Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Week 1 Upper Body day 2
A. Warmup
behind the back stretch 30 secs
Kitchen sink stretch 1 min
Wall angels 20 reps
Y and Ts 10 reps
Wrist rock 1 min
10 Pushup
5 pullup

B. 3x8 40,50,60kg
C. BW 8,8,8,6
D. 3x12 17kg
E.3x12 8.5kg
F1.3x15 10kg
F2.3x15 10kg

G2. Rounds x2 Vertical pressing cool down
Hang Pullup bar 30 secs
Banded lat stretch 60 secs
Downward dog 30-60 seconds
Shoulder extension with barbell 60 secs

Posts: 1977
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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Week 2 Lower Body day 1
A. Warmup
2 min jog
2 rounds
3x depth jumps
5x 3 way lunge BW
5x tempo goblet squats (5 eccentric, 2 sec pause, 3 sec concentric)

B. 3x5
C. 3x10es- 25,35,45kg
D. 3x5-40,50,60kg
E1.4x15 10kg
E2.4x15kg 6kg

Squat recovery 2 rounds
30 sec facet gapping es
30 sec dragon pose es

120 sec 90/90 breathing

cooldown walk

Posts: 1977
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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Week 2 Upper Body day 1
A. Warmup
2 rounds
6x Scap pullups
8x cuban press 2.5kg es
8 temp pushups (3,3,3)

B1. 3x8 40,50,60kg
B2. Sub pullup 9,8,8
C1. 3x10 10kg
C2.3x10 20,25,30kg Barbell
D1.3x10kg 20kg Barbell
D2.3x10 Black band

4x400m, 2 min rest between rounds
Building in speed, last round 1:40.03

Running recovery
60 second stretching
Couch, hamstring on bench es, Inner thigh, Downward dog

Posts: 1977
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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Week 2 Lower Body day 2
A. Warmup
10 temp squats
10 SLDL es
Squat Stretch
10 Pushups

B. 3x6 60,70,80kg
C. 4x15 20,25,30,35kg
D.4x10 es 10kg vest
E. 4x15 22.5kg (2xDB)
F.4 rounds red band x3
G1.3x 1 min 28kg KB

Squat recovery
60 sec facet gapping es
60 sec dragon pose es

Posts: 1977
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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Week 1 Upper Body day 2
A. Warmup
behind the back stretch 30 secs
Kitchen sink stretch 1 min
Wall angels 25 reps
Y and Ts 10 reps
Wrist rock 1 min
10 Pushup
5 pullup

B. 4x8 40,50,60,60kg
C. BW 10,8,7,7
D. 3x12 24.4kg
E.3x12 12.4kg
F1.3x15 10kg
F2.3x15 10kg

G2. Rounds x2 Vertical pressing cool down
Hang Pullup bar 30 secs
Banded lat stretch 60 secs
Downward dog 30-60 seconds
Shoulder extension with barbell 60 secs

Posts: 1977
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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

I am so keen for a return to TB from my current programming. Whilst I am enjoying the variety, I am missing the ease of TB Strength programming paired with some simple conditioning protocols.

I will run the course for another 2 weeks, but I think I may be switching back to TB in the immediate future due to the Covid lockdown ending in my area and finally being able to return to some form of BJJ training.

There is no way I can maintain this level of training, paired with BJJ and other things. My sleep and recovery is already struggling and I am having to miss a day or two of training each week as is.

No fault of the programming I am following as it is designed to gain mass and recovery was always going to be an issue.

I am thinking a return to my original plan of OP I/A is definitely on the cards. Ill add in some short HIC finishers(Magic50 ectc) and some agility work, paired with 2-3x BJJ sessions(unfortunately most likely no contact) and a return to regular LSS.

Posts: 1977
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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Tactical Saturday

warmup 3x10
Lunge with twist, cossack,fire hydrant, ankle rock
100m run

Agility sprints

800m run
3 rounds
carry, snatch, pushup,pullup
40m run

cooldown exercises

Posts: 1977
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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »


BJJ Midday Gi

Worked on bridging and hip escapes both back and forward.

2 rounds conditioning circuit
2 min rounds/30 min rest
Bag work
Battle ropes
Assault bike
Tire Flips
Sled Push/Drags

I finally got to get back on the mats for BJJ. No rolling yet but should be able to within the next two weeks once covid restrictions lift.
I will be transitioning away from the mass based programming I was planning to do due to an earlier return to BJJ than originally thought.

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Adski »

That looks like some interesting programming that you’ve been running with. Good to see also that restrictions are starting to lift so you can get some rolling in.

Posts: 1977
Joined: Wed Oct 12, 2016 6:23 am

Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Adski wrote:That looks like some interesting programming that you’ve been running with. Good to see also that restrictions are starting to lift so you can get some rolling in.
I was doing a mass based program from a site that caters to Emergency services. I really enjoyed it, but the mass building volume paired with an increased volume at work was too much. No chance of maintaining the workload with a return to BJJ. My usual TB session is under a 100 reps total but this programming had me up well over 200+. I always have to run a different program to TB just to remind me why it is such a great program due to my work and life circumstances.

I am so keen to get back to BJJ that I am looking at working my roster around having 2 specific days off completely dedicated to hitting morning/evening BJJ sessions. This will up my BJJ training sessions from 2-5 sessions. The more minimalist sessions in TB OP I/a will pair easier than the current programming I am following. I also like using the 3/1 ratio of work to rest from Ageless athlete. It has been a game changer.

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