Workout Log

Posts: 2061
Joined: Sun Aug 28, 2016 9:06 pm

Workout Log

Post by Adski »


Rest Day

Note: I currently have the mobility of a fridge lol.

Posts: 2061
Joined: Sun Aug 28, 2016 9:06 pm

Workout Log

Post by Adski »


Rest Day

Note: yea there’s going to be a few of these. Still can’t stand up straight lol, recovery is a bit slower than I anticipated.
At least there’s a few good fights on today.

Posts: 2061
Joined: Sun Aug 28, 2016 9:06 pm

Workout Log

Post by Adski »


Rest Day

Note: can walk a little bit more today which is nice, pulled up a little sore for my troubles though lol, all good.

Posts: 2061
Joined: Sun Aug 28, 2016 9:06 pm

Workout Log

Post by Adski »


Rest Day

Note: can nearly stand up completely straight, not a bad improvement overnight, hopefully walking around properly by the end of the week.

Posts: 2061
Joined: Sun Aug 28, 2016 9:06 pm

Workout Log

Post by Adski »


Rest Day

Note: can walk around a bit more comfortably today, still in short bursts though. Pain is almost gone, just feels right around the area still. Getting there.

Posts: 2061
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Workout Log

Post by Adski »


Rest Day

Note: maintained the walks, was able to hit the speedbag lightly for a couple of minutes here and there. Another day down on the recovery road.

Posts: 2061
Joined: Sun Aug 28, 2016 9:06 pm

Workout Log

Post by Adski »


Rest Day

Note: able to do some housework stuff without pain which was nice, did some light moderate paced work every now and again on the Speedbag.
Was a bit tight and a little sore in the evening, not too bad considering one week post op.
Not doing a lot is more challenging than I thought lol.

Posts: 2061
Joined: Sun Aug 28, 2016 9:06 pm

Workout Log

Post by Adski »


Rest Day

Note: might try and do some LSS on the airbike tomorrow, and could probably do some grip work without aggravating things.

Posts: 2061
Joined: Sun Aug 28, 2016 9:06 pm

Workout Log

Post by Adski »


LSS Airbike
32 mins

Average HR 137bpm
Max HR 150bpm

Note: going to attempt a non impact base build to get myself moving. Will see how things go.

Posts: 2061
Joined: Sun Aug 28, 2016 9:06 pm

Workout Log

Post by Adski »


Feet Elevated BP

Seated Band Resisted Rows
Red Band

Walking DB Lunges
15kg (7.25kg DBS)

3x20 of everything
60 seconds rest between sets

Wrist Roller
20kg 3x5 each way

Banded Neck Work
All directions 3x10

Note: any direct ab work is definitely off the cards for at least 5 weeks yet, as is any hinge work, so DLs etc are out. As I get better I might change the cluster, but I’ll see how I go.
This could turn into an extended bb as I want to be able to get some runs in, as well as at least some push ups, core work and have some form of posterior chain exercises back before doing what would be the last 3 weeks of bb running fighter with HICs etc.

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