Walker377 TB Log

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Re: Walker377 TB Log

Post by Walker377 »

No updated this for a while. Had a real hit and miss summer, never managed to complete a full block working out 6 over the 14 weeks. Some of this was due to moving house and some renovation work but most of it was laziness.

9th September I restarted and completed a full block of Operator / LSS running. Not exactly TB as I didn’t include any black workouts, nor did I do enough LSS for Green but I’ve at least got myself back into the routine. I also switched out the bench for OHP so I didn’t need a spotter.

Last 6 week block:

Cluster OHP, Squat, WCU.

Last week at 95% looked like this

M - OHP 3x2 52.5kg, Squat 3x2 122.5kg, WCU 3x2 35kg, 60 24kg KB swings.
T - 30min LSS run
W - as M but 3x5 ring dips rather than KB swings.
T - as T
F - as M
S - as T.

Keeping things the same for the next block just increasing the weights on OHP and squat by 2.5kg. Will bring back Apex hills once a week and push out my LSS further towards 60min to get back into black Pro by the end of the block.

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Re: Walker377 TB Log

Post by Walker377 »

Another block down, Operator plus running. I incorporated more of a structured running plan into my training and picked up Jeff Galloway’s three times a week plan from Garmin. I could have written myself a training plan but given this syncs to my watch and I don’t have to think about it I went with it. Plan lasts 18 weeks so I’m a third of the way through.

Running has been a mixture of mile efforts, Hill sprints, 800m repeats and long easy runs. I’m 6 weeks in as I started on week 1 of this block. 1 mile time at the beginning was 7:29, this week was 6:56. Long run in the first week was 7m now up to 11m. Total distance run in week 1 was 10.8m, this week was 15m (week 5 was 19m as week 6 didn’t include a long run).

So far I don’t think it’s impacted my lifting. I’ve had a few heavy leg runs particularly in the 80% and 85% weeks but lifting wise if not seen an issue. I’ve had to up my calories a bit to deal with the recovery.

Last 6 week block:

Cluster OHP, Squat, WCU.

Last week at 95% looked like this

M - OHP 3x2 55kg, Squat 3x2 125kg, WCU 3x2 35kg, 3x5 ring dips, 60 24kg KB swings.
T - 6 x 800m repeats at goal pace ~7:45mm. 5m overall including WU and CD.
W - as M.
T - 1 mile test - 6:56mm, 3m overall including WU and CD.
F - as M
S - 8 x 800m speed repeats at ~7:20mm. 6.5m total including WU and CD.

OHP and Squat are going up 2.5kg for the next block.

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Re: Walker377 TB Log

Post by Barkadion »

Walker377 wrote:Another block down, Operator plus running. I incorporated more of a structured running plan into my training and picked up Jeff Galloway’s three times a week plan from Garmin. I could have written myself a training plan but given this syncs to my watch and I don’t have to think about it I went with it. Plan lasts 18 weeks so I’m a third of the way through.

Running has been a mixture of mile efforts, Hill sprints, 800m repeats and long easy runs. I’m 6 weeks in as I started on week 1 of this block. 1 mile time at the beginning was 7:29, this week was 6:56. Long run in the first week was 7m now up to 11m. Total distance run in week 1 was 10.8m, this week was 15m (week 5 was 19m as week 6 didn’t include a long run).

So far I don’t think it’s impacted my lifting. I’ve had a few heavy leg runs particularly in the 80% and 85% weeks but lifting wise if not seen an issue. I’ve had to up my calories a bit to deal with the recovery.

Last 6 week block:

Cluster OHP, Squat, WCU.

Last week at 95% looked like this

M - OHP 3x2 55kg, Squat 3x2 125kg, WCU 3x2 35kg, 3x5 ring dips, 60 24kg KB swings.
T - 6 x 800m repeats at goal pace ~7:45mm. 5m overall including WU and CD.
W - as M.
T - 1 mile test - 6:56mm, 3m overall including WU and CD.
F - as M
S - 8 x 800m speed repeats at ~7:20mm. 6.5m total including WU and CD.

OHP and Squat are going up 2.5kg for the next block.
That looks great! May I ask about your diet?
"Man is what he reads." - Joseph Brodsky

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Re: Walker377 TB Log

Post by Walker377 »

Barkadion wrote:
That looks great! May I ask about your diet?
Sure, Im not following anything specific and at the moment I’m not counting calories or aiming for a number. I’ve counted extensively in the past so have reasonable judgement but I’m only using that to ensure I’m eating enough protein. If I’m hungry I eat but normally chose fruit, cereal, nuts etc.

9 out of 10 days I intermittent fast for 16 hours. This is no longer a conscious decision, I am just very used to doing it.

Monday to Friday I eat reasonably clean and have a protein dense meal twice per day. Generally this is Chicken, Pork, Beef, Fish. The weekend I’m a lot looser and easily eating over my requirements.

Supplement wise I just take a multi vitamin a few times a week. Protein powder only if something has not worked out in my meals and I know I’m under where I would like to be.

All I’ve done to increase my calories in the last few weeks is to eat more fruit, nuts, bread etc so it’s mostly carbs based. I’m still just eating when I’m hungry, I’m just hungrier now I’m running more than I was before.

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Re: Walker377 TB Log

Post by Barkadion »

Walker377 wrote:
Barkadion wrote:
That looks great! May I ask about your diet?
Sure, Im not following anything specific and at the moment I’m not counting calories or aiming for a number. I’ve counted extensively in the past so have reasonable judgement but I’m only using that to ensure I’m eating enough protein. If I’m hungry I eat but normally chose fruit, cereal, nuts etc.

9 out of 10 days I intermittent fast for 16 hours. This is no longer a conscious decision, I am just very used to doing it.

Monday to Friday I eat reasonably clean and have a protein dense meal twice per day. Generally this is Chicken, Pork, Beef, Fish. The weekend I’m a lot looser and easily eating over my requirements.

Supplement wise I just take a multi vitamin a few times a week. Protein powder only if something has not worked out in my meals and I know I’m under where I would like to be.

All I’ve done to increase my calories in the last few weeks is to eat more fruit, nuts, bread etc so it’s mostly carbs based. I’m still just eating when I’m hungry, I’m just hungrier now I’m running more than I was before.
Got it. Thank you, appreciate detailed respond.
"Man is what he reads." - Joseph Brodsky

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Re: Walker377 TB Log

Post by Walker377 »

Last 6 week block:

Cluster OHP, Squat, WCU.
3 x per week running program.

95% looked like this

M - OHP 3x2 57.5kg, Squat 3x2 127.5kg, WCU 3x2 35kg.
T - 6 x 800m repeats at goal pace ~7:45mm. 5m overall including WU and CD.
W - as M.
T - Hill repeats x 8 15 seconds up 2.5m including WU and CD.
F - as M
S - 4.3m run, should have been 17m

I think I’ve pushed the running program as far as I can while doing 3 x a week strength training. At the mid level up to ~ 8x800m speed repeats and 11 mile run I was comfortably uncomfortable. The last few weeks have been pushed out to 17m long runs and 14x800m speed repeats which was to much to recover from. I completed the 15m run but knew within a couple of miles of the 17m run that it was not on.

I have improved my 1 mile time to 6:36 from 7:29, improved my half mile repeats to 14 at 7:20mm vs 6 at ~7:55 and extended my long run from 6m to 15m all since the end of October which I’m happy about. I’ve also increased my OHP and Squat by 5kg during the same period. Weight is unchanged.

Now I’ve found my current limit I’m going to run a 3 week Operator block - Black Professional with the two HICs still focussing on 800m repeats, fast miles, hill sprints. Then I will decide on my next focus but I’m leaning towards starting an OMS cycle. Weights will stay as the last block to give myself a little breather.

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