close_fox TB Log

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Re: close_fox TB Log

Post by close_fox »

Block 4
Black Pro + Operator
Week 6 (abbreviated + retest day)

SWAT cluster (BP, SQ, PU)
3x2@95% of TM
BP: 225
SQ: 270
PU: 4, 5, 6, 6, 7

Shoulder dislocates 3x10

HIC (Rx easy)
"Tempo" walk 30min

SWAT cluster (BP, SQ, PU)
3x2@95% of TM
BP: 225
SQ: 270
PU: 8, 7, 8, 7(5), 8(4)

Shoulder dislocates 3x10

Notes: Missed PU reps the last two sets. I have decided to retest my maxes. I will take two days off and then retest.



Test day

Bench Press
Bar x5
Rest 7min
Test set: 275x2 = 290

Test set notes: First rep was nothing. Felt great. Second rep stuck a little bit just past halfway, pushed through no problem. Third rep failed half way up. I'm indifferent to this result. It's ok. Goal was 275x3. Almost got it.

Bar x4
Rest 3min
Rest 5min
Test set: 365x1

Test set notes: Really surprised and disappointed here. I thought 365x3 was a conservative goal. First rep, I grinded all the way down and back up. Everything was unbalanced. Not in an injurious way, just a terrible rep at a bad time. I maybe could have forced another rep, but I didn't have a spotter. Terrible result.

Notes: At a loss here as well. I did 3x10 (perfect reps) six weeks ago, and I have added volume since then. I had 10 reps today. Not 11. I can't remember the last time 10 reps was all I had. I was expecting 14 at least. Only thing I can think is, my CNS was fried after the BP+SQ load and especially the SQ debacle. Fail.

Test day notes: Disappointing results on two out of three events. That's a bad day. I'll have more to say in my Block 4 recap post.
Last edited by close_fox on Mon May 15, 2017 10:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"You oughta know not to stand by the window. Somebody see you up there." Talking Heads. "Life During Wartime." Fear of Music, Sire, 1979.

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Re: close_fox TB Log

Post by close_fox »

Block 4 wrap-up

More thoughts on my retest results...

1. I am squarely in the rebuilding phase of MS. I have been running continuation protocol work (post BB) for the past 18 weeks. Three of those weeks were MS due to a scheduled (and cancelled) PFT. So really 15 weeks. As discussed in previous posts, this follows a two year period of constant operational tempo and sporadic training featuring almost zero MS work. I can't expect to fix two years of bad training in 15 weeks.

2. BP vs. SQ. I finally got a chance to bounce ideas off one of the fitness staff guys at work. We went over my training history, and he confirmed some thoughts I had (and have previously posted) about my BP vs. SQ situation. Our discussion boils down to this. Prior to starting TB, my training for two years was circuit based due to lack of available equipment. My only option to squat was bodyweight squats or goblet squats with DBs/KBs. (Note: In hindsight, I should have tried pistol squats.) With few options, my training included a lot of push-ups. In terms of weight percentage, push-ups translate to BP much more readily than air/goblet squats translate to SQ. This helps explain why BP has felt much easier to me than SQ during my TB training. My SQ started behind, and it is still lagging behind.

PU is still a mystery to me. Just a bad day. The results are what they are. Moving on.

I have now completed three continuation blocks (six weeks each).

Block 2
Black + Operator

Block 3
3A: Three weeks of Black Pro + Operator.
3B: Three weeks of PFT prep (counting it as SE)

Block 4
Scheduled as Black Pro + Operator, but turned out more like Black + Operator. My E sessions were almost all either shortened or canx. Mostly due to an injury scare and also due to scheduling.

MS progress

Start max (pre block 2): 245x2 for 250
Block 3: Force progress to 260
End max (post block 4): 275x2 = 290
Notes: My initial max was conservative. I think my actual increase was more like 30lbs.

Start max (pre block 2): 315 (shaky rep...core felt weak)
End max (post block 4): 365
Notes: No need to beat this horse any more. I have made some real progress in rebuilding my ability to SQ without any concern of injuring myself.

Programming pull-ups continues to be a challenge. WPU presents logistical issues. During these blocks, I have been in a "schoolhouse" assignment at work. I have usually PT'd at a commercial gym near my house. Mostly for convenience (don't have to pack clothes, food, and shower gear every day). The gym doesn't have dip belts. I don't want to buy one and (even more) don't want to carry it to and from the gym. I have some backpacks (rucks), but I can't imagine taking one to the gym - much less a plate carrier or vest. All that is to say, doing WPU obviously hasn't been important enough to me to find a workable solution.

Here is how I programmed PU during these blocks:

Blocks 2 & 3
PU were 3 sets, bodyweight, submaximal effort, generally adding a couple reps each workout.

Block 4
I picked up a set/rep scheme that is close to one I followed successfully in the past. Five sets, bodyweight, increased intensity but still submaximal effort (except one day when I tried to force some missed reps).

And with all that said, it didn't work. My Block 4 PU method may have given good results in the past, but I wasn't running TB then. I need to be doing WPU, period. Other than maintaining proper (long) RIs, I have not been following TB training protocols with regard to PU. The good news is, I am PCS'ing soon to an new assignment that should make WPU come a little easier. I will be PT'ing work once again in the land of dip belts and testosterone.

Not too satisfied with my efforts here. I need to do a better job taking initial metrics and keep track of my progress.
"You oughta know not to stand by the window. Somebody see you up there." Talking Heads. "Life During Wartime." Fear of Music, Sire, 1979.

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Re: close_fox TB Log

Post by close_fox »

I will be offline for while. Will keep notes of my training and update this log whenever I can.
"You oughta know not to stand by the window. Somebody see you up there." Talking Heads. "Life During Wartime." Fear of Music, Sire, 1979.

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Re: close_fox TB Log

Post by close_fox »

Things have slowed down for a little bit, and I finally have a chance to update my log. Four blocks follow. Typed out from handwritten notes…managed to capture most of it. I’m running TB in less than ideal conditions. So far, it’s going well. Not recorded: I am getting a lot of stretching and mobility stuff in almost daily.

Future updates will continue to be sporadic at best. Maybe I can chime in on some other threads over the next few days. Or I might just sleep for days at a time…

Block 5

Base building. I failed to keep a decent log. I am deployed to a new location, so I ran BB to get acclimated to the new climate and op tempo. I more or less did the same thing as my prior BB block, except I capped all runs at 30min. I am covering a lot of distance on most days on foot whether I want to or not…almost always carrying some sort of load…sometimes 20 to 30lbs, sometimes a lot more. Additionally, I was determined to do all my runs outside. That means pounding concrete (not even asphalt), and I don’t want to wreck my knees.

Block 6
Operator I/A
Cluster: BP, FSQ, WPU

Template notes: My first foray into Op I/A. I am doing this because I need help with recovery. I need Op I/A’s flexibility because I am frequently beat down by operational tempo, lack of sleep, lack of time, etc. I plan to push weight eventually, so Op I/A will obviously help when that time comes.

Cluster notes: Moving to FSQ vice SQ. I want to push weight in future blocks, so I am going with FSQ vice SQ. I don’t see my operational tempo allowing for proper recovery from SQ’s heavier load. Additionally, I am going to incorporate KB swings per AA’s guidance (matching reps to weight % number). I see swings fitting better with FSQ than SQ…particularly given my recovery needs.

Conditioning notes: Mostly 30min runs, medium to slow pace. I guest that means I am doing Op I/A + Green? Not sure. I don’t want to go without some kind of intentional conditioning. I am getting a lot of “on the job” conditioning…moving with a load sometimes hard/fast sometimes long/slow. I hope these 30min runs will help me work thorough some soreness.

Cluster T&E

I am going really conservative with my weights during this block. My operational tempo simply costs too much in terms of recovery. Maybe I can push weight later. 250lbs for BP and 225lbs for FSQ.

WPU is finally happening. Gonna start conservative on this as well. Looking forward to it.

KB swings felt good. Excited to get more experience with these.

1 MS
BP 170
FSQ 140 (incorrect loading)
WPU 10 x 2 sets; BW x 1 set
Plank 45sec
Shank 30sec (broken GHR stand)

1 E
LSS run 30min

2 MS
BP 170
FSQ 140 (incorrect loading)
WPU 10 (rep 5 of last set was BW)

LSS run 30min

KB swing 16kg 3x20, 15
2min rest

3 MS
BP 170
FSQ 150
WPU 10 (got all reps but last set shaky)
Plank 50sec
Shank 50sec

3 E
LSS run 30min

4 MS
BP 180
FSQ 160
WPU 10 (last set better, not 100% strict)


5 MS
BP 180
FSQ 160
WPU 12.5, 10, 10 (last set shaky)
KB swing 16kg x 80 reps (4x20, 2min rest)

5 E
LSS run 30min

6 MS
FSQ 160
WPU 12.5, 12.5, 10 (last set shaky)
BP 180
Notes: Exercise order changed (crowded facility).
Too much operational movement today, no E tomorrow.

6 E

7 MS
BP 180
FSQ 160
WPU 12.5
Note: Should have been 3x3@85%

LSS run 30min
Plank 60sec
Shanks 50sec

8 MS
BP 190
FSQ 175
WPU 15

8 E
LSS Run 30min
KB swing 16kg 3x20, 25
2min rest

9 MS
BP 205
FSQ 185
WPU 25



- 3 E CANX for recovery. One for no sleep, two because of op movement load. I am not happy with this many CANX, but it’s probably reality for a while.
- WPU is coming along. I am very conscious of the dip belt…working to maintain strict form.

Block 7
Operator I/A
Cluster: BP, FSQ, WPU

MS notes
Attack WPU...aggressive increases
Increase FSQ notional max 10lbs to 235
Maintain BP notional max at 250 (can't increase everything)
Add one set of an exercise per workout. For the block, this will add up to 3 extra sets per exercise (i.e., added volume of one add'l training day per exercise).

Conditioning: per each weight % section of the block
2xE = 30min run (slower)
1xHIC = 15-20min run (faster)
Minimize canx for op load if possible.

Increase KB swings 4kg to 20kg
Maintain plank + shank effort (steady increases)

1 MS
BP 3x5@180 (should have been 170)
FSQ 4x5@160
WPU 3x5@ 12.5

Run 15min
Plank 40sec
Shank 41sec

2 MS
BP 4x5@170
FSQ 3x5@160
WPU 3x5@ 15, 15, 12.5

2 E
Run 30min
KB swing 20kg (3x20, 1x15)

3 MS
BP 3x5@170
FSQ 3x5@160
WPU 4x5@ 15, 15, 15, 12.5

3 E
Run 30min
Plank + shank CANX (leg load over last three days)

4 MS
BP 4x5@180
FSQ 3x5@170
WPU 3x5@ 17.5, 17.5, 15

Run 15min

5 MS
BP 3x5@180
FSQ 4x5@170
WPU 3x5@ 20, 20, 17.5

5 E

6 MS
BP 3x5@180
FSQ 3x5@170
WPU 4x5@ 20, 20, 20, 17.5 (4)

6 E

7 MS
BP 4x3@190
FSQ 3x3@180
WPU 3x3@ 35

15min run

8 MS
BP 3x3@190
FSQ 4x3@180
WPU 3x3@ 35 (set 3 was only 2 reps)
Notes: Late night / early AM session. Getting in the gym was basically a FU to my circumstances…determined to win something after a long bad day.

8 E
Run 30min

9 MS
BP 3x2@205
FSQ 3x2@190
WPU 4x2@45

9 E
30min run
KB swing 20kg (4x20, 1x10)

Notes: I liked my “rotating bonus set” experiment. Gonna file it away for future use. Plank + shank fell off. My core is smoked almost every day from wearing gear. Need to rethink my strategy on core work.


Block 8
Max Strength notes

BP: Maintain notional max at 250. Need room to introduce push-ups (PFT prep this block…good idea fairy is in full effect :roll: …)

FSQ: Increase notional max to 250. Feeling good with this movement pattern. Time to work with weight = to BP.

WPU: Lock-in strict form. Form was suspect a few times during Block 7. Less focus on weight increases for Block 8. Repeat Block 7 weights if necessary.

Increase FSQ and WPU sets to 4. Keep BP sets at 3 (because adding push-ups to conditioning days).

PFT prep this block

1 submax set push-ups
1 submax set sit-ups
30min run

30min run
KB swing

Alpha circuit push-ups, sit-ups
15min run

1 MS
BP 3x5@170
FSQ 4x5@170
WPU 4x5@15

1 E
30min run

2 MS
BP 3x5@170
FSQ 4x5@170
WPU 4x5@15

2 E
30min run
KB swing 3x20, 1x15 @20kg

3 MS
BP 3x5@170
FSQ 4x5@170
WPU 5, 5, 5, 4 @15

(Restart Segment 3 due to three CANX days)

BP 3x5@170
FSQ 4x5@170
WPU 3x5@15
Note: Dropping WPU back to three sets. Four sets is costing too much.

Push-up x10
Sit-up x10
1min rest

Run 15min

Pull-up 3x3, 1min rest

4 MS
BP 3x5@180
FSQ 4x5@180
WPU 3x5@17.5

4 E
30min run

5 MS
BP 3x5@180
FSQ 4x5@180
WPU 3x5@17.5 (solidify form)

5 E
30min run
KB swing 4x20@20kg

6 MS
BP 3x5@180
FSQ 4x5@180
WPU 3x5@20

Push-up x20
Sit-up x20
2min rest

Run 15min

Pull-up 3x5, 2min rest

7 MS
BP 3x2@190
FSQ 4x2@190
WPU 3x2@45

7 E
30min run

8 MS
80%TM (should have been 85%)
BP 3x2@180
FSQ 4x2@180
WPU 3x2@45
Note: Didn’t have training log with me. Miscalculated weights.

Push-up x20
Sit-up x20
Row 2min

(Last round was 1min row)

9 MS
90% TM
BP 3x2@205
FSQ 4x2@205
WPU 3x2@45

20min walk 10% grade 3mph

Extra week

10 MS
BP 3x5@170
FSQ 4x5@170
WPU 3x5@15
Notes: no sleep

10 HIC
Push-ups 25, 13, 12
Sit-ups 41, 21, 20
Pull-ups 5, 3, 3
(Easy circuits, 2min after each)

20min walk 12% grade 3mph (foot is banged up … not serious, but don’t want impact from running)

11 MS
BP 3x5@180
FSQ 4x5@180
WPU 3x5@20

11 HIC
CANX (ops)

12 MS
90% TM
BP 5x2@205
FSQ 5x2@205
WPU 5x2@25 (no dip belt…had to hold DB between knees, which limited the weight I could do…not ideal)

12 HIC

PT Ladder 1
1-5 w/ 30sec rest

PT Ladder 2
Push-up/DB swing 20kg/Leg lever
1-5 no rest

Row Ladder + push-ups
Row 100/200/300; 10 push-ups after each

5min incline walk

Extended cool down & stretch


Notes: I got away with four sets of FSQ for this block. Going back to three sets next block. Minimal effective dose. Four sets of WPU is not sustainable. Was starting to overtrain/regress from one session to the next. I just can’t afford it physically right now. Operational load is beating me down. I am getting the work in. Forcing myself to prioritize rest equally with MS and conditioning.
Last edited by close_fox on Mon Nov 27, 2017 7:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"You oughta know not to stand by the window. Somebody see you up there." Talking Heads. "Life During Wartime." Fear of Music, Sire, 1979.

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Re: close_fox TB Log

Post by Barkadion »

Good to see you are logging again. Goof luck with OP I/A. I too find that recovery can dictate the order of things and slow down progression a lot..
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Re: close_fox TB Log

Post by Dave1 »

Been a while, guessing you're away again?

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Re: close_fox TB Log

Post by close_fox »

Block 9

Operator + Black

Duration: 6 weeks

Cluster: BP / FSQ / WPU

Conditioning: See below for HIC/E notes

This is an overview post. I don’t have my daily notes on me, and I want to get this down while I have time.

After three blocks of Op I/A, I returned to Operator. I feel like I made more progress in this one block of Operator than the previous three blocks of Op I/A. Everything feels better…I feel stronger, faster, etc. There is no substitute for the increased frequency of Operator. I also had better recovery (less operational movement, more sleep) during this block – so that obviously has something to do with it. I think I took three unscheduled rest/off days during the block.

My main takeaway from this block is to stay on Operator unless I genuinely can’t (due to time constraints or recovery needs). During Blocks 6, 7, and 8, I jumped to Op I/A based on my work tempo and perceived recovery needs. I might have been better served by continuing Operator (maybe with a reduced TM and conditioning intensity). I wish I had tried it. Going forward, I will run Operator until my body clearly tells me it’s too much. Op I/A will be my tool for making progress when work demands prevent me from running Operator.

FSQ + KB swings + run-based conditioning feels like the perfect balance in my lower body. BP and WPU are going well. I may try a block of OHP at some point, mostly out of curiosity. I see no operational reason to stop running BP.

I am pretty happy with my HIC and E choices from this block. I might get 600 Meter Repeats going again during Block 10.

I did some PT exercises weekly, on either Day 2 or 6. Basically submax sets of push-ups and sit-ups. I am going to be more structured during Block 10. Probably via Alpha + Bravo circuits.

Weekly schedule

1: MS
Notes on MS: I followed the percentages/sets/reps exactly per the text. Lifts felt fine. FSQ in particular felt great this time around.

2: HIC – Fast 5 (cap at 20min)

3: MS

4: HIC – Meat Eater
Notes: I did 6 – 10 rounds depending on week (i.e., fewer rounds during “easy” weeks 3 and 6). I generally used a 24kg KB. I know I went heavier once…I think it was 30 or 32kg.

5: MS

Generally: HIC – GC 10
Notes: I capped the burpees at 10 reps. Finisher was Plank + Shank. Went ok…the glute ham bench I have access to is pretty broken.

Weeks 2 & 5: E – Treadmill incline
Notes: Steep incline, quick pace (but not running), at least 30min. I think the longest session was 45min. Tried to replicate some of the suck of a forced march. I did not keep track of the exact incline and pace. Just erred on the side of higher and/or faster. Got some good podcast listening done during these sessions.

7: Rest
"You oughta know not to stand by the window. Somebody see you up there." Talking Heads. "Life During Wartime." Fear of Music, Sire, 1979.

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Re: close_fox TB Log

Post by close_fox »

Another overview / recap post. This one covers my last two blocks (10 and 11) plus two weeks of PFT focused training. I am still deployed…still keeping workout notes on paper and making updates here when I can.

Blocks 10 and 11 were Operator + Black Pro. After putting in 12 solid weeks with Black Pro, I can confidently say this is an ideal template for me.

MS, HIC, E notes

I kept my notional BP and FSQ maxes at 250 for Blocks 10 and 11. I have been using 250 for a long time (six blocks for BP and four blocks for FSQ) – almost the entire time I have been deployed. 250 has been a sweet spot for maintaining and progressing despite operational and recovery challenges (sometimes fatigue, always lack of sleep). I look forward to force progressing soon when I am back in the real world.

I am still chipping away with three sets of BP, FSQ, and WPU. Three sets has become a Golden Rule for me (to go along with the universal Golden Rule of rest intervals).

I ran almost 100% outside during these blocks for HIC and E. Air quality forced me to use the treadmill a couple times. I was able to get a couple hill sessions during Block 10. Hills are at the top of my conditioning list for when I get to my next assignment.


During Block 11, I committed to kettlebells as follows:
100 reps (5 sets of 20; 2+min rest)
Weight (kg): 16 (1st set as warm-up) up to 28

I did the KB session at the end of an MS session (usually Day 3). The swings left my legs feeling energized. The improvement was most noticeable during my runs. My running stroke felt like it had more “push.”

PFT prep

I did a lot of PFT prep during this time. Here is a breakdown:

Block 10: Reintroduce SE
SE Fobbits (push-ups & sit-ups) build PFT-specific endurance. I got this from the article at

Block 11: Increase SE load to 2x/week
1) Progress push-ups and sit-ups via Alpha / Bravo circuits before Fast 5. This day also gave me something like a weekly practice PFT.
2) Continue “grease the groove” type work via SE Fobbits.

Block 11.1: Intense PFT specific block (see below)

Block 10

Operator + Black Pro

Duration: 6 weeks

Cluster: BP / FSQ / WPU

Weekly schedule

1: MS

2: HIC
Fast 5 (cap at 20min)

3: MS

4: HIC
Standard Issue Hills (first two weeks)
600m Resets (last four weeks – did not have hills)

5: MS

6: E
SE Fobbit: 30-60min run w/ sets of 10 push-ups and sit-ups every few minutes

7: OFF

Block 11

Operator + Black Pro

Duration: 6 weeks

Cluster: BP / FSQ / WPU

Weekly schedule

1: MS

2: HIC
Alpha Circuits (push-ups and sit-ups); Week/reps: 1/10, 2/20, 3/30, 4/20, 5/30, 6/40)
Fast 5 (cap at 20min)

3: MS
KB swings usually on this day

4: HIC
Sprint : Walk :: 60sec : 120sec
4-6 reps
60:120 intervals (along with 30:60s) were one of the first PFT tricks I learned. The 1:2 sprint to rest ratio is a universal truth for PFT running improvement. I’ve never seen it not work for someone (kind of like running hills). It’s one of those simple, effective solutions that sticks around while the complicated “high speed” training ideas come and go.

5: MS

6: E
SE Fobbit: 30+min run w/ sets of 10 push-ups and sit-ups every few minutes

7: OFF

Block 11.1

PFT prep

I keep the PFT in the back of my mind year-round. But everybody knows some PFTs mean more than others (initial entry, selection, promotion, etc.). After Block 11, I needed to put a PFT down for a promotion packet. I don’t typically drop everything and focus on a PFT. But when I do, I prefer the following program.

I got the overall concept from Stew Smith’s free 15 day program, including harder/easier SE work for 10 consecutive days followed by a taper before the test. It definitely has the "hardening" effect you get from multiple consecutive training days. I usually feel a little banged up on days 9 and 10, just in time to rebound over the taper/rest days. And I'm 100% on test day.

I have found the hard/easy concept also works well for running. For hard days, alternating speed work (60:120 repeats) with tempo runs is a great way to increase PFT distance speed and endurance. The “easy” 30min LSS runs improve running while somewhat fatigued.

Pull-ups are in the mix to balance all the pushing. If pull-ups are a PFT event for you, they obviously need to be higher priority. Since adopting TB, I have added KB swings to provide additional balance. They also keep me from totally abandoning MS (and TB for that matter). I do them in moderately heavy sets of 20, with at least 2min rest between sets. I try to progress in weight over the KB sessions.

Here is the program, in case anyone is interested. It works, but it's just one of many ways to get there. Who knows when I will use it again. Operator + Black Pro (E = SE Fobbits) looks like my long term training solution. I will simply cycle PFT exercises into the Fobbits as needed. Again, see for real guidance on this.


Odd days (hard days)
Push-ups 200 (few sets as possible, no failure)
Sit-ups 200 (few sets as possible, no failure)
Run: 20min tempo or 60:120 x 4-6 (alternate these workouts)
Pull-ups: 5 moderate sets (no failure)
KB swings 5 sets of 20 (medium weight)

Even days (recovery days)
Push-ups 100 (throughout day in sets of 10)
Sit-ups 100 (throughout day in sets of 10)
Run: 30min LSS
Pull-ups: 20-30 reps via easy sets


Day 11: 10min tempo run

Day 12: 60:120 x2

Days 13 & 14: Rest

Day 15: PFT
Last edited by close_fox on Thu Apr 19, 2018 10:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
"You oughta know not to stand by the window. Somebody see you up there." Talking Heads. "Life During Wartime." Fear of Music, Sire, 1979.

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Re: close_fox TB Log

Post by Barkadion »

It’s good to read your write ups again. Food for thought for me personally.
Cheers, mate.
"Man is what he reads." - Joseph Brodsky

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Re: close_fox TB Log

Post by close_fox »

I am on leave having recently finished a yearlong cycle of deployments and home rotations. During that time, I completed the following training blocks:

5: Basebuilding
6: Op I/A
7: Op I/A
8: Op I/A
9: Op + Black
10: Op + Black Pro
11: Op + Black Pro
11.1: PFT Prep (two weeks…SE + running)
11.2: Op + Black Pro (four weeks)

Cluster was BP/FSQ/WPU. HIC and E was running based, with E duration generally capped at 30-45min if running outside (due to air quality and concrete running surface). KB swings 1x/week. Push-ups & sit-ups 1x/week.

Block 11.2 lasted only four weeks (all the time I had). That’s why I didn’t call is Block 12. I did 70/80/90/75% weeks. I pushed lifting volume to four or five sets per exercise vice my usual three. I pushed conditioning effort and volume hard during the 70 and 75% weeks.

Other notes

I am very happy with how TB worked as a deployment fitness program. I made progress during the year, even if that progress was “only” maintaining my fitness and ending the cycle less physically broken than I otherwise would have been. I kept the basically the same notional TMs for most of the past year. Maintaining the same TMs as my physical reserves decreased was something like progression.

Also, I was ready to go day-to-day. I saw some teammates moving slower after setting yet another deadlift PR. A lot of those dudes end up “choosing” to focus on mobility and yoga type activities because they get too banged up to do anything else.

TB ensured that I ended the cycle in good physical condition. I can take it easy on leave (when I need to maximize family time anyway) then get right back in the game.

Another takeaway I have is on greasing the groove.

The other day, I did push-ups & sit-ups then Standard Issue Hills. After that, I did a single set of BW pull-ups just to see where I am. I stopped at 16 with several reps still in the tank. Going to failure doesn’t seem like a good idea right now. I definitely could have pulled at least five more.

So I got 16 easy reps (would have been 20+ if I was willing to push at all) and that’s after a decent smoker of a HIC…probably a 7/10 effort. I am not 100% physically right now...probably more like 75%. But the real kicker is, I have not done more than five reps in a set in about a year. I have just worked WPU up and down the wave progression percentages/sets/reps, week after week, block after block. So that's one man's very unscientific testimony on the power of TB's methodology.

That result makes me really curious what I could 1RM for BP and FSQ. I’m going to resist that temptation because it seems like a recipe for injury. I am feeling a lot of accumulated fatigue. My low back feels especially “on the edge.” I need to heal up for a while. I’ll most likely spend a lot of time driving a desk over the next couple years. I’ll have plenty of time scratch my 1RM itch then.

My running is in pretty good shape. Operator + Black Pro was a good balance for me. I look forward to being in the real world where I can push the E to 60+min without getting on a treadmill. My tentative plan is a Basebuilding block after this run/recharge/leave period. Then maybe some blocks of Fighter + Green. I need to swing my pendulum over to the E side for a bit.

But all that is just planning. For now, I am going to dial way back on the PT while I am on leave. If anything, I would like to rack up some easy miles on trails in the fresh air. I'll be around, maybe plugging in some input on the forums when I see the opportunity.
"You oughta know not to stand by the window. Somebody see you up there." Talking Heads. "Life During Wartime." Fear of Music, Sire, 1979.

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