Happy New Year!

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Happy New Year!

Post by Barkadion »

To all TBers!

It's been important year for me personally. I am grateful for number of things that happen to me this year.
And, yes! Discovering TB is on of them.

Happy New Year!
"Man is what he reads." - Joseph Brodsky

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Re: Happy New Year!

Post by Gerryatric »

Cheers mate hopefully 2017 will see me able to train injury free at least for a wee while :D

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Re: Happy New Year!

Post by Green2Blue »

Happy new year all :)

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Re: Happy New Year!

Post by lennarn »

Thanks for a great year TBers! To see the subreddit grow from zero to 3000+ subscribers and still growing has been amazing. I want to thank KB for coaching me and kickstarting my serious training which I'll continue for the rest of my years. Consistency is a hell of a drug!

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