Where to start?

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Where to start?

Post by Conor78 »

Hi folks.
I've been floored by severe pneumonia and ended up in hospital. I'm 4 weeks out from returning to work and at least 8 weeks out from starting training again.
I've dropped over 9kg and trying to stabilise that by eating food high in calories. I'm sure strength has been floored. Going to see a Chinese Medical guy to help with vitamins and some other things
Where should I start in 8 weeks?? Base Build and and S/S or BB and fighter??
Frustrating but that's life...

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Re: Where to start?

Post by J-Madd »

Conor78 wrote:Hi folks.
I've been floored by severe pneumonia and ended up in hospital. I'm 4 weeks out from returning to work and at least 8 weeks out from starting training again.
I've dropped over 9kg and trying to stabilise that by eating food high in calories. I'm sure strength has been floored. Going to see a Chinese Medical guy to help with vitamins and some other things
Where should I start in 8 weeks?? Base Build and and S/S or BB and fighter??
Frustrating but that's life...
Down 9KG from illness? I'd start with a lot of cheeseburgers! It sounds like you have that box checked. If I were rendered weak and skinny by pneumonia, I would do something like Operator I/A, with a hypertrophy bend. Have fun pumping weights, muscle up a bit, and don't tax yourself with a lot of conditioning. Get your strength and size back. Get well!

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Re: Where to start?

Post by Barkadion »

I can partly relate to your experience. My time off the training was related to injury and it was longer than yours.
Here is what I have done and it worked for me.

1. Make sure you can move correctly and your body can remember movements and you are comfortable with it.
2. Start with careful warm-ups, mobility drills, proper breathing, and BW movements.
3. Progress to DB/KB unilateral and bilateral work.
4. Progress to BB compounds. Take your time and make sure your form is good.
5. Don't forget your core.
6. Progress from LSS to basic HIC slowly.
7. Take your time and make sure you are comfortable with regular training.

Here what my schedule looked like at the time.

1st Step:
M/W/F - Push-ups, inverted rows, walking lunges, core. Finishing with 15 min walk.

2nd step:
M/W/F - TGUs, Swings, Goblet squats. Finishing with 20 min walk.

3rd step:
M/W/F - Bulgarian splits, 1a DB floor press, 1a DB rows, core.
T/Th - LSS

4rd step:
M/W/F - Front squat, Trap Bar DL, Chins, Dips. Linear progression starting with bar only. Min sets.
T/Th - basic HIC

5th step - Regular program starting with minimal TM. Could be OWT OP I/A (?).

That was my game.. It was very slow and somewhat painful experience but it did work. I have discovered TB on Ross forum after I was done with 5th step.

It can be done! Good luck!
"Man is what he reads." - Joseph Brodsky

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Re: Where to start?

Post by Conor78 »

Cheers guys for the replies,
I'm trying to put back some of the weight back on though without beer and wine its proving difficult. I'm about 6 weeks out from doing anything but I'll take on board the advice. One thing I need to address is LSS maybe through rowing or running. Spent most of 2017 doing heavy KB swings and TGU mixed with Dan John Barbell Complexes and neglected LSS. I always re-read the TB books once a year and it always motivates me to look at this seriously in my training. Being sick fairly makes you appeciate your health.

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