ML's log

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Re: ML's log

Post by ml1985 »

Operator + black, week 3, day 1
Strength + HIC
Squat: 190x3x3
Bench press: 140x4x3
Pull-up: 2.5x3x3

Meat-eater 2
3 rounds (16 kg KB)

Good thing that it's a light week conditioning wise as I did not have much energy today. Even for the strength work, everything felt heavy and moved slow.

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Re: ML's log

Post by ml1985 »

Operator + black, week 3, day 2
Deadlift: 240x3x3
Overhead press: 95x4x3

A quick one today. Hoping to go to 2 BJJ open mat this week; my neck seems to be doing better.

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Re: ML's log

Post by ml1985 »

Operator + black, week 3, day 3
Squat: 190x3x3
Bench press: 140x4x3
Pull-up: 2.5x3x3

Still sick. So glad it was a lower volume week. Hoping to be better by Saturday. It's been almost 3 weeks that I didn't go to BJJ and I really miss it.

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Re: ML's log

Post by ml1985 »

Operator + black, week 4, day 1
Squat: 160x3x5
Bench press: 120x5x5
Pull-up: BWx5, x4, x4

Getting better. Hopefully, I'll be able to do some conditioning tomorrow.

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Re: ML's log

Post by ml1985 »

Operator + black, week 4, day 2
60 minutes LSS run
56:34, 4.41 miles (12:50 min/mile), avg HR 140 bpm

I wanted to run, even though I still cough mucus and didn't sleep very well these past few nights. It went quite well. I didn't do a long run last week, so my legs felt heavy in the beginning.

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Re: ML's log

Post by ml1985 »

Quick update: I basically stopped training except BJJ from November to March for no good reasons. The last month and a half has been hard with no BJJ, sitting all day and working non stop. My lower back has been killing me since then. Hopefully, things will slow down at work.

I'm planning on running a short 6 week Operator + black, and then do BB during summer. I tested my maxes last week (SQ 265, BP 165, DL 275) at around 175-180.

Operator + black, week 1, day 1
Front squat: 140x3x5
Military press: 60x3x5
Chin-up: BWx3x5

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Re: ML's log

Post by ml1985 »

Operator + black, week 1, day 2
HIC - Fast 5 tempo run
5 km, around 35 minutes, avg HR 158 bpm

The last time I did a 5K tempo run, I ran in around 33 minutes, but with a slightly higher avg HR. Hopefully, it will be better by the end of summer.

Operator + black, week 1, day 3
Squat: 165x3x5
Bench press: 105x3x5
Pull-up: BWx2x4

I did some yard work this week-end and I managed to tear off a callus on my right hand during pull-ups today. I think tomorrow will not be heavy in KB or pull-up for my HIC/GC.

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Re: ML's log

Post by ml1985 »

Operator + black, week 1, day 4

29, 19, 10 reps (58 total reps). I could have done a second round, but I restrained myself to 1 round (basic version). It's only the beginning.

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Re: ML's log

Post by ml1985 »

Operator + black, week 1, day 5
Squat: 165x3x5
Bench press: 105x3x5
Deadlift: 175x3x5

DL is feeling fairly easy. I hurt my back a while ago while doing rack pulls and it seems like doing heavy deadlift is a no-go (at least for now), so that's why my 1RM is low. Anyways, it's time to build it back up.

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Re: ML's log

Post by ml1985 »

Operator + black, week 1, day 6
HIC - Meat eater 2
10 rounds (16kg KB)

I told myself that I would only do the basic version (ie 5 rounds), because I really struggle with strength endurance on my upper body (burpees/push ups). By round 5, I was feeling good so I decided to continue. By round 8, I wanted to stop, but I told myself that I only had two rounds left. Finished in about 24 minutes. It's the first time that I managed 100 burpees/push ups. This session was a real confidence booster. Next time, I'll use the 24kg KB.

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