Pr3inar’s Log

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Re: Pr3inar’s Log

Post by Pr3inar »

25/8-20 - HIC, 600m reset
4 rounds, full 5 min rest.
Did it outside in a slight inclinr, 34 m height gain over 600m.
Round 2 and 3: 2:29 min
Round 4: 2:33 min.

This is about the same pace I’ll have to keep to finish a 3k in 12:30. I realised this between the 2nd and 3rd round, and that kind of killed my spirit a bit, since I really whas done when is was done!

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Re: Pr3inar’s Log

Post by Pr3inar »

27/8-20 HIC, Fobbit
Had to train at home today adter the kods went to bed, so jump rope & kb-fobbit.

20 min, did it like TB 2 said, alternating between swings and snatches (24 and 16 kg)

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Re: Pr3inar’s Log

Post by Pr3inar »

28/8-20 - MS
1: BSS: 3x5
2: Pull-up: 3x5
3: Bench: 4x5
4: Ab rollouts: 3x5

Pullaparts after

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Re: Pr3inar’s Log

Post by Pr3inar »

29/8-20 - E, LSS
6,2 km run, 35:56 min, 5:50 min/km

Same trail as 29/7, 4 min faster, and kept a comfortable pace all the way. Love TB

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Re: Pr3inar’s Log

Post by Pr3inar »

31/08-20 - MS, 80%
1: BSS - 3x5
2: Pullups - 5x5
3: Bench: 5x5
4: Ab rollout: 5x5
2 min rest between sets

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Re: Pr3inar’s Log

Post by Pr3inar »

01/09-20 - HIC, 600m reset
5x600 m, trail run, both up and downhill each way, the track looked like a giant half pipe.

4 min rest (5 min before the 5th)
A-B: 2:17
B-A: 2:15
A-B: 2:14
B-A: 2:08
A-B: 2:13

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Re: Pr3inar’s Log

Post by Pr3inar »

02/09-20 - E, LSS, 40 min
Spent the night outside under the full moon, and went to bed way to late, then get up early, pack down camp, ruck 30 min to car, drive home and go to work. Todays run was a slow and easy one
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Re: Pr3inar’s Log

Post by Pr3inar »

03/09-20 - MS, 80%
1: BSS: 3x5
2: Pullups: 5x5
3: Bench: 5x5
4: Ab rollout: 5x5

Posts: 394
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Re: Pr3inar’s Log

Post by Pr3inar »

05/04-20 - Hic, Meat eater 2
As written, with 24 kg KB, 10 rounds.

Everything unbroken, max 2 breaths «rest» between burpees and swings. When I feel I have «used up» the 24,I’ll switch to Enamaits «Magic 50(-100)», but time will tell

Posts: 394
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Re: Pr3inar’s Log

Post by Pr3inar »

7/9-20 MS x 90%
1: BSS: 3x3 x 55 kg
2: Pullups: 5x3 x 18 kg
3: Bench: 5x3 x 100 kg
4 Rollouts: 4x3

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