So, I thing came up .. I´m about to be a father in three weeks

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Stefan Olsson
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So, I thing came up .. I´m about to be a father in three weeks

Post by Stefan Olsson »

So, I thing came up .. I´m about to be a father in three weeks :)

I realize this will be a new era in Life with changed priorities and that time and effort will be limited as the newborn will take much of our time.

All that aside. My wife and I have spoken a lot about how important it is to still have the ability to train as its a big interest for both of us.

We have come to a reasonable and mutual agreement that we will have 2-3 Days/week to train about one hour per session.

I have thought about how to make as much of this as possible. Right now I do S&S 5-6 times per week, trying to hit Simple. Using 28k, soon there! But will S&S be to little volume done 2-3 Days/week? I have thought maybe do barbell squat, bench and weighted pull-ups 2 days (Fighter) and then do 100 swings S&S style and call it a day. If I have the thrid day I do a regular S&S day. Maybe do some LSS thredmill after strength session and replace the S&S session with LSS or other cardio?

My plan

Day 1
sq/be/wpu/ 100 swings .. maybe thredmill running if I have time

Day 2
sq/be/wpu/ 100 swings .. maybe thredmill running if I have time

Day 3 (if I have time)
LSS or S&S (?)

Should I change priorities?

I really want to continue training in some way and dont take to long of a break as I feel Amazing right now.
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Re: So, I thing came up .. I´m about to be a father in three weeks

Post by godjira1 »

first off, congratulations! becoming a father is quite the life-changing experience, and it is even mostly good. :lol:

my 2 cents:
a) Doing WPU and 100x heavy swings in a day could be quite taxing on the grips tbh, so I might not program swings, but do TGUs instead. Having said that, as it gets heavier, 3 lifts in a sessions (squat + bp + wpu) will take up an hour easily so you might just want to keep it as just 3 main lifts.

b) For the 3rd day, i think alternating between LSS or HIC style (eg. the SS "test" format, 5min swings, 10m TGU) is fine. I personally find that 1xE session a week in the LSS style does wonders for my recovery but YMMV.

there are others with more experience who will chime in so let's see what they say.
Last edited by godjira1 on Tue Oct 31, 2017 12:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: So, I thing came up .. I´m about to be a father in three weeks

Post by Barkadion »

Congrats mate!

What I did when I was about to get my twins is going into BB with BW SE cluster. It gives you good 8 weeks to adjust into new regimen and all you have to do is get you running and BW exercises done. I found it to be easier in term of time management. You should be good to go when time comes to the continuation.

Just my 2c..
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Re: So, I thing came up .. I´m about to be a father in three weeks

Post by travman »

Congrats on the kid!

I like Bark, did BB when my daughter was born (3 months ago.) Instead of doing a BW cluster I worked on my weaknesses, so swings, pull-ups, split-squats and sit-ups. My E was running, my HICs were just shadow boxing as I was tapering for a 10k.

It worked well, but be prepared for the immense lack of sleep. The first 8 weeks are rough. But worth it.

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Re: So, I thing came up .. I´m about to be a father in three weeks

Post by Johnny_Scaevola »

Congratulations! I am a tactical athlete and father of three small sons so I felt maybe I can contribute.

When my first was born I did Enter The Kettlebell 4x program minimum 8x weeks Rite of Passage with a 24 kg bell. It just worked for my life at the time I could knock it out at home with my bells and a pull up bar at night while my wife nursed the baby and put him to sleep.

But getting back to you: you never said what your reall goal is, you just kinda jumped into kettlebell programming. What is your fitness goal during this time? Are you picking kettlebells b/c you plan do do all this from home? That’s a good reason, b/c your gonna be tired and short on time but that also means your going to except to neglect some fitness dimensions like maximal strength. What about the logistics? What facilities do you have available? Full gym at work, commercial gym down the street? I think that would better inform people on the forum to offer you advice.

One more thing: get a soft structure baby carrier like an ergo (I like it cause it come in black and looks like a plate carrier) that way you can take your newborn on ruck walks as your “body armor” and when they get bigger as the ruck. Great way to get some LSS and give your wife a break at the same time.

Good Luck and Trust your instincts!

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