Barkadion TB Logs

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Re: Barkadion TB Logs

Post by Barkadion »

Block#44, Bark GGA (Non-TB)
Week#5, Monday

Bradford Press - x10-12
RI - 50sec
Ab Wheel Rolloits - x10
RI - 50sec

Z-Press - x8
RI - 50sec
Leg Raises - x10
RI - 50sec
KB Palloff Press - x10
RI - 50sec

Side Plank Reach Through - 18/16/14/12/10
Jumping Jacks - 20
RI - 3min
Weighted Situps - 10/12/14/16/18
Airline Sprint - 45sec
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Re: Barkadion TB Logs

Post by Barkadion »

Block#44, Bark GGA (Non-TB)
Week#5, Wednesday

Bulgarian SS - x6/each
RI - 30sec
KB Goblet Squat - x10
RI - 150sec

DL - x4
RI - 30sec
OL RDL - x8/each
RI - 150sec

BB Half Squat Hold - 30sec
RI - 15sec
KB Walking Lunges - x10
Suitcase Carry - 30m
KB Walking Lunges - x10
RI - 15sec
Sprint - 15sec
RI - 120sec
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Re: Barkadion TB Logs

Post by Barkadion »

Block#44, Bark GGA (Non-TB)
Week#5, Thursday

Pullups - x3
Chinups - x3
OA KB Chainsaw Row - x6/each
Med Balls Half Moons - x18
Airdyne - 200m
RI - 90sec

KB Crush Curl - x10
RI - 50sec
Floor Press - x10
RI - 50sec
DB Curl and Press - x8/each
RI - 50sec

Airdyne - 600m
BB Bent Over Row - x50
Z-Press - x40
BB Bent Over Row - x30
Z-Press - x20
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Re: Barkadion TB Logs

Post by Barkadion »

Block#44, Bark GGA (Non-TB)
Week#6, Sunday

Alternating Tall Plank Shoulder Taps - x10/each
Wall sit - x30sec
Superman Hold - x30sec
RI - 30-40sec

Airbike Sprint - 30sec
Airbike recovery - 30sec

Alternating Tall Plank Shoulder Taps - x10/each
Side Plank - x30sec/each
RI - 30-40sec

Rowing Sprint - 30sec
Rowing recovery - 30sec
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Re: Barkadion TB Logs

Post by Barkadion »

Block#44, Bark GGA (Non-TB)
Week#6, Monday

Floor Press - x6, Tempo 5111
RI - 30sec
KB Chainsaw Row - x6/each
RI - 2min

OA DB Floor Press - x6/each, Tempo 3111
RI - 30sec
PullUps Negatives, Tempo - 4111
RI - 90sec

Row - 100m
Dips - AMAP
Row - 100m
RI - 60sec

Airdyne - 10cal
Ring Rows - AMAP
Airdyne - 10cal
RI - 60sec
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Re: Barkadion TB Logs

Post by Barkadion »

Block#44, Bark GGA (Non-TB)
Week#6, Wednesday

DL - x10
RI - 60sec
Bulgarian SS - x8/each
RI - 60sec

Weighted Superman - x20
RI - 60sec
OL Hip Thrusts - x15/each
RI - 60sec

DL - x10
KB Swings - x15
Suitcase Carry - x20m/each
Wall sit - x30sec
RI - 120sec
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Re: Barkadion TB Logs

Post by Adski »

Looks like your training is going well Bark!

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Re: Barkadion TB Logs

Post by Barkadion »

Hi Adski, really well.. I might run endurance cycle for the summer. Similar to BB with the strength focus following by strength block for the fall.. Will see.. I hope to get back to TB in the winter if new programming comes out.

How’s your training?

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Re: Barkadion TB Logs

Post by Adski »

That sounds like solid plan, great to hear things are going well. I’m looking forward to seeing what TB evolution brings to the table!

I’m going pretty well training wise, have been recovering from a mcl sprain from a little work accident where I basically just twisted it a bit, but that’s nearly 100% now. It’s worked out well as it’s guided me back to a little more unilateral work which has been fantastic to work with, particularly from a training recovery point of view. Basically I’m sticking with Op/IA for now, it works well with my current life and work situation, plus I’m having fun with it, mixing in a few things to keep it all interesting.

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Re: Barkadion TB Logs

Post by Barkadion »

Block#44, Bark GGA (Non-TB)
Week#6, Thursday

Reverse Crunch - x12
RI - 60sec
OA Arnold Press - x12
RI - 60sec

Half Kneeling KB Press - x5/each
RI - 60sec
Plank Transfers - x12/each
RI - 60sec
KB Crush Curl - x12
RI - 60sec

Sandbag Front Rack Carry - x100m
Hollow Rocks - x50
Sandbag Front Rack Carry - 80m
Sit Ups - x40
Sandbag Front Rack Carry - 60m
Knee Ups - x30
Sandbag Front Rack Carry - 40m
Sit Ups - x20
Sandbag Front Rack Carry - 20m
V-Ups - x10
"Man is what he reads." - Joseph Brodsky

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