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Post by Virtus »

From looking through some of your training logs it seems many of you exclusively follow the HICs listed in TBII; is that the case or does anyone alter them or completely come up with your own?

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Re: HICs

Post by Barkadion »

Most of my HICs are from TB2. I do modify it sometimes for indoor option. Airbike/rower in place of running for instance. TB2 covers about everything you might need.. imho. I do mix up some of the Ross E drills once in a while to refresh my mind..
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Re: HICs

Post by Likes »

I mostly use the ones from the book. I've replaced sledge hammers swings with KB swings in the HIC's that have them and replaced shadow oxing with jump rope.

I've recently gotten "50 greyskull approved conditioning workoutsfor the modern viking" and have tried out 2 of them. I'll probably try out some others to

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Re: HICs

Post by mikhou »

I, too, mostly use the ones from the book. When I go outside the book, it's usually just a sprinting workout that's one of 3 options.

1. Tabata sprints, rest 4 minutes, tabata sprints, rest 4 minutes, tabata sprints for a total of 20 minutes.
2. 30 seconds sprint, 30 seconds rest x 20 for a total of 20 minutes.
3. 1 minute sprint, 1 minute rest x 10 for a total of 20 minutes.

When I need a quick HIC workout and don't want to measure distances, one of these gets it done.

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Re: HICs

Post by OneOfManyRobs »

I like being able to train without having to drive anywhere, so I replaced the 600m resets with an outdoor version of the "Power Interval" HIC. Run as hard as I can for 1:30 - 2:00 minutes, rest for 3:00 - 4:00, repeat.

Speaking only for myself, I don't have a ton of experience in sports/group PT settings, so I'm happy to let those with more experience design the HICs that I use.
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Re: HICs

Post by Adski »

Mostly from the book, besides skating, some jump rope and boxing drills I do once or twice a week, (reflex ball, speedbag, shadow boxing etc).

As others have mentioned I’ll modify sessions from the book as well (Airbike variations for run sessions mainly), typically because it’s easier than driving out to the track if I’m training in the early hours.

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Re: HICs

Post by Maxrip13 »

I don't do a lot of HIC due to getting enough via BJJ rolling usually pre Covid.

I generallly just add in the extremely rare Apex Hills and do a lot of LSS.

There is nothing wrong with making your own HIC sessions, just avoid the trap of only doing exercises you enjoy.
Doing someone designed by someone else forces you do mix things up a bit.

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Re: HICs

Post by Pr3inar »

When I have the kids, and have to work out inside my house after they go to bed, my go-to HIC’s are Minute drills from Ross Enamait (it’s a similar workout in TB 2) and Fobbits with jump rope and burpees.

I have them every third week, so I have my easy conditioning week that week, and therefore doesn’t push it too hard. But with the minute drills, you certainly can if you want to!

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