Workout Log

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Workout Log

Post by Adski »


Double end bag
4x3min rds

Jump Rope
1x3min rd
4x30 second rounds

Note: took it easy as I’m not sure how the lungs would be, wasn’t too bad overall.

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Workout Log

Post by Adski »


Rest Day

Note: main symptom that seems to be hanging around is fatigue…. I’ll put it partly down to the spicy cough, part of it down to my little one running around while being stuck inside due to the weather. Back seems to be recovering well, still feels a bit tight here and there, am on a mobility and stretching rampage at the moment to help things along.

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Workout Log

Post by Adski »


70kg 3x5

25kg 3x5

10kg 3x5

Band Resisted PU
(Orange/red band combined) 2x5

Note: Back felt fine which is a good sign, recovery still going well. Had to do another test today and am still positive for Covid. Not feeling as bad, a couple of small symptoms, fatigue is probably the main one but overall not feeling too bad. I may do triples tomorrow and take it easy there and see how things go. If things keep improving how they are, HICs at least one per week may be able to make a return starting next week. We’ll see.

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Workout Log

Post by Adski »



Run 10mins

Jump rope 10mins

Wrecking Ball 10 mins

Note: kept a fairly easy pace, felt pretty good, might be able to get a good HIC in the form of hill sprints in next week. Also, got a negative result from the rona this morning, so that’s definitely a good sign. I’ll still rest tomorrow just to keep easing into things, then lift on Sunday. Things will switch up slightly once it finally stops raining here, which means I’ll be able to skate again. Am looking forward to that.

Posts: 2052
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Workout Log

Post by Adski »



Just under a couple of hours

Note: managed to have a dry day here so took advantage of it. Worked out pretty well. Gas tank feels like it’s coming back quick too.

Posts: 2052
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Workout Log

Post by Adski »


Rest Day

Note: running with modified OP/IA, basically there may be 3 days between MS sessions where I feel it’s needed.

Posts: 2052
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Workout Log

Post by Adski »


Rest Day

Note: though generally I’m feeling pretty good, I’m not recovering as fast, I’ll put it down to a few things, probably skated a bit too long on Saturday, Covid recovery, little one not sleeping, a bit of a mixed bag. Did a whole bunch of recovery work though. Will train tomorrow.

Posts: 2052
Joined: Sun Aug 28, 2016 9:06 pm

Workout Log

Post by Adski »


142.5kg 3x5

Sandbag Shouldering
Medium Bag 3x3 p/s

Orange Band 1x3
Red Band 1x5

Ramp Rollouts
5th notch 4x5

Note: played with some banded distractions on the hip
flexors/hip capsule and wow, back instantly felt better, I didn’t realize how bound up I was there, I’d played with banded couch stretches but not so much in the extended lunge position. Everything just eased right off.
Anyway, everything went well, had another aha moment working with bands on the GHR, I’m pretty certain I can get away using the orange band for sets of 5, this in theory will probably speed up getting back to higher rep bodyweight sets. It would be nice to get back to weighted. I like the band as I can focus on form, in that, not using a lot of hinge. All in all just happy to be moving a lot more comfortably. Hopefully recovery is a bit better around the hips now.

Posts: 2052
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Workout Log

Post by Adski »


Airbike Intervals
30 seconds on
90 seconds coast

Note: back is still feeling good, sticking with the current mobility setup to stay on top of things. Good session on the Airbike, lungs are coming back after having the spicy cough.

Posts: 2052
Joined: Sun Aug 28, 2016 9:06 pm

Workout Log

Post by Adski »


Rest Day

Note: long day plus spicy cough jab, decided I’d take the rest option in case I have a not so good reaction, which seems to be somewhat common. Otherwise, maintained mobility work in the evening combined with the Thursday Romwod.

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