mikhou's training log

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

Op I/A - Session 2
BP - 5x5 @ 70.5 kg
SQ - 5x5 @ 84.9 kg
WCU - 5x5 @ 71.2 kg

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

Yesterday - Rest day

Today - TB2 - HIC#3. 600 Meter Resets

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

Op I/A - Session 3
SQ - 5x5 @ 84.9 kg
BP - 5x5 @ 70.5 kg
DL - 3x5 @ 88.5 kg
Core - 3 rounds of light RDLs x 10, leg raises x 10, Plank @ 55 seconds, Shank @ 55 seconds

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

1 hour E run

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

So over the last few days, I have done the following:

Rest day

Op I/A - But due to a busy schedule, lack of sleep, and other "stress in life" factors, I had a horrible session and ended up cutting both squats and weighted chin-ups short. I just didn't have it that day.

Rest day - Extremely busy day in which there was literally zero time for my regularly scheduled workout.

Today, I got back in the groove and completed Op I/A as follows:

Op I/A - Session 5
BP - 5x5 @ 75.5kg
SQ - 5x5 @ 90.5kg
WCU - 5x5 @ 76KG

It felt great to get back to it today. I'm a very routine-oriented person and to be out of my routine as I have been over the last four days including lack of sleep was tough. So just hitting hard again today was really good.

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

TB2 - HIC #5. Indoor Power Intervals

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

Op I/A - Session 6
SQ - 5x5 @ 90.5 kg
BP - 5x5 @ 75.7 kg
DL - 3x5 @ 94.5 kg

Posts: 1088
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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

Yesterday - Rest day

Today - TB2 - HIC #19. Bloody Lungs II

I'm traveling beginning tomorrow and will be away from the weights for 5 weeks. I plan to do some Alpha circuits while I am gone, and I am undecided as to whether or not I want to keep running HICs or do a full-fledged basebuilding phase. We'll see.

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

Hey guys, just an update here. I'm still working out but doing mostly Alpha circuit bodyweight stuff and some HICs when I can. I'm still traveling and am looking forward to hitting the weights when I get back home in early February.

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

Hey guys. I'm back home now and ready to hit the ground running after six weeks of traveling. While I was gone, I probably averaged working out 3-4x per week, alternating between some bodyweight Alpha circuits and some HICs with an occasional E session thrown in. I noticed feeling a bit winded on some E sessions so I'm going to do a six-week base building phase starting tomorrow using Fighter template and a SQ / BP / WCU/DL cluster. It will look like this:

Recovery day but adding MS WCU's because the next MS day involves DLs

So the only adjustment to plain old Fighter is doing WCUs at Fighter percentages on Day 4. There will be no other MS training on that day, but some added recovery work (stretching and mobility). This gives me 2 days of BP/SQ/WCU's and and 1 day of DLs each week. I'm using a 90% TM for all MS sessions. Looking forward to hitting the weights again. I'll be logging daily. Thanks for checking in.

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