mikhou's training log

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

Fun Run - 1 hour. Every 6 minutes alternate between A/B:
A - 20 squats / 20 push-ups
B - 10 pull-ups / 20 sit-ups

Posts: 1088
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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

OHP - 5x3 @ 47.7 kg
Barbell row - 5x3 @ 68.7 kg
KB swings (40, 35, 25)

Posts: 1088
Joined: Sun Aug 28, 2016 3:21 am

Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

BP - 5x3 @ 80.5 kg
SQ - 5x3 @ 101.5 kg
WCU - 5x3 @ 82.6 kg
Plank and Shank - 2 rounds of 1:40 plank, :10 rest, 1:40 shank, :10 rest + 3 sets of 10 toes to bar

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

HIC #16. Standard Issue Hills - 8 rounds

Posts: 1088
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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

OHP - 5x3 @ 47.7 kg
DL - 3x3 @ 101.5 kg
Farmer's walk - 2x 100 yards w/ 18kg in each hand

Posts: 1088
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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

Yesterday - Rest day

Today - Tango circuit - 1.5 rounds (first round at 1 minute each, second round at :30 each) using push-ups, squats, pull-ups, KB swings, sit-ups. This is an easy week so I followed this up with some steady state running for about 15 minutes.

Posts: 1088
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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

Yesterday - Rest day

Today - Easy week
OHP - 5 reps @ 40/50/60% TM
Barbell rows - 5 reps @ 40/50/60% TM
SQ - 5 reps @ 40/50/60% TM
15 minutes easy steady-state run

Posts: 1088
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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

Yesterday - Rest day

Today - easy week
BP - 5 reps at 40/50/60% TM
DL - 5 reps at 40/50/60% TM
30 minute easy run

Posts: 1088
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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

I don't know if this is allowed to be posted here on a TB forum, but I'm going to run 6 weeks of a different program alongside Black (TB2 conditioning). It's an experiment to play with some rep maxes and a larger cluster of exercises and to see how things go while simultaneously running TB2 style conditioning. Since this is a TB forum and I'd like to keep my log going, I'm simply going to post "Max Strength day" on lifting days (so as not to take any emphasis away from TB) but then detail my TB2 conditioning workouts on those days.

FYI, I anticipate moving back to Op I/A after these six weeks. I could see a potential rotation between Op I/A (BP/SQ/WCU) for six weeks and a different strength/hypertrophy program (OHP/Barbell Rows/SQ/BP/WCU/DL) for six weeks, including a larger exercise cluster and some max rep sets for hypertrophy during the second six week cycle. Again, just playing around with some ideas.

Today - Max Strength Day
Last edited by mikhou on Wed May 10, 2017 2:28 am, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 1088
Joined: Sun Aug 28, 2016 3:21 am

Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

Fun Run - 1 hour. Every 6 minutes alternate between A/B:
A - 20 squats / 20 push-ups
B - 10 pull-ups / 20 sit-ups

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