From Overweight to Athlete Fit

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From Overweight to Athlete Fit

Post by Jkk89 »

Fitness level:Extremely poor
Weight:130 kg // 286 lbs
Goal Weight:90 // 198 lbs
Diet:Started intermitting fasting
Training Plan: Tactical Barbell Strength & Conditioning

Body info:
Waist: 121,5 cm
Thighs:85.6 cm ( 30 cm from knee cap and up )
Chest:124 cm ( From Nipples, LOL )
Bicep:38.5 cm

About me:
I just wrote a short status report on who i am, like i said in the text, I'm 27 years old. Around 4 years i ago i was happy at around 85-90kg, a callisthenics freak, not uber fit but liked the training. Got my self a girlfriend, was together for 3,5 years got engaged. But then everything went to hell fitness wise, the last 3 years in the relationship i stopped training, for some reason i gained weight very easily. So after the relationship was over i went even higher, from 115 to 130. But now I'm back and trying to grasp my life.

Im on 3th week on base building, since i live in Norway its hard to run outside, lots of ice etc. So on base building now I'm using the treadmill, putting it on 3-4% incline and trying to get a high pace, again I'm fat and overweight so my pulse goes fast up. So I'm not running much, I'm surely at 4-5% on speed, sometimes increases it to 6 if my pulse is working with me.
Im like i said doing base building and i also do the Kettlebell cluster that is in the book for strength endurance, i love the kettle bell more and more. So very happy with it.

After Basebuilding I'm going over to Operator + Black protocol.
Where i will be doing the Deadlift, Squat, Bench, + Kettle bell swings at the end of the workout + 1-2 Core programs when i got time.

If you read this, and you aren't tired of all the info and all the "nasty" details. Post a comment or give me some critics. Its a freaking long journey and i would like to share it with you guys. Thanks

Current Lifts + Pull ups
Deadlift: 115 kg //264 lbs ( 5 RM )
Squat: 85 kg // 187 lbs ( 5 RM )
Benchpress: 90 kg // 198 lbs ( 5 RM )
Pull ups:1-1,5

Im om my way to the gym today, last session before the weekend. Then i have 4 Endurance sessions ( LSS ) + 2 SE workouts before the week is over. I will begin logging days from Monday and out. I will try to be as detailed i can be.

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Re: From Overweight to Athlete Fit

Post by J-Madd »

JK, first congrats on making the commitment to getting back into shape. I'm cheering for you. Your plan looks solid, and if you persist, you can expect to see the weight come and your performance improve vastly.

I do have pause about one point: your plan to use intermittent fasting. That approach works great for a lot of people, and maybe it will be great for you. That being said, I think you should see IF as more of an "advanced" dietary approach. Getting you macros in during a smaller feeding window is pretty tricky. I recommend starting out by a much more basic approach. As this point you will probably make wonderful progress just by cutting out junk food, and training consistently. Spending several months learning about what does or does not work for you in terms of diet is probably a good idea before you jump into IF. I might even start by focusing on getting in the habit of three, satisfying and balanced (no junk!) meals a day. Milk that for all the progress you can, learn a lot about yourself, and then apply your new insights to a more nuanced approach. You might think of IF as a way of taking your dietary sophistication to a new level, once you have plateaued.

Of course if IF has worked for you in the past, you have a really solid sense of how to pull it off, etc., please disregard this. It's just my unsolicited, non-expert opinion.

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Re: From Overweight to Athlete Fit

Post by Moz69 »

Good luck on the journey JK. I don't have any advice to give other than have a good read on the forum and see what experienced guys like JMadd and others have to say.

One thing I would say is try and stay consistant something I'm not always able to do myself due to other commitments but I always try to get10- 20 mins of mobilisation in if nothing else, it all mounts up.
Look forward to reading your progress
An old Scottish friend once said to me "A queer bird the fish" I never bloody knew what he meant.

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Re: From Overweight to Athlete Fit

Post by Jkk89 »

Moz69 wrote:Good luck on the journey JK. I don't have any advice to give other than have a good read on the forum and see what experienced guys like JMadd and others have to say.

One thing I would say is try and stay consistant something I'm not always able to do myself due to other commitments but I always try to get10- 20 mins of mobilisation in if nothing else, it all mounts up.
Look forward to reading your progress
Thanks, i must become better doing mobility , to "lazy" il try to get better at it. Thank for the comment, il keep this updated :)

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Re: From Overweight to Athlete Fit

Post by Maxrip13 »

Good Luck on the journey mate.
Stay consistent and you will get where you are aiming.

Firstly good plan with the BB followed by TB and Black. I like your cluster and I think it will work well.
Don't chase weight, work on being consistent and you will continuously improve. With your all round fitness and weight loss goal, who cares how much you lift right now. Train regularly and build that habit.

I agree with what JMadd says reference the int fasting. I am a little worried you will make to many changes at once and overload yourself.

Save the specialist food stuff for when you need to drop that last stubborn couple of kg before hitting your goal weight.

If it has been successful in the past for you go for it though.

Again good luck mate and who doesn't want to get out and run in the snow :D

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Re: From Overweight to Athlete Fit

Post by Jkk89 »

14.11.2016 -- Monday
Woke up at 11 am, did a youtube yoga workout, 30 min deep stretch for beginners.
Then social life + school and some work then i went for a second workout ( base building )

Base building week 4:
Kettle bell cluster 1x50 reps
Two handed swing: 50 reps ( 16 kg :P )
Goblet Squat: 25 reps ( 8 kg , my legs was destroyed haha )
Renegade row: Alternative versjon , i stand on my knees and just lift arms up without push ups. 50 reps ( 12 kg )
Floor press one arm: 50 reps ( 12 kg each arm , 25 reps arm )
Kettle bell: 50 reps ( 24 kg , not much but struggeling )

Took a 20 min break, had to do the cardio today if i gonna make all the sessions this week.

60 min endurance on threadmill:
Tried a different approach today, went on 2% incline and did jog and walk instead of walking at a higher pace for the full time. So jog and walk jog and walk etc.

Strength training Polar v800:
Screen Shot 2016-11-14 at 22.39.48.png
Screen Shot 2016-11-14 at 22.39.48.png (55.38 KiB) Viewed 3463 times
Cardio Training Polar v800:
Screen Shot 2016-11-14 at 22.40.05.png
Screen Shot 2016-11-14 at 22.40.05.png (64.99 KiB) Viewed 3463 times
Its in Norwegian but i guess its pretty obvious whats the deal. Hehe

Intermitting Fasting:
I have done it before, and it fits very well with my work, know how i should place my macros i think so I'm feeling ready.
Reason is that i school from around 08 or 13 in the morning/afternoon then i work i from 15.45 to 01 am in the night. So between there i dont have much time to eat, so i try to fit in 3-4 meals in 8h window. But thank for the concern.

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Re: From Overweight to Athlete Fit

Post by K.B. »

JK, looking forward to seeing your progress. You mention your current fitness level is 'extremely poor' - if so don't be afraid to use the 'A' circuits for your SE.

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Re: From Overweight to Athlete Fit

Post by Jkk89 »

K.B. wrote:JK, looking forward to seeing your progress. You mention your current fitness level is 'extremely poor' - if so don't be afraid to use the 'A' circuits for your SE.
Is that in Conditioning, looked trough my kindle can't find it, know the page ?
Thank btw :)

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Re: From Overweight to Athlete Fit

Post by mikhou »


A full description of SE circuits are in TB 3rd edition.


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Re: From Overweight to Athlete Fit

Post by Jkk89 »

mikhou wrote:JK,

A full description of SE circuits are in TB 3rd edition.

I see i failed to read all the way 3th book, i read the second all out, and purchased the 3th but haven't gotten all trough it. Thank btw :)

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