Back to Base (ic)

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Back to Base (ic)

Post by Seabassius »

Doing a fresh start. Was preparing for a Spartan and created a franken-plan kind of in the middle, but not feeling like my fitness and recovery from injury are going to have me in 'spartan' shape to perform safely and without setting myself back. I think I've put my stats out there before but a quick version:
Age 45
5'11 and 208, I'm overweight but I don't think its as much as the guideline tell me -kind of thicker bottom section (36in waist, 25in thighs and 22in calves)
Father of 5 year old boy/girl twins (twins seem to be a theme on this board)
Military back in the late 90s but battalion level staff generally and not the best PT'er
Work a desk job and have and recovering from surgery (I call it a toe reduction, my second toe had a dislocation and started growing into my big toe. Dr blamed it on my big calves. Surgery reduced the size of that toe on my right foot so now I look like those lesser people with a smaller 2nd toe than their big toe). Still acts up on me and feels like I'm walking on a rock or my sock is bunched up in my shoe. Something i'll likely just have to live with.

Started Base Build today, using Ageless template
2X Tango Sets, 1 min of excercise with 1 min of rest, 2 min between circuits

Kettlebell Swings 25lb
Push ups, using handles
Air Squats
TRX Rows
Overhead medicine ball side chops lifting one knee (phys therapist gave me this one and I like it)
Ab roller
Side lying plank (knee) lifting top leg- 30 seconds each side (another from physical therapist)

For my E sessions I plan to run using the couch to 10k app on my phone, starting at day 1, road or mountain bike, hike, and swim.

I travel a fair amount for work, so I'll modify some of this when I'm on the road, but generally stay in Hyatt and they have decent gyms. Will rest as needed and not adhere to the weekly constraints so much, but focus on not letting too much time elapse between musc endurance sessions.

Feeling like a might need another exercise in the above, but leery of adding too much. Welcome any feedback.

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Re: Back to Base (ic)

Post by Barkadion »

Awesome! I've started BB a year ago as fresh start from injury recovery as well. 47, twins, i can see the drill.

Good luck mate!
"Man is what he reads." - Joseph Brodsky

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Re: Back to Base (ic)

Post by Seabassius »

E: 27min, treadmill since didn't find the time until the middle of the day. Couldn't quite get full 30 min because the "kids club" at the gym was closing
Day1, Week 1 of couch to 10k plan.
5min WU, 1Min Run, 1.5Min walk X7, cool down remainder
Avg HR 138, but creeped up to 150s a couple of times.
My cadence during the running portion was around 180SPM which I think is what I'm shooting for.
Felt a little runners knee in right leg, I think the shorter stride length was helping.

Hoping to get away and do a little mountain biking today for E #2

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Re: Back to Base (ic)

Post by Seabassius »

Life was conspiring against the mountain biking. Did manage to get out and do a run/walk.

Forgot the phone for the 10k app, so just tracked heart rate.
Total time 41min, 2.76 miles
3min warm up then pretty slow focused on short strides and landing under my body
...once heart rate got to 145 I would walk again until it was down to 125 and then run again
Probably did this about 15 times over the course of 2.76 miles.

Really a hard time running in kind of pace and keeping my heart rate from creeping up.

Not sure if I'm resting or tango circuits today.

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Re: Back to Base (ic)

Post by Seabassius »


Tango Circuits x2 this morning kept rest to a min usually less between exercises and about 3 between the sets
KB Swings
Airsquats (deload onto a very low bench, ~12inches high)
TRX Rows
Overhead Medicine Ball Chop to side of raised knee
Ab Rollouts
Side-lying plank with top leg lift

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Re: Back to Base (ic)

Post by Seabassius »

End of Week 1 BB (tomorrow is scheduled rest)
E: Slow swim, felt good considering this is the 2nd time in over a year and a half and the last time was in May.
36 min
My watch tracks all kinds of statistics for it including HR with a HRM that stores data while underwater and then sync's up at the end.
Avg pace was 2:27/100M
Best pace was a 1:51/100M
Avg HR:132
Max HR: 144
Swolf (whatever that is) 51
23 Strokes/Min
Avg 13.9 Strokes/length

Don't know if that's good or not, but I like to nerd out occasionally.

Rest tomorrow, maybe some yoga.

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Re: Back to Base (ic)

Post by Seabassius »

Start of week 2 BB

Musc. End Session

Tango Circuits, X3 (kept rest between exercises to less than a minute)
KB Swings
Air Squats
TRX Rows
Med Ball One legged overhead chops
Ab roller
Side Lying leg lifts

My 6month old Golden Retriever really gets pissed at my ab roller, so I mixed in some 38lbs wiggling dog dead lifts. Much better than shake weight.
Third set was not so bad doing it, but I've felt smoked all day.

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Re: Back to Base (ic)

Post by Seabassius »

Day 2 of Week 2 Endurance Session

Run/Walk with dog, 33 Min, 2.3 miles

Avg HR was 146bpm

Running portion felt pretty good. Still frustrating to see no matter how slow I go, my HR creeps up steadily.
Debating on a bike ride or run today.

Camping next weekend and travel on the heels of that. Need to think through the workout calendar.

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Re: Back to Base (ic)

Post by Seabassius »

Day 3 Week 2 Base Build

Cycling, 1H 7M, 16.35 Miles
Avg HR 144bpm

Taking rest day tomorrow before I do next Musc End session

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Re: Back to Base (ic)

Post by B71 »

Seabassius wrote:Age 45
5'11 and 208, I'm overweight but I don't think its as much as the guideline tell me -kind of thicker bottom section (36in waist, 25in thighs and 22in calves)
Father of 5 year old boy/girl twins (twins seem to be a theme on this board)
Military back in the late 90s but battalion level staff generally and not the best PT'er
I'm another one of your doppelgangers on the board. I'm 46, 5'10.5" and 205-210 depending on the day. And I have twins. And I was military in the 90s (and recently rejoined).
Seabassius wrote:I travel a fair amount for work, so I'll modify some of this when I'm on the road ... Will rest as needed and not adhere to the weekly constraints so much, but focus on not letting too much time elapse between musc endurance sessions.

Feeling like a might need another exercise in the above, but leery of adding too much. Welcome any feedback.
Maintaining the momentum when life and work happen can be difficult (says the guy that's on his second go at Base Building). Good luck.

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