Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Adski »

Maxrip13 wrote:29/12/20

BJJ No gi Evening

Worked on turtle when guard is passed

Finished off with specific rolling from above positions

I have just taken a bit of time off while I sorted out some consulting with Grouchyjarhead as mentioned by Barkadion and Adski above. I took a few weeks off training as an all round reset and I am excited to get back into it. I will be completing my log here, but limiting the details out of respect.

I will do a full write up at the end of my base building and again after continuation. I have read over it all earlier this evening and I can say I am very excited. The programming looks excellent and covers every controllable issue I was having when planning my own training between BJJ training and shift work. Now it's just up to me to do the work.
Fantastic! You will definitely get a lot out of it!

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

TB Consulting
Base building Day 1 and 2 combined.
Strength Endurance

Warmup 3 rounds easy hill run followed by stretching and foam rolling

1. 10kg dumbbells x 10 es
2. 2x10kg dumbbells x10 es
3.2x10kg dumbbells x10 es
4.16kg Kettlebell x 10 es
5. 20 reps bodyweight
1 min rest between exercises, 3 min rest between rounds

30 Min LSS
Avg Pace:6.53 per km
Avg Hr:147bpm

This was my first day doing the new program put together by Grouchy. It has been a very long time since I have done a proper base build with true dedicated SE work and the first 2 rounds sucked. I was feeling good by the third and had accepted that I would need to break up the reps on certain exercises to get them done.

I won't be listing the exercises out of respect for the fact it's a paid service, but want to continue my log for my own records.

1,2 I could do unbroken, but that definitely won't continue for 1 in the later weeks. 2 I think I may manage until later.
3,5 were absolute killers, but were also my favourite exercises. 5 in particular mentions the option of using a vest... it will not be happening this run through.
4 was just good to revisit and to get some easier reps in.

I got a run in after my SE work so I could get on track with the programming and match days as planned easier. With no BJJ on Thursday due to New years here in Australia, I was able to push it a bit harder. It's also my partners birthday so I will have to do my best to behave or new years day is going to hurt training wise. Luckily I am off work so extra recovery and naps as needed are an option.

The run went really well after having some time off. I had to slow myself down a number of times to stick to base building principles due to the trail I run. I had to dodge a few trail bike riders who always forget that people live in my area to keep things interesting. I always enjoy running straight after my SE work when time permits. I find I settle into a comfortable pace much quicker due to already being warmed up. Something I noticed today and previously in my log.

Overall really happy with today's training and excited for the program overall. Definitely be doing a write up at the end and I don't think I will be saying anything negative besides how hard I may have to work at certain stages :D

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Barkadion wrote:I bet you are going to love the programming and it will help you for sure!! Good luck mate!!
Adski wrote:Fantastic! You will definitely get a lot out of it!
Definitely appreciate the recommendation. Wish I had jumped onto it earlier.
grouchyjarhead wrote:You have the work ethic and the ability, you just needed a push in the right direction. You're going to kill it now.
I am definitely enjoying it so far though not necessarily during the workout haha.

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »


Base build Week 1
Session 4,5
Strength Endurance
Band Exercises

1. 10kg dumbbells x 10 es
2. 2x10kg dumbbells x10 es
3.2x10kg dumbbells x10 es
4.16kg Kettlebell x 10 es
5. 20 reps bodyweight
1 min rest between exercises, 3 min rest between rounds

30 Min LSS
Avg Pace:7.16 per km per km
Avg Hr:148 bpm

Combined my SE and LSS work to catch up earlier in the week. I think it may become the usual at least once a week to make sure I can get all my runs in comfortably. The SE exercises felt much easier today as my body starts to adjust. Most done unbroken besides 3,5.

Considering I may have over indulged with drinks last night I am feeling pretty good. Luckily I managed to get into bed early and didn't go stupid, but a nap to aid recovery is definitely on the books. I did some stretching yesterday which is probably why I feel ok today. I will try and get some more in today and time a nap with my son while the other half is out for the day.

One more LSS on the cards to finish the first week. I will need to get it in early due to a zoo trip with the family. I will also need to preload with some good nutrition to make sure I recover well overall.

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »


Base build Week 1Session 6

LSS Trail Run 35 min
Distance 5.22km
Avg Pace: 6:43 per km
Avg HR:147 bpm

This was the last training session for the week. I had to play catch up but I was happy to get everything in. I had a long day out with the family and a very poor nights sleep, but the run felt really good.

Tomorrow will be a focus on good food and recovery. I think some stretching and an ice bath will definitely be on the cards. I have also bought one a massage gun online which will hopefully arrive next week. I am looking forward to adding that to my recovery options and see if it helps in anyway.

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »


Base build Week 2
Session 1
Strength Endurance
Band Exercises

1. 10kg dumbbells x 15 es
2. 2x10kg dumbbells x15 es
3.2x10kg dumbbells x15 es
4.16kg Kettlebell x 15 es
5. 30 reps bodyweight
1 min rest between exercises, 3 min rest between rounds

I am trying to do a little AAR (After action review) post training session to reflect on what went well and where I struggled. I went back through my logs and I train best when I take the time to do this.

The first 2 rounds went really well and felt pretty easy but that last round of SE was an absolute killer. I had to break up nearly every exercise and exercise 3 was done 2-3 at a time until completed. Exercise 3,5 again were the hardest and took the longest. I am definitely enjoying the cluster though as I feel sufficiently challenged and don't feel like anywhere has been missed out.

I will get in a run in later today because due to family plans it is either BJJ or my LSS work tomorrow. It's pouring with rain here so it will be a wet one followed by a nice hot bath to help recover and warm up.

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »


PM Run

Base build Week 2 Session 2

LSS Trail Run 40 min
Distance 6.04 km
Avg Pace: 6:39 per km
Avg HR:148 bpm

15 mins approx focused lower body stretching

I managed to get my run in even with the weather. The last 10 mins were in heavy rain, but I had to get this run in nice and early this week or it won't happen. I will be doing one BJJ session tomorrow at midday before taking the night off for family plans.

I am noticing my run pace is dropping right down and feeling quite easy. I think some time off has helped and I have also been running some slower trails to keep my heart rate lower.

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »


Bjj gi midday

Warmup 2 easy rounds rolling

Collar drag seated and standing into takedown to back exposure

3x2 min rounds rolling from collar drag takedown

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by grouchyjarhead »

Looking good Max. The pace dropping and feeling easy is exactly what we want with BB. You're right on target.

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by VenomousCoffee »

Please post an update on the massage gun once you've formed an opinion!

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