djfLift Yarak Log

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Re: djfLift Yarak Log

Post by djflift »

August 19, 2024

5 Min Mobility Flow, Good Morning prep
Time 420
KB single leg RDL
Reps 10 10 10
Weight 35 53 70
Kettlebell Swing with Lateral Step
Reps 10 10 10
Weight 35 53 70
Weighted Box Jump
Reps 3 3 3
6 6 6
Good Morning — I used my Buffalo bar and added chains with a regular stance. You can use whatever specialty bar you have available. If all you have is a regular bar, you may try changed up your stance or doing it Zercher style. Find a heavy 3 in about 5 sets.
Reps 3 3 3 3 3
Weight 115 145 165 185 200
Power Clean: 3x3 @80%
Reps 3 3 3
Weight (%) 135 165 165
Accessory 1
Sandbag Bulgarian Split Squat — 3 sets of 8. On the last set, after completing 8 drop the sandbag and do a burnout set.
Reps 8 8 8 MAX
Accessory 2
Reverse Hyperextension
Reps 20 20 20
Forward Sled Drag: Get heavy and add weight each set.
100 100 100 100
Backward Sled Drag
100 100 100 100

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Re: djfLift Yarak Log

Post by djflift »

August 20, 2024
Dynamic Warm Up 1
Reps 1
40 Yard Sprint — Rest as needed to give 100%. If you have time, rest about 5-10 minutes and then complete the sprints on the bike.
Assault Bike — Tabata on the Assault Bike. Go for Max Effort Wattage in the first round, then try to maintain at 40% of that for the remaining rounds. Rest 4:00, then do 1 more round of Max Effort Wattage.
600 300 250 275 325 300 300 300 800

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Re: djfLift Yarak Log

Post by djflift »

August 21, 2024

Assault Bike: 1x5min
20cals @RPE3
Halos: 3x10 @26lb
Reps 10 10 10
Med Ball Chest Pass (Plyo pushups @50lb band)
Reps 10 10 10
Bottom Up KB Press: 3x10 *Use a light kettlebell.
Reps 10 10 10
Weight 18
Push Press: 5x2 @hexbarr Find a 2RM.
Reps 2 2 2 2 2
Weight 65 95
Landmine Clean & Jerk (KB CJ): 3x3 each side.
Reps 3 3 3
Weight (%) 53 62 70
Meadows Row: Superset this w/Pull Ups
Reps 10 10 10
Weight 45 70 80
Weighted Strict Pullup: Pick a weight you can do 8-12 reps with
Reps 8 8 8
Weight 18 18 18
Weighted ISO Holds: You can also just grab a plate, or kettlebell, loaded bar, etc. Try to go slightly heavier than last week. Try to pick a weight that you can hold for at least 20 seconds. Rest :30 between sets
Time 60 45
Weight 115 205
Farmers carry — If you have handles, add weight each trip, building to a CLOSE TO max effort. Think 8-9 RPE. If you don't have handles, just use what you got and try to get heavy with it.
50 50 50 50
Weight 115 205🔥🫠

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Re: djfLift Yarak Log

Post by djflift »

@W9D4: CO-Zone2
August 22, 2024
Moved 🪵 loaded carryz -> 3x sled pullz 🦍 🛷
Then I walked for 2mi (was down 🤧😫)

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Re: djfLift Yarak Log

Post by djflift »

@W9D6: -Easy (Ruck)
August 24, 2024
fighting sick🤧 loaded up the LW framepack += 25lb Hi-Temp -> 2.25mi in 43:00

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Re: djfLift Yarak Log

Post by djflift »

August 26, 2024

Upper Body Warm Up D
Wide Stance V Reach: 3x6
Reps 6
Bear Pose Shoulder Taps: 3x6 —
Reps 8
Half Superman Hold: 3x25sec

Bottoms Up Single Arm KB Arnold Press: @TEMPO: -/-/3/1
Reps 8 6 4
Weight 18 18 18

Axle Bar (TrapBar) Clean and Press: 3x3
Reps 3 3 1 1
Weight 65 85 135 185

Incline DB Bench Press: 3xreps
Reps 25 25 MAX
Incline DB Bench Press: 3x dropsets
Strength/Power — Take 5-10 seconds of rest between exercises and 2 minutes of rest between sets.
Pull-Up: 4x5-8
Reps 6 6 6 6x35lb
Defranco Band Pull Apart: 4x10 @TEMPO: 3/-/3/-
Reps 10 10 10 10

Barbell Row: 4x5
Reps 5 5 5 5
Weight 185

Banded Tri Pressdowns: 4x8
Reps 8 8 8 8
Banded Pallof Press: 4x6 @TEMPO: 3/-/3/-
Reps 6 6 6 6

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Re: djfLift Yarak Log

Post by djflift »

August 27, 2024

Bear Pose Terminal Knee Extension: 3x8
Reps 8
Bear Pose Banded Hip Abduction: 3x6 @TEMPO: 2/2/2/-
Reps 6
RKC Plank: 3x15sec

Step Up with Knee Drive: 6/5/4 each side
Reps 6 5 4
Weight 18 18

Axle Bar (TrapBar) 18" Deadlift: @RPE 10. Just record what you need to in order to document reaching your max.
Reps 3 3 1 1
Weight 155 245 335 425 #DLPR 💥🤘

SSB Box Squat: 3x4 += RPE7 -> RPE9
Reps 4 4 4
Weight 245 295 345

Bulgarian Split Squat: 4x6
Reps 6 6 6 6
Weight 65

Seated SSB Good Morning: 3x4 @TEMPO: -/-/3/1
Reps 4 4 4
Weight 65 70 155

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Re: djfLift Yarak Log

Post by djflift »

#DJMC @W10D3: CO-4/1s

1.85 mi
20:52 /mi
Avg Pace

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Re: djfLift Yarak Log

Post by djflift »


August 29, 2024

Full Body Warm Up
Russian KB Swing: 3x6
Reps 6 6 6
Weight 53 62 70
Walking Hip Opener
50 50 50
Standing Static Crunch with Band
Reps 6 6 6

Single Arm KB Thruster: Use the heaviest weight you can while moving the weight fast. Prescribed work is to be performed on both sides. Take 20-30 seconds of rest between sides until all prescribed work is complete.
Reps 6 5 4
Weight 35

Axle Bar Continental Clean and Strict Press: No prescribed tempo or technique. You'll want to start the protocol at an RPE 7 in the strict press. Look to make a 2.5-5% jump in weight over last week. However you're going to clean the bar when you shoot for your 1RM is how you should clean it for this protocol. If the RPE in the press escalates past a 9, drop the weight by 5% before the next set. EMOM.
Reps 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Weight (%) 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135

Paused Axle Bar Deadlift: Pause just below the knee for 2 seconds. Use the max you set earlier in the week as the max that you're applying the %'s to. The % is the weight on the bar. In addition, load the bar with 25% band tension. Take 60-75 seconds of rest between sets.
Reps 3 3 3 3 3 3
Weight (%) 255 255 255 255 255 255

Glute-Ham Raise — TEMPO: -/-/3/1 Work to an RPE 7 and lock that in for your first set. Hit sets every 2 minutes until you get to an RPE 9. Add or reduce prescribed sets as necessary. Adjust the difficulty using band tension.
Reps 6 6 6

Alternating DB Hammer Curl — TEMPO: -/2/1/- Prescribed work is to be performed on both sides. Alternate sides from rep to rep. Work to an RIR of 1-2 on the weak side, then match that workload rep for rep on the strong side.
Reps 10 10 10 10
Weight 35 35
Body Weight Skull Crusher @TEMPO: -/-/3/1 Overload the eccentric, and then if its necessary step forward to cheat the concentric. 0-1 RIR on each set.
Reps 10 10 10 10
Weight 50 50

Upper Back Giant Set: Take 30-40 seconds of rest between exercises until all prescribed work is complete.
Banded Y Pull — TEMPO: -/3/3/- Work to an RIR of 0-1 in the 5-8 rep range.
Reps 10 10 6 6
Powell raise @TEMPO: -/-/3/1 Start on the weak side. Match the workload on the strong side. Work to an RIR of 0-1 in the 5-8 rep range.
Reps 6 6 6 6
Weight 10 10
DB Lateral Raise — No prescribed tempo. Work to an RIR of 1-2 in the 12-20 rep range.
Reps 15 15 15 15
Weight 15 15

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Re: djfLift Yarak Log

Post by djflift »


September 2, 2024

Upper Body Warm Up
Standing Scapula CAR — Prescribed work is to be performed on both sides.
Reps 3 3 3
Chicken Wing @TEMPO: 2/2/2/- Prescribed work is to be performed on both sides.
Reps 6 6 6
Single Arm Serratus Push Up — TEMPO: -/2/2/- Prescribed work is to be performed on both sides.
Reps 6 6 6

Behind the Neck Push Press @Reactive tempo: The falling of one rep should initiate the dip/drive of the next rep. Start at an RPE 6, and make 2.5% jumps each set thereafter. This is a primer, so we're looking for speed and explosiveness, not necessarily big weights. Take 60-90 seconds of rest between sets.
Reps 3 3 3
Weight 95 105 115

Axle Bar Continental Clean & Press: Take a 3 second negative into the bottom of the dip drive on each rep. Make sure to use a metronome app or a timer to ensure that you're adhering to the tempo. You're working to an RPE 10. There is no prescribed rest but it shouldn't take you more than 15 minutes to reach your max. You have been prescribed 10 sets of space, but that doesn't mean that you need to use all of it. Just record what you need to in order to document reaching your max.
Reps 1 1 1
Weight 115 135 145

Incline DB Bench Press @No prescribed tempo: 30-45 degree angle on the bench. Use a weight that you'd estimate to be your 12RM. Work to failure on each set, taking exactly 1 minute of rest between sets. Take 3 minutes of rest before moving on to the next protocol.
Reps 20 20 15
Weight 45 60 90

Incline DB Bench Press @No prescribed tempo: 30-45 degree angle on the bench. Lower the weight by 15% from the previous protocol. Work to failure on each set, taking exactly 1 minute of rest between sets.
Reps 25 MAX MAX
Weight 45
Strength/Power — Take 5-10 seconds of rest between exercises and 2-3 minutes of rest between sets.
Straight Arm Pull Up — Try as hard as you can to hold yourself at the top of each rep for 2-3 seconds. It is very likely that you'll have the strength to perform the concentric and "throw" yourself up, but that you might lack the strength to hold yourself at the top. Try, and that strength will come! Use enough band assistance that you can keep 1-2 RIR with the prescribed reps. If you can get more than that at bodyweight, extend the isometric at the top to "as long as possible".
Reps 2 2 2 2
Banded Front Raise @TEMPO: -/1/3/- Work to an RIR of 1-2 in the 8-12 rep range.
Reps 10 10 10 10
Strength/Power — Take 10-20 seconds of rest between exercises until all prescribed work is complete.
Inverted Row — TEMPO: -/5/-/- Work to an RIR of 1-2 on each set.
Reps 6 6 6
Barbell Shoulder Extension — TEMPO: -/1/2/- Work to an RIR of 1-2 on each set in the 8-12 rep range.
Reps 8 10 10
Weight 45
Strength/Power — Take 20-30 seonds of rest between sides until all prescribed work is complete.
Dual DB French Press @TEMPO: -/1/3/- Work to an RIR of 0-1 in the 5-8 rep range.
Reps 10 6 6
Weight 60 65 65
Standing Overhead Pallof Press @TEMPO: 3/-/3/- Prescribed work is to be performed on both sides.
Reps 6 6 6

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