ML's log

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Re: ML's log

Post by ml1985 »

So we had to go to the hospital Wednesday night. Baby is due only in early July, buy my wife had regular contractions. Fortunately, everything is fine, but we didn't get much sleep. Took the last two days off.

Operator + black, week 6, day 1
Squat: 225x3x1
Bench press: 140x4x2
Pull up: BWx4x2

Caffeine withdrawal sucks.

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Re: ML's log

Post by ml1985 »

Operator + black, week 6, day 2
Front squat: 195x3x1
Military press: 85x4x2
Chin up: BWx4x2

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Re: ML's log

Post by ml1985 »

Operator + black, week 6, day 3
30 mins LSS
2.25 miles in 29:39 (13:11 min/mile) @ 125 bpm

Ran on an empty stomach this morning and it felt much better. I tried to stay under 140 bpm for a recovery run; it was slow, but mission accomplished. Tomorrow is the last day of operator. Starting Saturday, it will be base building, but I'll follow a lower volume running program (with SE first). I'd really like to lower my 5K time (I have not timed it recently, but my last Fast 5 was around 34 minutes), so I'll probably do Fighter + green after BB. I'll be very conservative, so first week of BB will start at 12 mpw and 10 weeks later, I'll peak at 22 mpw. Some speed work and tempo runs will be done on alternate weeks. I'll probably do some testing either at the end of summer or next fall after a first block of Fighter + green. This also all depends on when I'll be able to restart BJJ. Anyways, that's the plan, but I'd really like to be under a 25:00 5K for March 2021 while maintaining strength and SE levels.

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Re: ML's log

Post by ml1985 »

Operator + black, week 6, day 4
Squat: 225x3x1
Bench press: 140x4x2
Deadlift: 235x3x1

I'll adjust my deadlift max after BB, as this was too easy. I'd say it was somewhere between 60-70%.

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Re: ML's log

Post by ml1985 »

Base building, week 1, day 1
General aerobic
2.8 miles in 33:36 (12:01 min/mile) @ 140 bpm

Day 1 is in the books. 59 workouts left!

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Re: ML's log

Post by ml1985 »

Base building, week 1, day 2
Strength endurance, 3x20 with 60s rest between exercises
A1. BB push press (45)
A2. DB row (10)
A3. Lunges (BW)
A4. Push up (BW)
A5. Back extension (BW)
A6. Sit up (BW)

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Re: ML's log

Post by ml1985 »

Base building, week 1, day 3
General aerobic
2.25 miles in 28:18 (12:34 min/mile) @ 142 bpm

It's going to be hot this week, so I'll try to jog in the morning. Also, poutine is not a good pre-workout meal.

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Re: ML's log

Post by ml1985 »

Base building, week 1, day 4
Long endurance
4.5 miles in 52:42 (11:42 min/mile) @ 145 bpm

Today was supposed to be strength-endurance, but since it will be in the mid 30's (that's mid 90's F) with high humidity Thursday and Friday, I decided to do my long run this morning instead. I try to run slower in the beginning and finish faster. The split/lap times per mile (avg HR in parenthesis) were: 12:02 (136), 11:59 (141), 11:34 (148), 11:20 (152), 11:32 (152).

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Re: ML's log

Post by ml1985 »

Base building, week 1, day 5
Strength endurance, 2x20 with 60s rest between exercises
A1. BB push press (45)
A2. DB row (10)
A3. Lunges (BW)
A4. Push up (BW)
A5. Back extension (BW)
A6. Sit up (BW)

Posts: 167
Joined: Mon May 27, 2019 1:55 pm

Re: ML's log

Post by ml1985 »

Base building, week 1, day 6
General aerobic
2.26 miles in 25:36 (11:20 min/mile) @ 139 bpm

Way better when I run first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.

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