Briancsnv- Training Log

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Re: Briancsnv- Training Log

Post by Briancsnv »

Week #4 Base Building- Day 33

Max Strength Day

Bench Press - 205 lbs 5 reps/5 sets

Overhead Press- 105 lbs 5 reps/5 sets

Squat- 105 lbs 5 reps/5 sets

Using the TB Fighter template this is 75 percent of my 1 RM max. As you can see I need work in the squat department. I took 2-3 minute breaks between sets and I felt good. It honestly feels weird taking that much of a break between sets because it's always been burned into my head "no more than 30-40 seconds rest" but with the 2-3 minute break I felt refreshed after every set. It just feels like I'm working smarter.

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Re: Briancsnv- Training Log

Post by nickgoldma »

This is a great log, man. Keep it up! I really like reading your progress and seeing the consistency. This is giving me some good ideas. Cheers.
Get after it!

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Re: Briancsnv- Training Log

Post by Briancsnv »

nickgoldma wrote:This is a great log, man. Keep it up! I really like reading your progress and seeing the consistency. This is giving me some good ideas. Cheers.
Thanks man. I appreciate the kind words.

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Re: Briancsnv- Training Log

Post by Briancsnv »

Week #4 Base Building- Day 34

Today was a HIC day. I ran "short hills" on a hill that took me about 10-15 seconds to sprint up. I would then do a real slow jog on the way back down and repeat. I did this 10 times and it was a smoker. At about my 5th sprint I really started to feel it but I had enough energy to finish them out without taking a long break.

Once I completed the exercise I really felt it and I was breathing pretty heavy. I think next time I will run the "short hills" with a heavy vest to simulate what I wear at work.

Afterwards I stretched and did some dead hang pull-ups but nothing too strenuous. All in all it was a tough workout.

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Re: Briancsnv- Training Log

Post by Briancsnv »

Week #4 Base Building- Day 35

Today (last night) was a designated rest day however I had some Team PT to do. Luckily it was nothing too crazy, we did 10 sprints ( or as fast as you could move) with heavy plates and rifle. We did this 10 times and it wasn't too bad. I felt like I could continue to do it and still have endurance later if I needed it.

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Re: Briancsnv- Training Log

Post by Briancsnv »

Sorry this log is a few days behind...the night shift is really messing with my days and sense of time...

Week #4 Base Building- Day 36

Max Strength Day

Bench Press - 205 lbs 5 reps/5 sets

Overhead Press- 105 lbs 5 reps/5 sets

Squat- 105 lbs 5 reps/5 sets

Good workout and felt great

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Re: Briancsnv- Training Log

Post by Briancsnv »

Week #4 Base Building- Day 37

Today I ran short Hills again. I completed 15 sprints up the hill and felt great. Don't get me wrong, it was a smoker but I enjoyed it. As I get more advanced I would like to add my heavy vest to it just to see the difference.

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Re: Briancsnv- Training Log

Post by Briancsnv »

Week #4 Base Building- Day 38

Last night was an endurance run so I ran for 40 minutes at a 9 minute pace. It definitely felt like I got into my groove alot faster than usual. All in in all it was a fun run. On a side note I have to add that I feel alot more flexible and light on my feet if that makes sense. The normal things that hurt me like my elbow (which always popped) or my stiff neck don't bother me as much if at all anymore. I'm not sure if it's the break from heavy lifting or the program in general but I like how my body is feeling. Even since I started the Max Strength part of Base building I feel different. I guess the best way I can describe it is I feel quicker and more well rounded. I like where this program is taking me and how it makes my body feel.

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Re: Briancsnv- Training Log

Post by Briancsnv »

Week #4 Base Building- Day 40

Max Strength Day

Bench Press @ 85 percent- 230lbs 5x5

Overhead Press@ 85 percent- 115lbs 5x5

Squat@ 85 percent- 185lbs 5x5

I felt great during the workout ..prior to the workout out I warmed up with a 15 minute jog..nothing too serious just got the blood flowing.

Tomorrow (today) will be short hills again. I will post how that went tomorrow morning.

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Re: Briancsnv- Training Log

Post by Briancsnv »

Week #4 Base Building- Day 41

Sorry this log is a few days behind.

On this day I ran short hills. I ran it 12 times and jogging slowly on the way down. It was a butt kicker. I felt good aftewards.

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