Having trouble doing Back Squats

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Having trouble doing Back Squats

Post by Ibrahimovic105 »

Age - 20
Previous experience - a bit of regular Bodybuilding exercises nothing more than that.. Rookie

So I read both books TB 1 and 2 and decided to use the operator model using three exercises Back Squat ,Deadlift and Bench .I tested my maximums on a given day.So the problems are the below that I'm facing:-
(I have a lot of questions so Id really appreciate if you please bare with me )

1) While finding my maximum for deadlift I sailed smooth till 35lbs but after resting and then performing 45 lbs I maxed out at 5 reps but doing that I strained some hamstring part just below my knee joint on the right leg. So I'm really worried should I do that move again ....also I'm having trouble in the form and the trainers not instructing properly on how to do the deadlift...What should I do ? Any advice ? Any source for learning the deadlift right way because I'm having a lot of conflicting information on doing these big moves squat and deadlift

2) Second problem is in Back squat .I tested maximum for the squat and got 35 lbs for 5 reps.No problem in that.I had problems after the he squats as my neck got sore and the area around it painted a little...I was struggling to movey neck left and right .And I had this same problem the next time I did the squat with 20 lbs on my back.I made sure the form.was.correct but still I had a very sore neck ...Am I doing something wrong? What should I do ? Should I use front squats instead of back as I'm a total beginner and my back muscles are not developed that great?Should I first master the pull-ups to strengthen my back and then do the squats? Or do I need to strengthen my neck muscles using different isolation.exercises (neck bridges etc)

3) I had no problems doing bench press and overhead press so should I use only these two instead of the deadlifts and back squat if I don't find any solution?

4) Since there are SE sessions in Base building and I have no past maximal training experience I think I'm in a catch 22 situation where I'm having trouble doing those barbell exercises and because of that can't build a strength base to draw from.So should I start the Base building first without SE or should I do first maximal training providery problems with squat and deadlift get sorted.

Id really appreciate if sensei K Black or Anyone do the moderators answer my queries and enlightened me as I'm a total Rookie to all this.

Thank you .

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Re: Having trouble doing Back Squats

Post by Ginjadave »


There is a ton of good advice on Technique out there. Firstly by Starting Strength by Mark Ripptoe, hands down the most comprehensive book of technique for the big lifts. Secondly watch some videos on you tube by the following people, Mark Riptoe, Joe Defranco, Alan Thrall, Jeff Cavaliere, they all have good instructional videos on Deadlifting and squatting.









If your having trouble squatting with the bar across your traps try Low Bar squatting, google it, its basically a lower bar position on your back, puts the emphasis of the squat slightly more on hip drive and Hamstrings with a tad less quad than high bar squatting but my opinion on squatting is that we are all built different so "one size fits nobody", i personally feel very uncomfortable high bar squatting so always low bar, do whats comfortable for your body.

If you really can't squat and are very new then you could Goblet squat, Double kettle bell front squat or Bulgarian split squat. I am recovering from Injury at the moment and my mobility sucks so i am doing Double Kettebell front squats at the moment and loving them.

If your new to it all id do SE first to get your Ligaments, tendons etc ready for proper Lifting.

Im in no way an expert in any of this but have been training for the last 20 year and have learned some lessons the hard way, take my opinion how you will but it is just that, my Humble opinion.

There is good information out there, search it out and do your homework.

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Re: Having trouble doing Back Squats

Post by Barkadion »

I'd say that you do need to learn your technique for compound lifts first. There are good resources such as online videos and books. But..

I would really try to find good lifting coach and I would get some 1-1 teaching lifting sessions. That would be the best investment in one's lifetime. Good base foundation is the safest way to long time happy lifting and progression.

The next I would get to some linear program such as 5/3/1 or GZLP. Then I'd move to TB.

My 2c..

I wish I was in my 20ies knowing all that.. :)
"Man is what he reads." - Joseph Brodsky

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Re: Having trouble doing Back Squats

Post by Tyr0331 »

Read starting strength. Then read it again. Have your trainer video your lifts and compare to proper form online. Start doing goblet squats whether it’s for your strength or SE

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Re: Having trouble doing Back Squats

Post by Ibrahimovic105 »

Barkadion wrote:I'd say that you do need to learn your technique for compound lifts first. There are good resources such as online videos and books. But..

I would really try to find good lifting coach and I would get some 1-1 teaching lifting sessions. That would be the best investment in one's lifetime. Good base foundation is the safest way to long time happy lifting and progression.

The next I would get to some linear program such as 5/3/1 or GZLP. Then I'd move to TB.

My 2c..

I wish I was in my 20ies knowing all that.. :)

Yeah that's exactly what I was figuring out...getting a good coach to personally teach me these compound lifts squat and deadlifts should be best.But I feel like I should do some dumbbell exercises for a few weeks related to these exercises to get the muscles conditioned...because while going under the bar for back squat everytime my hands couldn't reach that far back to hold the bar and I had to flex my wrists to hold the bar .....which was followed by little shoulder strain after I talked the bar.......What is your advice sir ?

And with all this information over my head just at this age I feel too obliged to not go and apply this knowledge...I feel like I shouldnt waste this superior knowledge that I'm getting from reading books like these....and all this is really stressing me out...because I have big goals and there's always a fear if I would fuck things cause of some stupid injury....I want to get in the best shape of my life and maybe all these expectations are stressing me out ....seeing people fail in life...stokes a fire within me to go the distance but also an anxiety that I would fuck things up......Any wise words from experienced veterans like y'all would be appreciated....

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Re: Having trouble doing Back Squats

Post by Tyr0331 »

Ibrahimovic105 wrote:
Barkadion wrote:I'd say that you do need to learn your technique for compound lifts first. There are good resources such as online videos and books. But..

I would really try to find good lifting coach and I would get some 1-1 teaching lifting sessions. That would be the best investment in one's lifetime. Good base foundation is the safest way to long time happy lifting and progression.

The next I would get to some linear program such as 5/3/1 or GZLP. Then I'd move to TB.

My 2c..

I wish I was in my 20ies knowing all that.. :)

Yeah that's exactly what I was figuring out...getting a good coach to personally teach me these compound lifts squat and deadlifts should be best.But I feel like I should do some dumbbell exercises for a few weeks related to these exercises to get the muscles conditioned...because while going under the bar for back squat everytime my hands couldn't reach that far back to hold the bar and I had to flex my wrists to hold the bar .....which was followed by little shoulder strain after I talked the bar.......What is your advice sir ?

And with all this information over my head just at this age I feel too obliged to not go and apply this knowledge...I feel like I shouldnt waste this superior knowledge that I'm getting from reading books like these....and all this is really stressing me out...because I have big goals and there's always a fear if I would fuck things cause of some stupid injury....I want to get in the best shape of my life and maybe all these expectations are stressing me out ....seeing people fail in life...stokes a fire within me to go the distance but also an anxiety that I would fuck things up......Any wise words from experienced veterans like y'all would be appreciated....
What are your stats? Goals? Prior experience in any sports or physical activities? What brought you to tactical barbell?

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Re: Having trouble doing Back Squats

Post by Ibrahimovic105 »

Ginjadave wrote:Hi,

There is a ton of good advice on Technique out there. Firstly by Starting Strength by Mark Ripptoe, hands down the most comprehensive book of technique for the big lifts. Secondly watch some videos on you tube by the following people, Mark Riptoe, Joe Defranco, Alan Thrall, Jeff Cavaliere, they all have good instructional videos on Deadlifting and squatting.









If your having trouble squatting with the bar across your traps try Low Bar squatting, google it, its basically a lower bar position on your back, puts the emphasis of the squat slightly more on hip drive and Hamstrings with a tad less quad than high bar squatting but my opinion on squatting is that we are all built different so "one size fits nobody", i personally feel very uncomfortable high bar squatting so always low bar, do whats comfortable for your body.

If you really can't squat and are very new then you could Goblet squat, Double kettle bell front squat or Bulgarian split squat. I am recovering from Injury at the moment and my mobility sucks so i am doing Double Kettebell front squats at the moment and loving them.

If your new to it all id do SE first to get your Ligaments, tendons etc ready for proper Lifting.

Im in no way an expert in any of this but have been training for the last 20 year and have learned some lessons the hard way, take my opinion how you will but it is just that, my Humble opinion.

There is good information out there, search it out and do your homework.
Actually I have watched starting strength videos by Mark rippetoe and also by Alan thrall and Jeff caveliere but the knowledge imparted by them is somewhat hard to translate in the gym especially the squat as I'm having trouble holding the bar on my back in the first place and also my shoulders are not extending that far behind to grab the bar resulting in some shoulder strain....I think maybe I should do basic dumbbell exercises increase mobility ,perform pull-ups and then after some weeks attempt to perform.these big moves....what do you say?

Like you said I'm going to be performing goblet squats and split squats but I don't think I'm having problems with squatting it's just my neck and the area around it...i.e the thoracic spine

Thank you for replying sir.

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Re: Having trouble doing Back Squats

Post by WallBilly »

You've got big goals, which is great, but if I have to give you one piece of advice, it would be this:

Don't be in too big of a hurry.

Learn to do things right, and make slow, steady progress. You have plenty of time. Don't fuck up. When I was about your age, I was pushing it on the bench, and had some form issues. I injured a shoulder and it still bothers me 35 years later.

In the end, it does not matter what you are benching or squatting next month. It matters what you will be doing in 5 years (or 35 or 45 years.) Patience.

As the guys have already said above, put off TB for a while. Really learn how to do the lifts correctly. Start a linear progression program like Starting Strength, and don't even be in too big of a hurry on that. Re-set and drop back down a bit, and start again when you get stuck.

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Re: Having trouble doing Back Squats

Post by Green2Blue »

Get off the internet and go to your gym. Find someone who looks like they know what they’re doing and ask them to show you.

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Re: Having trouble doing Back Squats

Post by Ibrahimovic105 »

Tyr0331 wrote:
Ibrahimovic105 wrote:
Barkadion wrote:I'd say that you do need to learn your technique for compound lifts first. There are good resources such as online videos and books. But..

I would really try to find good lifting coach and I would get some 1-1 teaching lifting sessions. That would be the best investment in one's lifetime. Good base foundation is the safest way to long time happy lifting and progression.

The next I would get to some linear program such as 5/3/1 or GZLP. Then I'd move to TB.

My 2c..

I wish I was in my 20ies knowing all that.. :)

Yeah that's exactly what I was figuring out...getting a good coach to personally teach me these compound lifts squat and deadlifts should be best.But I feel like I should do some dumbbell exercises for a few weeks related to these exercises to get the muscles conditioned...because while going under the bar for back squat everytime my hands couldn't reach that far back to hold the bar and I had to flex my wrists to hold the bar .....which was followed by little shoulder strain after I talked the bar.......What is your advice sir ?

And with all this information over my head just at this age I feel too obliged to not go and apply this knowledge...I feel like I shouldnt waste this superior knowledge that I'm getting from reading books like these....and all this is really stressing me out...because I have big goals and there's always a fear if I would fuck things cause of some stupid injury....I want to get in the best shape of my life and maybe all these expectations are stressing me out ....seeing people fail in life...stokes a fire within me to go the distance but also an anxiety that I would fuck things up......Any wise words from experienced veterans like y'all would be appreciated....
What are your stats? Goals? Prior experience in any sports or physical activities? What brought you to tactical barbell?

Height - 180 cm
Weight - 83 kg

My physical goals are to get very strong physically like in musculature and physique like Hugh Jackman in Wolverine or jacked Tom hardy in Warrior.....

My other goal is to be able to crank out pushups like it's a piece of cake right now I can't even do ten pushups ....Also to be able to do pull-ups I can't even do one right now

Another goal is to get highly conditioned so I can run without gassing out quickly

I don't have any prior experience in any sports or physical activities though I'm very passionate about sports and a bit gym freak...The country that I come from getting into sports is not encouraged and also not supported ...so athletes here really suffer

Im always looking for things that can improve me books videos etc...I came to know about tactical barbell while I was casually surfing Google books looking for good training bools.So I downloaded all the tactical barbell books and ever since reading them on my Kindle.
In this hunt of mine I came across many great books Ross enamait , Jim wendler ,Mark rippetoe ,Joel Jamieson, etc etc
P.S I'm a third year University engineering student but as you can figure out Im.a.freak for training and knowledge but I lack in experience and in proper coaching :D :P

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