Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »


Yoga for BJJ Slow back and shoulder stretch

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

TB OP I/A Week 7 Strength Session 2
Short warmup

Bulgarian Squat 3x4 56kg
Benchpress 3x4 80kg
Weighted Pullup 3x4 15kg

90 sec Plank
Ab wheel rollouts from knees 2x5

15 min cooldown walk with son

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »


LSS trail run 30 mins
Avg HR: 137bpm

20 min Yoga for BJJ slow stretch

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

TB OP I/A Week 7 Strength Session 3
2x5 Cossack squats
Hip flexor stretch
2x10 pushups
Childs pose

Deadlift 1x3 110kg
KB OHP 3x5 24kg KB

Kneeling ab wheel rollout 2x8

Hamstring and lower back stretches

I am having some shoulder issues lately, but I have no problems when I lift. Hopefully they settle after some time off.
I will be back on nightshift next week so minimal training. If it's still playing up I will take most of the week off and do some testing the following week. Nothing major, it always happens when my training load drops.

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »


TB OP I/A Test day

Back Squat 130kg x1
Benchpress 100kgx1

I decided to test to finish these cycles. I went with some reasonably conservative 1RMs and didn't push it to a true 1RM.

I was reasonably happy with the back squat 1Rm considering I haven't had a barbell on my back for a couple months now. If I run the back squat in my next cluster or two, that should lead to an easy double bodyweight back squat in a month or so without actually pushing hard.

I have been having some shoulder issues, so a return to a 100kg benchpress was also quite nice. It also was a very easy 100kg overall now they I effectively do all my benchpressing with a very close grip.

I am on nightshift currently and will rest most of the next week. I think I will bring the back squat back into my cluster in place of Bulgarians. I will be back to running Grouchy's program as written before I consider a base build in the next month or 3. The only thing I might drop is weighted pullups as they seem to be the source of my shoulder issues. I miss my old pullup bar that was a roof beam on my old deck.

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by godjira1 »

Congrats on the results of the cycle. To add to your n=1 example (I suppose that makes it n=2), shoulder issues for me also went away after I stopped doing wide grip BP, and oddly enough chin-ups.
It ain't what you don’t know that gets you into trouble.
It's what you know for sure that just ain’t so.

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »


BJJ No gi Evening

Open guard concepts

Multiple rounds of rolling

Posts: 1977
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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

godjira1 wrote: Mon Jul 26, 2021 2:08 pm Congrats on the results of the cycle. To add to your n=1 example (I suppose that makes it n=2), shoulder issues for me also went away after I stopped doing wide grip BP, and oddly enough chin-ups.
I basically bench on the small end of the knurling with a half thumb grip and that seems to fix most issues. My shoulder has no pain at all during the movement as long as I keep it packed. I definitely might run a block without pullups and see how that helps. I can sub in KB swings or maybe give the deadlift some more love instead.

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »


TB OP I/A Week 1 Strength Session 1
Short warmup

Back Squat 3x5 80kg
Benchpress 3x8 75kg

1 Arm KB BOR 3x5 16kg
Kneeling Ab wheel rollouts 3x5

Shoulder complex 2.5kg

Posts: 1977
Joined: Wed Oct 12, 2016 6:23 am

Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »


Bjj No Gi Midday
Open guard concepts

Bjj No gi evening
Open guard concepts
30 mins rolling

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