the attachment.

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Re: Barkadion TB Logs

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Week#2, Wednesday

LSS run - 30min

HR Average - 156
HR Max - 172
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Re: Barkadion TB Logs

Post by Barkadion »

Week#2, Friday

Mobility Drill "B"

Pat Fynn's Atomic with light KBs (20,25,30,35)
- One-arm kettlebell swing
- Clean and press
- Snatch
- Racked front squat

Lifts warm-ups with light weight, 3 x3
- SQ
- Chins
- DL
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Re: Barkadion TB Logs

Post by Barkadion »

Wrapping my head around OWT template from Ageless Athlete now. I am thinking giving it a go.

I haven't tested my 1RM for more than a year. I think I might add standard forced progression to the latest TM numbers and take 80% off that for the 1st block. I will go more careful on pressing since my shoulder is into the healing business now. I'd' opt for landmine viking press. Plus, I haven't pressed for ages.

Will see... I might jump into it next Monday!

Any suggestions are highly appreciated!
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Re: Barkadion TB Logs

Post by Barkadion »

Week#2, Saturday

Power walk with pushing double stroller over the hills, 60min
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Re: Barkadion TB Logs

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I am going back to regular training next week 8-)

3 weeks of BB/SE and 2 weeks off make it 5 weeks without iron. Probably, I can use couple more weeks off but I don't take non training lifestyle too well anymore. Getting old sucks. Besides, I need to keep my shoulder moving.

So, I am going to start easy and slow building it back to regular load.

Here is the plan

1. OWT from AA
2. 1st block TM = 80% of calculated 1RM from last block.
3. I might need to adjust the weight along the way since it is just calculations and assumptions for now. Coming out of BB and time off make you soft ;)
4. OP I/A: SQ/VLP/Chins/DL
- DL either 1/week or every other session/cycling with chins
- VLP = Viking landmine Press, aka bilateral LP
5. I will start easy with 3 sets and I will build it up to 5+ sets
6. Either 3 HIC or 2 HIC/1E. Again, I will start easy with basic options and I will build up to standard ones.
- I want to keep all my conditioning outside with different running variations. That is my intentions but it might not work.
7. 9 weeks schedule. MS/HIC/Rest-Repeat.
8. I want to keep OP I/A for all blocks.
9. My goal is very simple: get back to regular training regimen with decent load and recover my shoulder. Any PR will be highly appreciated.

So, that is the plan for now. Lets see what reality brings to the table :)
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Re: Barkadion TB Logs

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Block#7, OWT OP I/A
(80% of 1RM calculated)
Week#1, Monday (75%)

SSB Squat - 3x5, 150
VLP - 4x5, 120
Chins - 4x3, BW
RI - 2min

Body saw with sliders - BW, 20

*It feels cranky getting back into lifting.. Well it is given :)
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Re: Barkadion TB Logs

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Block#7, OWT OP I/A
(80% of 1RM calculated)
Week#1, Tuesday (75%)

Fast 5 Tempo Run

HR average - 176 bpm
Total Time - 28min

Average stride length - 43 in
Max stride length - 54 in
Average cadence - 82 Steps/min
Max cadence - 92 Steps/min
Average Pace - 8:59 min/mi
Max Pace - 7:57 min/mi

*Haven't done it for more than a year. Kind of disappointed with the timing. I didn't push myself all the way, though. Just kept it above the LSS level.
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Re: Barkadion TB Logs

Post by Green2Blue »

Dude! I LOVE the Viking press!!!

And thank you for the kind words in my log. I'll still be stopping by the forum from time to time.

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Re: Barkadion TB Logs

Post by Barkadion »

Green2Blue wrote:Dude! I LOVE the Viking press!!!

And thank you for the kind words in my log. I'll still be stopping by the forum from time to time.
Cheers, mate :)
"Man is what he reads." - Joseph Brodsky

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