close_fox TB Log

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Re: close_fox TB Log

Post by close_fox »

Block 2: Black+Operator (TB2 Sample 17 Week Program)

Week 5 (Abbreviated)

5.1, 5.4
Max Strength: SWAT cluster (BP, SQ, PU)
EDIT: Rx was 3x3, but I did 3x5 because I failed to follow directions. :roll:

(5.4 also included shoulder mobility: Wall slide 2x10; PVC dislocate 2x10)

Notes: Weights feel good. As always, BP flies up and SQ feels a little heavier.

5.2 HIC
Oxygen Debt 101 vice regular choice session GC10 (make-up from last week...didn't want to miss this session)
200M run / 30 Seconds RI x3
Rest 5min

Notes: -1 round, +2min extra rest vice Rx. Heavy legs. Extending to eight consecutive work days made sense for my schedule, but ultimately it was a mistake. Cost me some training quality today. Lesson learned.

5.3: Off (Travel day)

5.5: Rest

5.6: Off (travel day)

(No day 5.7)

Week 5 wrap-up: As you can see, I cut Week 5 short. A combination of bad weather and return travel made it impractical to get the remaining three workouts of Week 5 (which are a HIC, lift, and LSS run). Moreover, I felt a little run down after getting Weeks 3, 4 and 5 done while traveling. See my forthcoming Holiday Season Recap post with more on this.

Given that Week 5's 85% weights went up easily, I am not going to sweat missing the third lift of the week. And I have plenty more HIC and LSS coming up, so I am not going to stress missing the other two workouts either.

I have about nine days to close out my current block. I think it's best to rest up, work Week 6 the right way, and get my first block of Black+Op in the books.

My upcoming schedule looks like this:

Next week: Week 6 (final week) of current block.

Following two weeks: Uncertain schedule. I will be on a training course, including some field time. Priorities for these two weeks are:

1) Restest my BP/SQ/PU max #s (need these #s to start my next block)
2) Run a PFT (needed for work and also as pre-test for my next block)
3) Mobility work (continuous priority)

When my two week course is over, I will return to an ideal training situation (reliable schedule, easy access to training facility, etc.). That is when I will start my next block. It will be Black (either Standard or Pro, not sure yet) with Operator (SWAT cluster).
Last edited by close_fox on Mon Jan 09, 2017 2:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
"You oughta know not to stand by the window. Somebody see you up there." Talking Heads. "Life During Wartime." Fear of Music, Sire, 1979.

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Re: close_fox TB Log

Post by close_fox »

Holiday Season Recap

In previous years, I have trained haphazardly during the holiday season. Run here, lift there, stay on the couch for 24 hours, bang out 500 push-ups in the garage, whatever. It's the holidays, and I train the rest of the year. Who cares. As the days progress, this strategy invariably trends toward less activity and more alcohol, food, and slothfulness.

This year, I got Weeks 3, 4, and 5 (abbreviated) of my block done while traveling around between various family and friends.

Here are some takeaways I want preserve for future holiday-season training:

1) Work training into your schedule. By limiting alcohol and getting rest, I was in a position to get work done early before family time began. I traded forgettable late night banter for quality AM training sessions. I'll take that deal.

2) Accept some unscheduled off/rest days. Week 3 took me 11 days, including several long travel days. Who cares. I won.

3) Accept some reduction in session quality. I cut a few HICs to "basic" level. I did one after drinking champagne. I was willing to make some compromises. The alternative was not training, so I won. At one point, I stayed with a friend who has a great home gym. I banged out Indoor Power Intervals before bed and got a lift in when I woke up. That's two sessions with zero impact on family time. Nobody else even knew I was training. I got the work done and was back in holiday mode. I won.

More on alcohol. I didn't cut out drinking. I cut out mindless drinking. I started later and finished earlier than the group. I also drank a lot of sparkling water. During several social occasions, I just didn't drink. I told myself I'll crack one in 15 minutes if I still want it. Before I knew it, the night was over. Nobody noticed or cared. I don't feel like I missed out on anything.

Maintaining my TB schedule during the holidays was far less challenging than I expected. Successfully completing this goal added an unexpected sense of accomplishment to my favorite time of the year.
"You oughta know not to stand by the window. Somebody see you up there." Talking Heads. "Life During Wartime." Fear of Music, Sire, 1979.

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Re: close_fox TB Log

Post by Barkadion »

close_fox wrote:I cut a few HICs to "basic" level. I did one after drinking champagne. I was willing to make some compromises.
I dig that :lol:

"Man is what he reads." - Joseph Brodsky

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Re: close_fox TB Log

Post by close_fox »

Block 2: Black+Operator (TB2 Sample 17 Week Program)

Week 6 (Abbreviated)

5.1, 5.3, 5.5
Max Strength: SWAT cluster (BP, SQ, PU)

5.2, 5.4: Rest

(END block)

Notes: These weights went up fine. More of the same. BP is nothing. SQ feels a little heavier. I am scrubbing 5.6, which would have been a HIC. Due to work scheduling, I am about to start two weeks of HIC and LSS. I don't see the point in postponing that HIC so I can do this HIC. Done. More info in my forthcoming Block 2 Wrap-Up post.
Last edited by close_fox on Sat Jan 14, 2017 1:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
"You oughta know not to stand by the window. Somebody see you up there." Talking Heads. "Life During Wartime." Fear of Music, Sire, 1979.

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Re: close_fox TB Log

Post by close_fox »

Block 2 wrap-up

Per the 17 Week Program, Rx for this block was 9 weeks. I am stopping at 6 weeks for the following reasons:

1) Per the TB text, a block is 6 weeks. I have completed a block of Black+Operator.

2) I can't follow three more weeks of Black+Op anyway. Discussed more below.

Goals accomplished during this block

1) Lift. I got back under the iron. Block 2 was the first time in about two years that I have been able to follow a progressive lifting program. It felt great.

2) Accomplished the above + conditioning without becoming overtrained or injured.

3) Maintained my TB schedule through the holiday season. As discussed in a previous post.

4) Got a lot of good hip and shoulder mobility work. Also reverse hypers to balance out the low back. I am going to keep this up, plus more.

So that's it. BB and my first continuation block secured. I am glad I followed a by-the-numbers approach first. I am confident that I have a working knowledge of the TB philosophy and system. I get the big picture, so I am now willing to "risk" some trial and error via choosing HICs and templates for myself.

Immediate future

My schedule is TBD for the next two weeks. I will get in the gym, but I can't count on particular days ahead of time. After these two weeks, I can count on following another 6 week block of Black+Op.

I am going to get a mix of HIC and E as available. I will also be getting some related work, at work. I need to try out some finishers and core sessions, so I can intelligently plug them in during Block 3.

Block 3 look ahead

Block 3 is going to be Black Pro + Operator (SWAT cluster). Pro mostly because I need to test some gear via rucking in various weather conditions. So my weekly E will be rucks. Reasonable weight for probably not much more than 60min, unless I get carried away (which could happen).

I have identified the following HICs for Block 3:

"Standard Issue Stairs" (stairs instead of hills). I will have easy access to stairs and not hills. I expect this to suck and also yield great results. Stairs always work.

Indoor Power Intervals (Airdyne). I thought about doing 600m Resets, but that + stairs + rucking + three days of SQ sounds like overtrained legs to me. The TB2 text says IPI will give me the benefits of 600m Resets, and it will take some impact off my legs too. Additionally, I don't always have regular access to an Airdyne, but I will during Block 3. Might as well use it.

I need to get more targeted core work during Block 3.

I am not going to retest max BP and SQ #s. Instead...

1) Force Progress BP. All my BP reps flew up during Block 2. I believe my Block 2 estimated 1RM of 250 was a little too conservative. No harm done, but I want my perceived effort between BP and SQ to be a little more consistent during Block 3. I am going to force progress + 10 pounds, to 260. Additionally, I am going to round any in-between % numbers up to the next five pound increment. I rounded down during Block 2.

2) No change to SQ. I am not force progressing my estimated squat 1RM. 315 was/is a very conservative number, but I am still getting reacquainted with squatting 3x/week. I want the reps to snap better than they did during Block 2. Especially when layering tough HIC work on top. I guesstimate my true 1RM at around 405. But that is irrelevant if I can't properly carry a HIC load on top of the resulting % sets and reps.

I plan to retest my max numbers after Block 3.
"You oughta know not to stand by the window. Somebody see you up there." Talking Heads. "Life During Wartime." Fear of Music, Sire, 1979.

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Re: close_fox TB Log

Post by Barkadion »

close_fox wrote:Block 2 wrap-up

Per the 17 Week Program, Rx for this block was 9 weeks. I am stopping at 6 weeks for the following reasons:

1) Per the TB text, a block is 6 weeks. I have completed a block of Black+Operator.

2) I can't follow three more weeks of Black+Op anyway. Discussed more below.

Goals accomplished during this block

1) Lift. I got back under the iron. Block 2 was the first time in about two years that I have been able to follow a progressive lifting program. It felt great.

2) Accomplished the above + conditioning without becoming overtrained or injured.

3) Maintained my TB schedule through the holiday season. As discussed in a previous post.

4) Got a lot of good hip and shoulder mobility work. Also reverse hypers to balance out the low back. I am going to keep this up, plus more.

So that's it. BB and my first continuation block secured. I am glad I followed a by-the-numbers approach first. I am confident that I have a working knowledge of the TB philosophy and system. I get the big picture, so I am now willing to "risk" some trial and error via choosing HICs and templates for myself.

Immediate future

My schedule is TBD for the next two weeks. I will get in the gym, but I can't count on particular days ahead of time. After these two weeks, I can count on following another 6 week block of Black+Op.

I am going to get a mix of HIC and E as available. I will also be getting some related work, at work. I need to try out some finishers and core sessions, so I can intelligently plug them in during Block 3.

Block 3 look ahead

Block 3 is going to be Black Pro + Operator (SWAT cluster). Pro mostly because I need to test some gear via rucking in various weather conditions. So my weekly E will be rucks. Reasonable weight for probably not much more than 60min, unless I get carried away (which could happen).

I have identified the following HICs for Block 3:

"Standard Issue Stairs" (stairs instead of hills). I will have easy access to stairs and not hills. I expect this to suck and also yield great results. Stairs always work.

Indoor Power Intervals (Airdyne). I thought about doing 600m Resets, but that + stairs + rucking + three days of SQ sounds like overtrained legs to me. The TB2 text says IPI will give me the benefits of 600m Resets, and it will take some impact off my legs too. Additionally, I don't always have regular access to an Airdyne, but I will during Block 3. Might as well use it.

I need to get more targeted core work during Block 3.

I am not going to retest max BP and SQ #s. Instead...

1) Force Progress BP. All my BP reps flew up during Block 2. I believe my Block 2 estimated 1RM of 250 was a little too conservative. No harm done, but I want my perceived effort between BP and SQ to be a little more consistent during Block 3. I am going to force progress + 10 pounds, to 260. Additionally, I am going to round any in-between % numbers up to the next five pound increment. I rounded down during Block 2.

2) No change to SQ. I am not force progressing my estimated squat 1RM. 315 was/is a very conservative number, but I am still getting reacquainted with squatting 3x/week. I want the reps to snap better than they did during Block 2. Especially when layering tough HIC work on top. I guesstimate my true 1RM at around 405. But that is irrelevant if I can't properly carry a HIC load on top of the resulting % sets and reps.

I plan to retest my max numbers after Block 3.

This is great analysis. Thoughtful and smart.

Good luck with your new block.
"Man is what he reads." - Joseph Brodsky

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Re: close_fox TB Log

Post by DocOctagon »

Your summaries and analysis are very very good. I pick up a lot going through them.

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Re: close_fox TB Log

Post by close_fox »

DocOctagon wrote:Your summaries and analysis are very very good. I pick up a lot going through them.
Barkadion wrote:

This is great analysis. Thoughtful and smart.

Good luck with your new block.

Thanks guys
"You oughta know not to stand by the window. Somebody see you up there." Talking Heads. "Life During Wartime." Fear of Music, Sire, 1979.

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Re: close_fox TB Log

Post by close_fox »

Block 3 starts tomorrow

Duration: 6 weeks (3 weeks 3A; 3 weeks 3B)
Notes: I would rather do a full block of Black+Op, but there is a mandatory PFT on my schedule. So here we go.

Goal: Top up max strength before switching to PFT prep

Max Strength
Template: Black Pro + Operator
Cluster: BP/SQ/PU
Per my last post, I will slightly force progress BP and maintain SQ from last block's max #s.

"Standard Issue Stairs" (I have convenient access to stairs and no safe hill to run on)
Indoor Power Intervals (Airdyne)

Run. Light reps of PFT exercises sprinkled before, during, and after. Might turn into a proper Fun Run using PFT exercises, depending on recovery issues.

Goal: PFT prep
I am using PT workouts that have worked for me in the past. This is not a general SE block. I am preparing specifically for the PFT. I am combining PT with TB HICs and E in a way that approximates the PFT.

Here is how the week will go:

PT Pyramid (pull-up, push-up, sit-up)
600m Resets

Stretch, pre-hab

Push-up & Sit-up: Max set (no failure), 1/2 of set 1, 1/2 of set 1
HIC: Fast 5 (3 mile run; negative split)
Pull-up: Max set (no failure), 1/2 of set 1, 1/2 of set 1

Stretch, pre-hab

Fun Run (6 mile run w/ PFT exercises)
A: Push-up x20; B: Sit-up x20
Pull-ups 10min max reps (no failure)

KB swing 50 heavy or 100 mid weight; sets of 10
Quarterdeck Core
I intend this day to (1) maintain an element of full-body strength via heavy swings and (2) balance out my core from the high reps of sit-ups I will be doing on days 1, 3, and 5.

"You oughta know not to stand by the window. Somebody see you up there." Talking Heads. "Life During Wartime." Fear of Music, Sire, 1979.

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Re: close_fox TB Log

Post by close_fox »

Block 3A: Black Pro + Operator
(3 week mini-block)

Week 1

1.1, 1.3, 1.5
Max Strength: SWAT cluster (BP, SQ, PU)

Plank/Shank/Rest (sec): 2x30/30/60
Shoulder dislocates (PVC) 2x10

Notes: SQ feels good. Glad I kept the same TM for another block. Bench is snapping as usual. So far, I don't feel the 10lb TM force progress at all. Tells me it was a reasonable increase. Will increase Plank+Shank seconds and rounds.

Standard Issue Stairs

5 reps x 25-28sec
2min rest after each rep

Note: First time doing this, so I went about 80% effort. Max effort time will be low 20s. I am basically treating these stairs as a really steep, medium distance hill (between the 30-45sec Rx hill and 10-15sec "short" hill described in TB2). Over time, I will add reps and decrease rest. I am going to define the Advanced version as 15 reps with no rest (sprint up, jog down, repeat). Will have to closely monitor recovery to ensure the stairs don't diminish my squats.

Indoor Power Intervals
C2 Rower - Level 10

2min max effort (1min last two reps)
5min rest

(Rep 5 canx)

Notes: The Airdyne is missing. Looks like I will have to do IPI on the C2. Or find a new HIC. My hip flexor twinged about halfway through, so I cut the last two reps down to 1min and canx the 5th rep. My quest for Airdyne pain continues...

LSS Run - 40min
Notes: Did easy sets of push-ups & sit-ups before and during the run. I didn't count reps, just did several easy sets. Snappy reps, nowhere close to failure.

Extras (balancing out the sit-ups and push-ups)
Reverse Hyper 3x10
TRX Row 3x10

20min stretch. Head to toe.

Notes: I had planned to ruck for Day 6 LSS. That may or may not happen. I'm pretty happy with how today turned out.


Week 1 wrap-up: I didn't get much gym time the previous two weeks during my training course. Spent a bunch of time outdoors questioning my life choices in various weather conditions. Anyway, this was a good week of training. Everything felt balanced. Plank+Shank fits in nicely at the end of my lifting sessions. I will probably keep my Day 6 LSS run under 60min. 40min feels about right. I don't want to overtrain my legs.
"You oughta know not to stand by the window. Somebody see you up there." Talking Heads. "Life During Wartime." Fear of Music, Sire, 1979.

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