Green protocol/ 40 mpw running

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Green protocol/ 40 mpw running

Post by Rackem88 »

Just out of curiosity if you wanted to build up to 30-40 mpw in running, how would you split it up using Green protocol? The program calls for 3-4 days a week but that seems like you are jamming a lot of mileage into those days. Could you hit 5 to 6 days of running using fighter without putting too much stress on your legs? Also if you wanted to run on a day you lifted, would it be better to do an HIC or E run?

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Re: Green protocol/ 40 mpw running

Post by Aelian »

Rackem88 wrote:Just out of curiosity if you wanted to build up to 30-40 mpw in running, how would you split it up using Green protocol? The program calls for 3-4 days a week but that seems like you are jamming a lot of mileage into those days. Could you hit 5 to 6 days of running using fighter without putting too much stress on your legs? Also if you wanted to run on a day you lifted, would it be better to do an HIC or E run?
You certainly can do more. 3-4 is just the minimum. If you're doing unit PT you'll be going over that guaranteed.

As to how to periodize the mileage, I'll leave that to more knowledgeable endurance folk like Jefferson or Peter Healey.

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Re: Green protocol/ 40 mpw running

Post by PeterHealey »

My endurance running history was by no means calculated in the way I see most of the athletes posting on these pages. I was a fly by the seat of your pants kind of guy. I believe that was to my detriment rather than advantageous. Most of my endurance training for marathons and 50 milers were basically 3 to 4 midweek runs followed by the weekend long run. The mileage would creep up 10 to 15% weekly with a back off week on the fourth week. I would peek around 60 mile weeks before tapering for 3 weeks for an event. I have no experience of this type of mileage with a lifting program so I can't really speak to how it would fit with TB. I was purely endurance, again to my detriment. I think a 30 mile week would fit with some of the minimalist lifting protocols but easy does it working your mileage up. Good luck.

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Re: Green protocol/ 40 mpw running

Post by Rackem88 »

PeterHealey wrote:My endurance running history was by no means calculated in the way I see most of the athletes posting on these pages. I was a fly by the seat of your pants kind of guy. I believe that was to my detriment rather than advantageous. Most of my endurance training for marathons and 50 milers were basically 3 to 4 midweek runs followed by the weekend long run. The mileage would creep up 10 to 15% weekly with a back off week on the fourth week. I would peek around 60 mile weeks before tapering for 3 weeks for an event. I have no experience of this type of mileage with a lifting program so I can't really speak to how it would fit with TB. I was purely endurance, again to my detriment. I think a 30 mile week would fit with some of the minimalist lifting protocols but easy does it working your mileage up. Good luck.
Do you think there is any difference between building up to 30 mpw with LISS only before starting speed work or including speed work as you build up to 30 mpw?

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Re: Green protocol/ 40 mpw running

Post by PeterHealey »

Personally when I was endurance running almost all my mileage was LISS. I think it depends on your goals. Looking back as I have said my training was never usually specific and deliberate beyond increasing weekly mileage by 10 to 20% with the weekend long run.

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Re: Green protocol/ 40 mpw running

Post by Aelian »

PeterHealey wrote:Personally when I was endurance running almost all my mileage was LISS. I think it depends on your goals. Looking back as I have said my training was never usually specific and deliberate beyond increasing weekly mileage by 10 to 20% with the weekend long run.
Just curious, in hindsight was LISS enough, or do you think adding in a speed training component would have benefited you?

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Re: Green protocol/ 40 mpw running

Post by PeterHealey »

I most definitely think some speed training would have been beneficial.

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Re: Green protocol/ 40 mpw running

Post by WhoDey »

Aelian wrote:Just curious, in hindsight was LISS enough, or do you think adding in a speed training component would have benefited you?
First post here (!) and I'll be embarking on my TB journey next week when I begin a Base Building phase. I do have a background, however, in distance running. All shared in the spirit of full-disclosure!

Speed training is definitely beneficial to a runner and there are many forms that speed training can take: fartleks, tempo runs, intervals, even hills ("speed training in disguise").

If you don't mind me asking, you mentioned a weekly mileage goal, but do you have a running goal beyond that? Are you training to race a particular distance? Time goal in mind?

Finally, one thing that drew me to TB was that it coupled strength training with other forms of training like running. I'm glad you posted your question and good luck!

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Re: Green protocol/ 40 mpw running

Post by Aelian »

WhoDey wrote:
Aelian wrote:Just curious, in hindsight was LISS enough, or do you think adding in a speed training component would have benefited you?
First post here (!) and I'll be embarking on my TB journey next week when I begin a Base Building phase. I do have a background, however, in distance running. All shared in the spirit of full-disclosure!

Speed training is definitely beneficial to a runner and there are many forms that speed training can take: fartleks, tempo runs, intervals, even hills ("speed training in disguise").

If you don't mind me asking, you mentioned a weekly mileage goal, but do you have a running goal beyond that? Are you training to race a particular distance? Time goal in mind?

Finally, one thing that drew me to TB was that it coupled strength training with other forms of training like running. I'm glad you posted your question and good luck!
Thanks for the input and welcome! I've always been curious about how distance runners program their speed-work (the nitty-gritty)....looking forward to more of your posts.

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Re: Green protocol/ 40 mpw running

Post by Rackem88 »

So I am working on getting my mileage up to 30 mpw on 4 days running per week. Roughly following Pfitz guide to base building, which typically has 1 long run, 2 aerobic runs and 1 speed work run (either Tempo or strides), roughly the idea of the Green protocol.

So what I am wondering is if following a specific running plan like Pfitz or Jack Daniels is conducive for the tactical athlete. These books/methods seem to be aimed at specifically runners and not necessarily at someone whose running ability is only a piece of their overall physical ability.

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